


  • What 's more she had got used to vagabondage .

    再说,她也习惯了在 外面 漂流

  • All crimes of the man begin in the vagabondage of the child .

    人类的一切罪恶都 从儿童的 流浪 生活开始的。

  • And from this detachment arise also his sense of freedom his love of vagabondage and his pride and nonchalance .

    这种达观也 使他产生了自由的意识, 放浪的爱好,与他的傲骨和淡漠的态度。

  • Compared with other cases that occurred in the same period the handling of the Chen Si Case was particularly severe because the highest Qing rulers worried about increasing social mobility and vagabondage .

    与同一时期的其他案件相比,清最高统治者对此案的处理,超出了 常规,实在是出于 他们对社会流动性 加大的担忧。