vaccine inoculation

[vækˈsin ɪˌnɑkjəˈleʃən][vækˈsi:n ɪˌnɔkjəˈleɪʃən]


  • Epidemiological analysis of cases with rash and fever illness after measles vaccine inoculation during 1999 to 2002 in Shandong province China

    接种麻疹 疫苗后发热出疹性病例的流行病学调查

  • Effects of Influenza Vaccine Inoculation

    儿童 接种流行性感冒 疫苗效果探讨

  • Legitimate and needy vaccine inoculation is permitted .

    允许使用合法且需要的 疫苗 接种

  • Influence of Early Nutritional Status of Preschool Children ( Aged 4 ~ 6 Years ) on Long Term Immune Effect After Hepatitis B Vaccine Inoculation in Changsha

    长沙市入园儿童(4~6岁)早期营养状况对乙肝 疫苗免疫远期效果的影响

  • The main factor leading to increased epidemic are nonstandard post-exposure prophylaxis vaccine inoculation and antiserum injection .

    暴露后处理和 疫苗、抗血清接种不规范是造成疫情上升的重要因素。

  • Hepatitis B vaccine inoculation as a safety and effective method plays an important role in preventing and controlling hepatitis B.

    乙型肝炎 疫苗 接种在预防和控制乙型肝炎流行方面具有重要意义。

  • Improving the rate of measles vaccine inoculation in order to maintain a high level of crowd immunity is the fundamental measure in the blocking of measles spread . The schedule of measles vaccine immunization should be strictly obeyed .

    提高麻疹 疫苗 接种率,保持高水平的人群免疫力是阻断麻疹传播的根本措施,应严格执行麻疹疫苗免疫程序,提高8月龄和1.5岁儿童的麻疹疫苗接种 及时率。

  • Association between prevention of hepatitis B virus maternal-infantile transmission by hepatitis B vaccine inoculation and HLA-DR gene domain

    新生儿乙肝 疫苗 接种阻断HBV母婴传播与HLA-DR区域基因相关性的研究

  • 24 patients ( 25.26 % ) received measles vaccine patients with history of measles vaccine inoculation only had slight clinical symptoms and without complication there was significant difference compared with those who without vaccine inoculation ( P < 0.01 );

    麻疹 疫苗 接种者24例(25.26%),有疫苗接种史者临床症状轻,无并发症,与无 接种史者差异有显著性(P<0.01);

  • The antibody levels of group C of healthy population significantly decreased with the decreasing of age . We should do more about the immunity programming to raise the vaccine inoculation rate of ( A + C ) meningitis of young people and adults .

    健康人群的C群抗体水平随着年龄的增加降低明显,因此应做好扩大免疫规划工作,提高大年龄青少年和成年人的A+C流脑 疫苗 接种率。

  • Investigation and nursing care of influenza vaccine inoculation

    820 流感 疫苗 接种 反应的观察及护理

  • Effect of intrauterine hepatitis B virus infection on hepatitis B vaccine inoculation in newborns

    子宫内乙型肝炎病毒感染对新生儿 免疫 接种的影响

  • Effects of Anti-HBs Maternal Antibody on Hepatitis B Vaccine Inoculation in Infants

    母源性抗-HBs对婴儿乙型肝炎 疫苗 接种效果的影响

  • Moreover by introducing memory function and vaccine inoculation mechanism of immune system at the same time DECA can converge to the optimal solution rapidly and stably .

    并引入免疫系统的记忆功能和 疫苗 接种机理,使算法能快速稳定地收敛到最优解。

  • For the optimal program the sensitivity parameters are vaccine protection rate vaccine inoculation rate HBV infection fee discount rate HBV infection rate and vaccination fee . 5 .

    对优化方案敏感性影响显著的参数主要包括:疫苗保护率、 疫苗 接种率、HBV感染费、贴现率、疫苗接种费和HBV感染率等。

  • Immune cells would generate memory to intruder when the same antigens invade body next time the antibodies will perish the antigens according to memory . This is the fundamental principle of immune vaccine inoculation .

    免疫细胞会对入侵者产生记忆,当下次同样的抗原入侵时,便以此抗体将其消灭,这正是 疫苗 预防 接种的基本原理。

  • Objective To investigate the seroconversion rate of antibody after rabies vaccine inoculation and the its related factors .

    目的探讨 接种狂犬病 疫苗后抗体阳转率及其相关因素。

  • In recent years because of the improvement of clinical diagnosis vaccine inoculation and the modern antimicrobial therapy . the fatality of this disease has been decreased .

    近年来,由于临床诊断策略的改进、 疫苗 接种及大量广谱抗生素的应用,细菌性感染的病死率明显下降。

  • Agrawal ( 1991 ) Used eukocyte migration inhibitory test to evaluate Newcastle disease vaccine inoculation found that there is cellular immune response after inoculation .

    Agrawal(1991)等用白细胞游走抑制试验来评价 接种ND 疫苗后细胞 免疫反应,发现接种后确实存在细胞免疫反应。

  • Objective To improve the first hepatitis B vaccine inoculation rate of the rural children .

    目的提高农村儿童乙型肝炎(乙肝) 疫苗 及时 接种率。

  • Survey of measles vaccine inoculation in children and movement of residence in Shenzhen City

    深圳市儿童麻疹 疫苗 接种及居住地流动情况调查

  • Research and analysis of hepatitis B vaccine inoculation rate among 7765 university freshman

    7765名大学新生乙肝 疫苗 接种率的调查分析

  • In the 49 exposed people ( having no history of vaccine inoculation ) 7 had the serum rabies virus antibody and the positive rate of the antibody was 14.29 % .

    检测的暴露人群49例中(无 疫苗 接种史),检出狂犬病毒抗体7例(14.28%)。

  • Methods w_2046 Statistic analysis was made on the epidemic data of 1997 ~ 2003.Epidemiological survey was done and the effect of HFRS vaccine inoculation was observed .

    方法统计分析沂蒙山区1997~2003年HFRS疫情资料。人群血清流行病学调查,HFRS 疫苗 接种效果观察。

  • Case-control Study on the Relationship between Varicella Vaccine Inoculation and Varicella Morbidity

    水痘减毒活 疫苗 接种与发病的病例对照研究

  • Conclusions The increasing incidence of adult measles probably has reasons as follows : gene mutation of measles virus lack of measles vaccine protection early exposure in measles increasing population mobility and measles vaccine inoculation for children .

    讨论成人麻疹发病率增加可能与麻疹病毒基因变异,缺少麻疹疫苗(MV)的保护,早期麻疹暴露,人口流动性大,儿童广泛 接种麻疹 疫苗等因素相关。

  • Treatment of 224 Cases of Furuncle by Oral Chinese Medicine and Vaccine Inoculation

    中药内服外敷合 菌苗 注射治疗疖病224例

  • In order to improve the clinical effects of the Croynebacterium parum ( CP ) vaccine to solve the side effects such as fever and the local indurations occurred after CP vaccine inoculation .

    提高短棒状杆菌疫苗临床疗效,解决 接种后局部硬结,发烧等不良副反应。

  • The Application of Rice Blast Vaccine Inoculation Method on the Identification of Blast Resistant

    水稻稻瘟病 活体 菌株 接种法在稻种资源抗性鉴定中的应用