


  • Usury in medieval and ancient churches was regarded as intermittent pain and was most influenced by this conflict .

    中古教会 内部 高利贷之争通常被认为是 资本主义诞生 的阵痛。

  • The ones that practised usury had made a slap on the face of mine the tiger bites three people in order to rescue me .


  • He made money by practicing usury .

    他靠 高利贷 生财

  • The gaps left by the phasing out of state-owned commercial banks and the congenital imbalance of distribution of the rural financial resources have bred proliferation of usury in recent years .

    近年来国有商业银行逐步撤出农村金融市场,这与农村金融资源分布先天失衡共同导致了农村金融市场资源分布 近乎空白有关,而分布空白又滋生了 高利贷的繁衍。

  • But capable also didn 't have so much money to also usury .

    然则一帆也没有那么多钱去还 高利贷

  • Serf-owners ruthlessly exploited serfs through corvee and usury .

    农奴主用差役和 高利贷对农奴进行残酷的剥削。

  • Without fee caps or usury laws we 're in the bankers'hands .

    没有收费最高限额或针对放 高利贷的相关法律保护,我们就只能任由银行家宰割了。

  • The scarcity of capital available in rural districts encourages the development of usury in the town .

    农村地区资金缺乏,促使城镇 高利贷发展。

  • But if he has exacted usury and taken increase shall he then live ?

    但如果他 高利贷且非法获利,他还能活吗?

  • He returned her love and devotion with usury .

    他给她的爱恋和忠诚以 加倍 回报

  • Now the interest of usury is moving up to $ 3000 .

    现在 高利贷的利息已经达到$3000。

  • The stage of commodity production with which civilization begins is distinguished economically by the introduction of1 metal money and with it money capital interest and usury ;

    文明时代所由以开始的商品生产阶段,在经济上有下列特征:1出现了金属货币,从而出现了货币资本、利息和 高利贷

  • Until the Church prohibited usury Venetian creditors used to charge 20 % interest on well-secured loans .

    直到教会组织严禁发放 高利贷 ,威尼斯的放贷者惯于对有可靠抵押的债款征收20%利息。

  • The duty sign that should notice a bank you grows with avoiding pay usury duty .

    要通知银行你的税号以避免缴纳 利息税。

  • They were also exploited by usury .

    他们还受 高利贷的剥削。

  • And the principal means for suppressing the common liberty were & money and usury .

    这时,货币和 高利贷成为压制人民自由的主要手段。