variation analysis

[ˌvɛriˈeʃən əˈnælɪsɪs][ˌveərɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n əˈnæləsis]


  • Two-dimensional model by magnetotelluric data has been obtained and compared with the results by magnetic variation analysis .

    这一 结果与由大地电磁资料计算得到的二维模型 剖面 一致的。

  • Topographical variation analysis is an important method and approach in studying neotectonics and paleoearthquakes .

    地形形态 变异 分析是新构造和古地震研究的一个重要方法和途径。

  • This paper by means of variation analysis method and meaning-directed analysis method analyses the corpus finding out that meanings of metaphor are rich and complex and have some regularities .

    运用 变换 分析和语义指向分析法对所掌握的语料进行分析,可以发现比喻类似点的语义很丰富、很复杂,并呈现出一定的规律性。

  • Variation Analysis for Common Wheat Traits of M_3 Generation Radiated by ~ ( 60 ) Co - γ Ray

    ~(60)Co-γ辐射处理普通小麦M3代性状 变异 分析

  • Infiltration Variation Analysis Based on LUCC in the Western of Jilin Province

    基于土地利用变化的吉林西部降水入渗 变化 研究

  • Cloning and Genetic Variation Analysis of the HN Gene of Newcastle disease virus Isolates

    新城疫病毒地方分离株HN基因的克隆及遗传 变异 分析

  • The Spatiotemporal Variation Analysis of Air Temperature in Heilongjiang Province during 1997-2006

    近10年黑龙江省气温的时空 变异 分析

  • Compare on the Different Genome DNA Extracting Methods for Mature Populus tomentosa Leaves Variation Analysis on Anatomical Properties and Chemical Compositions between Chinese White Poplar and Burl

    毛白杨成熟叶片基因组DNA提取方法的比较研究毛白杨与瘿瘤解剖特性和化学组成 变异 分析

  • Studies on the Parentage Constituent of Its Open-Pollination Progeny and the Genetic Diversity of Clonal Seed Orchard of Korean Pine Genetic Variation Analysis of Seedling Growth Characteristics of Half-sib family of Pinus massoniana

    红松无性系种子园子代的父本 分析及遗传多样性的研究马尾松种子园半同胞家系子代苗期性状遗传 变异

  • Variation Analysis on Characters of Ginkgo Seeds from Different Provenances in Guangxi

    广西不同种源银杏种子的性状 变异 分析

  • Single factor variation analysis and Logistic regression analysis were adopted in investigational variance .

    对调查 变量进行单因素和多因素Logistic回归 分析

  • Variation Analysis of Main Chemical Components and Neutral Aroma Constituents in Flue-cured Tobacco Strips during Aging

    醇化过程中烤烟片烟主要化学成分与中性致香成分的 变异 分析

  • The variation analysis of corneal topography and wavefront aberrations before and after excimer laser surgery

    准分子激光手术前后角膜形态及其波面像差的 变化 分析

  • Variation Analysis on Leaf Traits in Seedling Duration of Populus yunnanensis Plus Tree Clones

    滇杨优树无性系苗期叶片性状 变异 分析

  • Variation Analysis of Wood Basic Density and Caloric Value of Four Tree Species in Fagaceae

    壳斗科4个树种木材基本密度及燃烧值的 变异 分析

  • Variation Analysis of Secondary Internal Force in Several Different Tensioning Processes for Prestressed Frame Engineering in Multi-Storey Building Agility is the ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit in a turbulent business environment .

    多层预应力框架工程几种不同张拉施工次序下预应力次内力 变化 分析敏捷性是组织在不断变化和不可预测的竞争环境中创造变化和回应变化的能力。

  • Spatial Variation Analysis of Wheat Grain Quality Based on Model and GIS

    基于模型与GIS的小麦籽粒品质空间 差异 分析

  • The Influence of Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns with Different Crown Margins on the Periodontal Tissues of the Teeth with Chronic Adult Periodontitis ; Variation Analysis on Anatomical Properties and Chemical Compositions between Chinese White Poplar and Burl

    不同冠边缘位置的金瓷冠对慢性牙周炎基牙牙周组织的影响毛白杨与瘿瘤解剖特性和化学组成 变异 分析

  • Variation Analysis of Landscape Elements in Sui and Tang site Botanical Garden in Luoyang

    洛阳市隋唐遗址植物园景观元素的 差值 分析

  • Distribution of Alkaloid Contents Among Plants and Variation Analysis for Different Varieties of Burley Tobacco

    白肋烟不同品种生物碱含量株间分布与 变异分析

  • It consists of five major function models including regression analysis model correlation analysis model clustering analysis model time sequence analysis model and variation analysis .

    该系统分为回归分析模型、相关分析模型、聚类分析模型、时间序列分析模型和 方差 分析五个主要功能模块。

  • Variation analysis of F gene of newcastle disease virus isolates from Inner Mongolia

    鸡新城疫病毒内蒙古地方株F基因 遗传 变异 分析

  • Epidemiological value of molecular variation analysis on seasonal influenza surveillance

    季节性流感监测中病毒分子 变异 分析的意义

  • Variation Analysis of Crude Fat and Fatty Acid Contents in Macadamia Kernel

    澳洲坚果果仁中粗脂肪与脂肪酸含量的 变异 分析

  • The Molecular Variation Analysis of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Shandong strain

    鸡传染性支气管炎病毒山东株的遗传 变异 分析

  • Variation analysis and clinical significance of motor and sensory level after cervical spinal cord injury

    颈脊髓损伤患者感觉平面与运动平面的 差异 分析及临床意义

  • The Spatio-temporal Variation Analysis of Groundwater and Response to Land-use Change in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River Basin

    黑河流域中游地下水时空 变异分析及其对土地利用变化的响应

  • Anatomy observation on the leave variegation of Pelargonium zonale Variation Analysis on Anatomical Properties and Chemical Compositions between Chinese White Poplar and Burl

    马蹄纹天竺葵叶斑 变异的解剖学观察毛白杨与瘿瘤解剖特性和化学组成 变异 分析

  • Complete Genome Clone and Genetic Variation Analysis of Swine Paramyxovirus Strain JL-1

    猪源副黏病毒JL-1株全基因组克隆及遗传 变异 分析