urethral catheter


  • Patients were treated with TUR 1 surgery 3 urethral dilatation and 2 urethral catheter drainage .

    治疗方法:TUR5例,尿道扩张3例,手术1例, 尿管引流2

  • Treatment of anterior urethral injury by putting urethral catheter per urethra with ureteroscope

    经尿道输尿管镜下 尿管治疗前尿道损伤 临床分析

  • Conclusion 0.3 % povidone iodine could be used to prevent the urinary tract infection with urethral catheter .

    结论使用0.3%碘伏可有效预防 留置 尿管 的尿路感染。

  • METHODS Samples of 52 patients collected from midstream urine before removing the catheter and 24 hours after its removing have been cultured and the peripheral biological membrane on indwelling urethral catheter has been tested .

    方法对52例留置 尿管患者作拔管前和拔管24h后中段尿培养及 尿管表面生物膜细菌学检测;

  • The Application of Lidocaine Plasm Gel in the Indwelling Urethral Catheter after Anesthesia in the Operating Room

    利多卡因凝胶在手术室麻醉诱导后留置 尿管中的应用

  • Methods The urine of 30 patients with indwelling urethral catheter was taken both from the collecting bag and catheter at 2-3 days interval for culture of becteria and drug sensitivity test .

    方法对30例 导尿病人在 导尿期间,每隔2~3d,同时采集集尿袋与导尿管中的尿液进行细菌培养和药敏试验。

  • OBJECTIVE To study prospectively the determination of peripheral biological membrane on indwelling urethral catheter in order to provide experimental bases for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections with catheter ( UTIc ) .

    目的前瞻性研究导 尿管表面生物膜检测,为临床诊断和治疗导尿管伴随性尿路感染(UTIc)提供实验依据。

  • Methods The posterior urethral injury was incomplete trauma that could be placed urethral catheter through out let without complex operation .

    方法对我院外科1990-01-2005-12间收治的79例后尿道损伤病人的治疗情况进行总结。结果后尿道损伤为不完全性损伤,能够 顺利 尿道 插入 尿管,不必进行复杂的手术;

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of three different filling material on treating chronic dacryocystitis : aerocyst urethral catheter compressed gelatin sponges cosmoloin gauze .

    目的观察气囊 尿管、凡士林纱条与明胶海绵应用于泪囊鼻腔粘膜吻合术中的临床疗效。

  • Urethral catheter removed 3 to 5 days postoperatively average hospital duration was 7.9 days ( 3-11d ) .

    术后3~5d拔除 尿管,术后平均住院7.9(3~11)d。

  • Observation on Duration to Detain the Urethral Catheter of Postpartum Urinary Retention

    产后尿潴留 患者 留置 导尿时间的观察

  • A study on influence of water and gas infusion into airbag of urethral catheter on catheter tolerance of male patients after undergoing craniotomy


  • The Significance of Draining and Washing Cavity of Uterus by Three-Way Joint Urethral Catheter in Treating Pyometra : Attached 1 Case Report

    三通 尿管引流和冲洗宫腔在治疗宫腔积脓中的意义:附病例报告1例

  • Aerocyst urethral catheter application for the treatment of dacryocyst mucocele

    气囊 尿管在治疗泪囊粘液性囊肿的应用

  • Objective To discuss the reasons for complications caused by indwelling urethral catheter after anaesthetize and prevention measures .

    目的探讨麻醉后留置 尿管引起并发症的原因及预防措施。

  • Impact of different management methods of urethral catheter on the recovery of bladder function of the patients after radical operation of cervical cancer

    宫颈癌根治术后不同 尿管管理方法对膀胱功能恢复的影响

  • Research progress on time period and comfort degree of detaining urethral catheter for patients undergoing operation

    手术病人留置 尿管时机及舒适度研究进展

  • Because spinal anesthesia blocks innervation of the bladder administration large amounts of intravenous fluids may cause bladder distention and a urethral catheter may be carried .

    因脊髓麻醉阻滞了膀胱的神经支配,大量静脉输液会引起膀胱膨胀,因此可能需要 尿管

  • Aerocyst urethral catheter insertion compared to compressed gelatin sponges application in dacryocystorhinostomy

    气囊 尿管与明胶海绵在泪囊手术中的应用对比

  • Impact of urethral catheter on uroflowmetry in urodynamic studies

    尿动力学检查中 尿道 尿管对尿流测定的影响

  • It summarized on the prevention of accompanied urinary tract infection for patients with detaining urethral catheter and introduced the ways to deal with the difficulties of extubation and the methods of preventing urethral injury and urinary retention after extubation .

    对留置 尿管病人伴随性尿路感染的预防进行了综述,并介绍了预防尿道损伤、拔 尿管后尿潴留及排尿困难的方法以及拔 尿管困难的处理。

  • Nursing of urethral catheter traction after transurethral resection of the prostate through urethra

    经尿道前列腺电切术后 患者 尿管牵引的护理

  • Clinical practice of evidence-based nursing in complications of indwelling balloon urethral catheter

    循证护理在留置气囊 尿管并发症中的临床实践

  • Methods Review and retrospectively analyze the clinical outcomes of 586 patients after super lubricious balloon lactoprene urethral catheter engagement .

    方法对586例 留置超滑乳胶气囊导 尿管患者进行观察,回顾分析。

  • The mean duration of an indwelling urethral catheter was 48h .

    平均留置 尿管48h。

  • Conclusion Prolonging the time of indwelling urethral catheter to 48 hours can prevent urinary retention in patients .

    结论采用镇痛泵持续镇痛的病人, 尿管 留置时间延长至48h可有效防止尿潴留的发生。

  • The proper time of indwelling urethral catheter among patients who have accepted the continuous epidural analgesia

    使用硬膜外镇痛泵患者 尿管留置时间的探讨

  • To analyze the causes and conduct the treatment of accidents in balloon urethral catheter .

    留置气囊 尿管意外发生的原因及处理方法进行探讨与分析。