urea nitrate

[jʊˈriə ˈnaɪˌtret][jʊˈri:ə ˈnaɪˌtreɪt]


  • Effects of MS Medium Containing Ammonium Sulfate or Urea Instead of Ammonium Nitrate on Subculture of Malus Strawberry and Grape

    硫酸铵或 尿素代替 硝酸铵的MS培养基对苹果、草莓和葡萄组培苗继代的效应

  • In the sandy soil soil compared with urea and ASN urea + DMPP and ASN + DMPP reduced the accumulative nitrate leached 15.48 mg 51.42 mg and by 51.29 % 55.32 % respectively ;

    在砂土中,urea+DMPP、 ASN+DMPP处理 硝酸 淋失量分别比urea、ASN减少15.48mg、 51.42mg,减少率分别为51.29%、55.32%;

  • Nanometer zinc oxide powders have been synthesized by means of a novel quick and simple combustion synthesis method using urea and Tri ( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane as fuel and zinc nitrate as oxidant .

    尿素或三(羟甲基)氨基甲烷(THAM)为燃料,以硝酸锌为锌 和氧化剂,采用燃烧合成的方法制备了纳米氧化锌。

  • Therefore applying large-sized urea granules can reduce nitrate loss and increase N availability to plants .

    施用大颗粒 尿素产生的 最少,淋失或流失的几率小。

  • Compared to two urea treatments after harvest the residual nitrate in 0-100 cm soil profile of PCU treatment decreased by 24.6 % ~ 51.6 % .

    此外,采收后 包衣 尿素处理0~100cm土壤中 含量较普通尿素处理减少了24.6%~51.6%;

  • The investigation was conducted by pot culture experiments under a simulated field ecosystem . The amounts of urea nitrate nitrogen ammonium nitrogen and mineral nitrogen in soil after the application of slow / controlled release nitrogen fertilizers were monitored at the maize seedling stage .

    采用盆栽试验,模拟田间生态环境,研究施用不同缓/控释氮素肥料在玉米苗期的土壤 尿素态氮、 、铵态氮及矿质态氮数量。

  • Determination of water in urea and ammonium nitrate by Karl Fischer method

    GB/T2947-1982卡尔.费休法测定 尿素硝酸铵中水分

  • Four fertilizers chicken manure urea resin coating urea and ammonium nitrate were chosen to study the effect of each fertilizer on water spinach growth and quality .

    在褐土上采用盆栽试验研究了鸡粪、包衣尿素、 尿素硝铵4种肥料对蕹菜 硝酸 累积以及其他品质指标的影响。

  • Effects of Partial Replacement of NO_3 ~ - by Urea or Cl ~ - on the Growth and Nitrate Content in Pak-choi

    营养液中 尿素Cl~-替代部分NO3~-对白菜植株生长和 硝酸 积累的影响

  • Effect of polymer coating urea on reducing soil nitrate leaching during corn growth period

    聚合物包衣 尿素对降低夏玉米生长期间土壤 硝酸 淋失的影响

  • In order to get relation between mean diameter and synthetic condition of aluminum hydroxide the effects of stirring speed reaction time initial reaction concentration of aluminum nitrate mole ratio of urea to aluminum nitrate on the particle size are investigated .

    为了得到制备条件与粒径的关系,考察了反应时间、搅拌速率、硝酸铝浓度、 尿素 硝酸铝的 物质的量比对粒径的影响。

  • No matter being fertilized with which sort of nitrogen fertilizer the soil specific surface area was all inversely proportional to the amount of nitrogen and on the same amount of nitrogen the specific surface area was in an order of urea ammonium nitrate ammonium sulfate .

    且不论紫色土施用何种氮肥,土壤的比表面积都与施氮量呈反比;在同一施氮水平上,土壤比表面积的大小表现为 尿素 硝铵硫铵。

  • Urea and ammonium nitrate solutions are most commonly used for N fertigation .

    尿素 硝酸铵溶液是最常用的灌溉施肥氮肥品种。

  • ASN + DMPP and urea + DMPP could evidently reduced nitrate accumulation in stems and leaves especially stems . The inhibition effect of ASN + DMPP was greater than urea + DMPP .

    urea+DMPP、 ASN+DMPP明显减少茎叶、特别是茎中 硝酸 积累,抑制幅度以ASN+DMPP较大。

  • Results obtained from using urea nitrate and ammonium as nitrogenous fertilizers for culturing these two species of diatoms indicated that urea was the most effective compound and ammonium was the least .

