uterine neck

[ˈjutərɪn nɛk][ˈju:tərain nek]


  • Uterine Artery Embolization in Induced Abortion Patients with Pregnancy on the Uterine Neck or Incision Area

    子宫动脉栓塞在 宫颈或切口妊娠人工流产手术前的作用

  • Measurement of the distance between uretero and uterine neck in the condition of enlargement of uterine neck

    子宫颈增大状态下输尿管与 子宫 颈间距离的测量

  • A diagnosis can be made through hCG detection sonography MRI and the clinical showing . Yet early pregnancy early abortion trophoblastic tumors and uterine neck pregnancy should be excluded .

    通过hCG检测、超声和MRI检查,并结合临床表现,CSP的诊断并不困难,但CSP早期需要与早孕、早期流产、滋养叶细胞肿瘤及 子宫 妊娠等进行鉴别。

  • The Maturation Degree of the Uterine Neck and the Method for the Promotion of its Maturation

    宫颈成熟度与促 宫颈成熟法

  • For those with low scores of uterine neck evaluation rate of success in P group was 81.67 % and in O group 53.33 % P < 0.05.with marked difference .


  • Conclusion The distance is decreased between uretero and uterine neck in the condition of enlargement of uterine neck .

    结论宫颈增大状态下输尿管与 子宫 颈间距离缩小。

  • Before the induced abortion procedure for the patients with pregnancy on the uterine neck or incision area bilateral uterine artery embolization was conducted in order to reduce the risk of fatalness and possibility of massive hemorrhage .

    目的:将双侧子宫动脉栓塞术应用于 宫颈或切口妊娠中止前,期望减少人工流产手术的危险性和出血量。

  • Results Definitive diagnosis indicated 8 cases of uterus bicornis 10 cases of uterus septus with single uterine neck 2 cases of uterus septus with double uterine neck and single uterine body and 4 cases of puberal rudimentary horn of uterus .

    结果确诊双角子宫8例,单 宫颈纵隔子宫10例,双宫颈单宫体纵隔子宫2例,青春期残角子宫4例。

  • Results Induced labor meal of castor oil could promote the mature of uterine neck start and strengthen the shrinking of the uterus . The response rate reached 94.1 % which was much better than that of pitocin ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果发现蓖麻油引产餐能促进 宫颈成熟,发动并增强子宫收缩,有效率达94.1%,明显优于催产素引产(P<0.05)。

  • Piles of clinic documents have manifest that acupuncture brings about effects of promoting uterine contraction dilating neck of uterus shortening stages of labor diminishing hemorrhage and easing pain .

    许多临床资料表明,针刺具有促进 子宫收缩、扩张 宫颈、缩短产程、减少出血、减轻疼痛等作用。