


  • Through the comparison and analyses about the utilizable amount and consumption amount the water demand and supply ability of the water resource this article have carried on comprehensive appraisal to the water resource sustainable utilization situation in Jilin Province ;

    通过对水资源 可利用量与需水消耗量、现有供水能力与用水需求进行对比分析,对吉林省水资源可持续利用情况进行了综合评价;

  • Analysis on Variation and Sensitivity of Utilizable Precipitation of Shaanxi Province

    陕西省 利用降水资源的气候变化特征及敏感性分析

  • On this basis we construct composite risk calculation model for joint utilizable regulation .

    在此基础上,构建了联合 调度综合风险计算模型。

  • The search is utilizable for data-description of the road in complicated situation or multiplex road information storage and inquiring .

    本研究 满足复杂道路情况下的数据表达或复合道路信息存储和查询的需要。

  • We consistently seek for or develop new utilizable water resource treat comprehensively the whole water-saving work adopt a series of measures to treat waste water and get rather better social and economic profit .

    不断寻求和开发新的 利用资源,对节水工作进行综合治理,采取了一系列废水处理措施,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益。

  • The utilizable resources and the present problem and obstacles are analyzed in Chapter 5 and the feasible way to implement the system .

    第五章在分析了 可资 利用的资源和现存的问题与困境的基础上,阐述了中国实施行政 领导人问责制的可行路径。

  • In this paper new optical label technologies are described and discussed their advantages disadvantages and utilizable perspective are also analyzed .

    本文对最新提出的多种光标记技术进行了描述与讨论,并比较研究了各自的优缺点及 实用 前景。

  • After feasibility evaluation and cost benefit analysis the comprehensive utilizable technology was feasible and it had societal benefit environmental benefit and some economic benefit . It also provided a new approach for the white pollution and waste plastics .

    经过可行性评估和成本效益分析,此综合 利用技术是可行的,并具有较好的社会、环境效益和一定的经济效益,为解决白色污染及废旧塑料的 综合利用开辟了新途径。

  • Mining right is a special type of the utilizable right of airspace .

    矿业权是空间 利用权的一种特殊类型。

  • Fermented alcoholic beverages are produced throughout the world from a variety of plant products that contain readily utilizable carbohydrates .

    发酵酒精饮料是用世界上各种含有可 利用碳水化合物的植物生产的产品。

  • A Preliminary Study on Selection of High-nitrogen Utilizable Variety Resources ⅱ . Differences among Varieties in Rice Yield Character under Different N Application

    水稻氮 高效品种资源筛选的初步研究Ⅱ.不同施氮水平下水稻产量性状的品种间差异

  • Geothermal resources are ecotype energy sources that can be utilizable for industry and agriculture .

    地热资源是可供工业、农业 利用的生态型能源。

  • Analysis of Municipal Water Demand and Utilizable Water Resource Potential in Changchun City

    长春市城市用水需求与 利用水资源潜力分析

  • The analysis report of Hebei Top 100 in 2004 has data veritable 、 analysis profound and suggestion more utilizable .

    《2004年河北百强企业分析报告》,数据详实,分析深刻,所提建议具有 较强 针对 操作

  • Finally the utilizable particularity of the confined groundwater storage resources is discussed on above basis .

    在此基础上,论证了深层地下水储量资源的 利用性。

  • The model of risk analysis and the model of utilizable benefit for reservoir operation are established .

    建立了水库调度风险分析的模型和水库 优化 调度模型。

  • As a tradition it is the utilizable cultural resource in the Chinese modernization construction .

    作为传统,它是中国现代化建设中 可资 利用 十分 宝贵 政治文化资源。

  • As the most important means of human communication the Chinese language should be both human and utilizable .

    语文作为最重要的交际工具,应当是人文性与 工具 统一

  • The western culture 's disposition favors the government by law idea and the practice but Chinese and the Eastern society 's cultural connotation favors the use legal system utilizable value .

    西方文化的性格更倾向于法治的理念和实践,而中国及东方社会的文化内涵则更倾向于利用法制 工具 的价值。

  • The essential distinction of EDI process from ED process is the utilizable concentration polarization and dissociation of water .

    浓差极化与水解离的 利用 是EDI与ED过程的最本质区别。

  • The utilizable uniformity of manganese dioxide electrode has been discussed from the experimental results of AC impedance .

    从交流阻抗实验结果讨论了MnO2电极 利用均一性问题。

  • Based on Dynamic programming principle Dynamic programming model for reservoir utilizable benefit is established .

    简述动态规划基本原理的基础上,建立了 综合 利用水库 优化调度模型。

  • It is concluded that enhancement of DM utilizable or metabolic efficiency are attributed to the improvement of utilizable fibers .

    可见, 7 鸸鹋对DM 利用 和能量代谢率的增加是来源于对日粮纤维 消化能力的加强。

  • Utilizable Precipitation Variations and Its Effects on Runoff in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River Since 1986 Establishment of Local Precipitable Water Vapor Based on GPS Observation

    1986年以来黄河上游 利用降水量变化及对径流影响分析利用GPS测量建立区域可降水量模型

  • Responsible for the keep depositing utilization transfer and sales of utilizable rubbishes and dangerous rubbishes ;

    负责 利用废物和危险废物的保管、储存、利用、转移和出售;

  • A utilizable Digital watermark system should own good Robustness security transparency .

    一个 有效的水印系统必须具备较强的鲁棒性、安全性和透明性。

  • However to convert kaolin into amorphous silica is a practicable and utilizable method .

    采用 常规的选矿方法 不能 有效 改善 状况,而将它转化为无定形二氧化硅产品是一种可行的 利用途径。

  • It is found that the relationship between the utilizable water resource and precipitation is very close .

    结果发现 可用水资源与降水量有十分密切关系。

  • Utilizable Precipitation of the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River and Its Change Characteristics

    黄河上游 利用降水量及其变化特点分析

  • The computation of utilizable water resources volume is always a difficult point in regional water resources evaluation .

    水资源 利用量计算一直是区域水资源评价中的难点。