


  • Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings

    音响师 运用一系列技术来提高录音质量。

  • We utilize waterfalls for producing electric power .

    我们 利用瀑布发电。

  • Visit other universities to utilize their research resources and facilities .

    访问其它大学, 利用它们的研究资源和设备。

  • I want to utilize my analytical expertise to help people meet their financial goals .

    我想 利用我的分析性专门知识,帮助人们满足其财务目标。

  • It may utilize information and process models as input to implement the analytics capabilities for these services .

    它可以 使用信息和过程模型作为输入,实现这些服务的分析功能。

  • Utilize both water and sports drinks ( Gatorade ) to stay hydrated and maintain sodium levels .


  • The goal lies in lets everybody sharing study and utilize this language the experience and the harvest .

    目的在于让大家共享学习和 运用这一语言的体会和收获。

  • Thirdly and mostly we introduce the ways to exploit and utilize primary English curriculum resources .

    第三,也是最重要的一部分,介绍了开发 利用小学英语课程资源的方法。

  • We in Oneness utilize this ancient understanding by way of the Deekshas to help you grow and heal .

    在合一,我们 使用这个古老的解释,通过Deekshas来帮助你成长和疗愈。

  • In order to utilize land more fully they adopted close planting .

    为了更充分 利用土地,他们采取了密植的办法。

  • This led to the rapid development of new software and tools that could utilize the Internet and the platforms that supported it .

    这导致了可以 利用网络和支持它的平台的新软件和工具的迅速发展。

  • It describes the set of principals that can access and utilize a service and the type of access allowed .

    它描述可访问和 使用服务的主体集和允许的访问类型。

  • Users or administrators that need such event notifications can utilize this framework and benefit from it .

    需要得到事件通知的用户和管理员可以 利用此架构并从中受益。

  • How can we utilize his knowledge and skill to our advantage ?

    我们如何能够 利用自己的知识和技能,我们的优势?

  • The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup .

    厨师要 吃剩的猪腿骨煮汤。

  • To do that I would suggest that you utilize a personal finance software to assist with the tracking .

    为了做到这一点,我建议你 利用了个人财务软件,以协助追踪。

  • They utilize method content and define how methods are being applied throughout the project lifecycle they describe .

    它们 利用了方法内容并定义了在其描述的项目生命周期中方法是如何被执行的。

  • To utilize the skills and expertise of the staff and provide support for their further development .


  • In order to manage and control the deployment process they must utilize other products or create their own .

    为了管理和控制部署过程他们必须 利用其它产品或建立自己的产品。

  • We must utilize all available resources .

    我们必须 利用可以得到的一切资源。

  • For instance a firm can utilize their computer and telephone line to transfer information .

    比如一个公司能够 利用他们的电脑和电话线来传输信息。

  • In the thesis conceive IP multicast system which utilize existing equipment and condition of network .

    本文中, 利用现有的网络设备和条件构建IP组播系统。

  • Minerals can be absorbed and utilized by the body in a variety of different forms .

    人体可通过很多不同形式吸收和 利用矿物质。

  • In another projects we are planning to utilize parallelism .

    在另外的项目中,我们打算 使用并行性来解决问题。

  • Rapid developed space technology builds a road to exploit and utilize resources in the space for the human being .

    发展迅速的空间技术为人类铺设了通向太空和开发 利用太空资源的道路。

  • Utilize our strong points to attack the enemy 's weak points .


  • This article provides all the basic information required for you to utilize a variety of existing Web UI technologies .

    本文提供了 利用现有的各种WebUI技术所需的全部基本信息。

  • This research also develops a new way to utilize fly ash with good economy and society benefit .

    同时还为粉煤灰的 综合 利用开辟了一条新途径,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。

  • Image management system to fully utilize information technology to improve the management level of personal pictures and efficiency .

    图片管理系统充分 利用信息技术提高个人图片的管理水平、效率。