usual terms


  • Our order is subject to your acceptance of our usual terms of payment 60 days after sight of D / A.

    我们的订单以您接受本公司 一般的付款 条件,即承兑交单60天付款为 条件

  • Content : the creation of oil painting is relative to the usual terms of writing painting .

    油画创作是相对于油画 平时的习作 而言的。

  • There would be nothing strange to anyone in any of this if I had been born into your world in a body of my own in usual terms .

    如果我已我自己的肉体,用 通常 样式,在你们的世界出生那没有人会感到奇怪。

  • The reason for that may be relevant with their usual physical exercise program . ( 4 ) Flexibility test results show that girls are far better than boys in terms of fitness flexibility that was significantly different .

    造成这种结果的原因与他们 平时参加体育锻炼的项目可能有关。(4)柔韧性测试结果显示,女生的柔韧适能远远好于 男生,呈显著性差异。

  • I 'm afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms .

    恐怕我们必须坚持我们一直 采用 付款 方式

  • It appears that you are well aware of our usual trade terms and conditions although we haven 't done any business between each other before .

    虽然我们双方以前从未有过业务往来,但是贵方对本公司 通常的贸易 条款却非常熟悉。(逆序法)

  • Please bill us for the following on our usual terms .

    请按照我 通常 条件 开出下列 货物的帐单。

  • The 1974 film version of The Last Tycoon is not viewed as a success in usual terms .

    1974年的电影版《最后的大亨》一直不被 影评家和观众 看好

  • Besides the usual membrane stresses and stress couples the equation also contains additional terms reflecting the influences of transverse shear deformation rotatory inertia and transverse extrusion .

    该方程除了包含 通常的薄膜内力项和内矩 外,还反映了横向剪切影响、转动惯性效应和横向挤压影响。

  • In the opinion of the directors of the company the above transactions were carried out in the usual course of business and on normal commercial terms .

    本公司董事会认为上述交易均 一般业务常规及一般商业 条款进行。

  • In the usual coherence estimation in order to get an accurate coherence the interferometric phase terms due to baseline and terrain need to be compensated which leads to great computation .

    干涉基线距和地表地形都影响相干系数的计算,在 通常的相干系数的计算中,需要补偿由基线和地形引起的干涉相位, 造成相干系数计算中计算量的大大增加。

  • Our usual terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit in our favour reaching us one month ahead of shipment .

    我们 通常的支付 方式是以我方为抬头人的、保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,并且必须在发货前一个月寄达我方。

  • Chapter three summarizes the underlying reasons of those misusing and its usual performance in terms of mother tongue target language study method and teaching .

    第三部分 母语、目的语、学习策略和教学因素等方面对产生 误的原因和规律进行了分析和总结。

  • For weak coupling we obtain the usual result that the ground state energy is the sum of the contribution of different phonon branches . For strong coupling there is an extra contribution due to crossed terms between different branches .

    发现,对于弱耦合,耦态能量是不同支 LO模能量的和,而对于强耦合,则存在由不同支LO模之间交叉 贡献的附加能量。

  • In the beginning of business our usual terms of payment are by a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight .

    在贸易的初期,我们 惯常的付款 条件是以保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证收取货款。

  • May I ask what exactly insurance covers according to your usual C.I.F terms ?

    请问根据你们 常用的CIF价格 条件,所保的究竟包括哪些险别?