    尿素硝酸 和铵盐三种不同形态的氮素作为培养此两种硅藻的氮肥源,试验证明以尿素的效果最好,其次为 硝酸盐,铵盐最差。

  • With same amount of nitrogenous fertilization the influence of different sort of nitrogenous fertilizer on the release of base cations was different and the influence of ammonium sulfate was biggest and the influences of urea and ammonium nitrate on different base cations were different .

    在同一施氮水平上,不同的氮肥对各盐基离子的释放量影响不同,硫铵的影响最大, 尿素 硝铵对各离子的影响表现不同。

  • The effects of other stabilizer ( hydragine urea hydroxylamine nitrate ) to the stability of uranium (ⅳ) have also been studied .

    还研究了除肼以外的其他稳定剂( 尿素硝酸羟氨)对铀(Ⅳ)稳定性的影响。

  • Determination of Nitrogen in Ammonium Salt by Formol Titration Method UREA - FORMOL TITRATION FOR DETERMINATION OF LARGE AMOUNT OF NITRATE

    甲醛法测定铵盐含氮量 尿素-甲醛法测定 硝酸

  • Effect of Lignosulfonates on Controlling of Urea Nitrogen Transformation and Nitrate Accumulation in Vegetable

    木质素磺酸盐对 尿素氮转化与蔬菜 硝酸 积累的影响

  • When urea was added with CRFs the contents of ammonium nitrate and mineral nitrogen in soil were between with urea and CRFs during the whole incubation .

    尿素与控释肥配施,土壤NH4~+-N、 NO 3~&N及矿质态氮含量界于二者之间。不同时期内土壤NH4~+-N的来源不同,0~20d内,尿素对土壤NH4~+-N含量贡献最大;

  • Ammonium nitrogen fertilizer had the optimal effect on walnut photosynthesis followed by urea and nitrate nitrogen fertilizer .

    铵态氮肥对核桃光合作用的影响效果最优,其次为 尿素 氮。

  • Study on Synthesis of Guanidine Nitrate from Urea and Ammonium Nitrate

    利用 尿素 硝酸铵合成硝酸胍的研究

  • The method of synthesis guanidine nitrate from urea and ammonium nitrate in the presence of catalyst is discribed in this paper .

    尿素 硝酸铵为原料,在催化剂的存在下合成硝酸胍。

  • Urea additions enhanced Ni uptake with urea as the nitrogen source compared to those with nitrate as nitrogen source the uptake increased 1.2 times .

    尿素为氮源时,尿素促进了藻类对镍的吸收,其吸收量为同一 浓度 硝酸 的1·2倍。

  • The results showed that application of coated urea MEISTER kept soil ammonium and nitrate steadily in higher levels and increased maize and rice yields by 5.1 and 15.1 % respectively .

    结果表明,施用 MEISTER包膜 尿素能使土壤NH+持在较高水平,并且使玉米和水稻产量分别增加了5.1%和15.1%。

  • Effects of Urea Slow-release Agent on Yield and Nitrate Content of Tumorous Stem Mustard

    尿素缓释剂对茎瘤芥产量和 硝酸 的影响

  • We report the synthesis on rod-like ZnO with different sizes via homogeneous precipitation from zinc nitrate and urea . It was found that zinc nitrate concentration and the reaction temperature were the key factors leading to the formation of rod-like ZnO .

    采用均相沉淀法以硝酸锌和 尿素原料,在不加任何表面活性剂的条件下合成了尺寸不同的棒状ZnO, 硝酸锌的浓度和反应温度是合成棒状ZnO的关键因素。

  • The application of modified Ammonium bicarbonate ( MAB ) and slow-release urea 2 ( SRU2 ) notably reduced nitrate content in rape .

    施用长效碳酸氢铵(MAB)和长效 尿素2(SRU2)的油菜 硝酸 含量分别比对照降低18.0%和9.9%。

  • Effects of Urea and Sodium Nitrate on Several Properties of Starch Adhesive by Two Stage Process
