


  • Influence of anesthetic agents on vasoconstriction Methods Both muscle contractions and binding studies were carried .

    麻醉药对 血管 收缩 反应 的影响方法 血管 收缩实验和结合实验。

  • AIM To study the effects of ketamine and ketamine combined with valium on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction .

    目的研究单用氯胺酮及氯胺酮伍用安定对犬缺氧性肺 血管 收缩的影响。

  • Capsaicin Inhibits Angiotensin ⅱ Induced Vasoconstriction in Mice

    辣椒素抑制血管紧张素Ⅱ介 血管 收缩

  • Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and pulmonary vascular remodeling are the two major mechanisms in the pathogenesis of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension .

    低氧性肺 血管 收缩和肺血管重塑是低氧性肺动脉高压发病机制中的两个主要环节。

  • Clinical Study on Treatment of GTCS with Electro-acupuncture-based Treatment of Vasoconstriction District

    电针 血管区为主治疗癫痫大发作的临床研究

  • Mechanisms of Augmented Vasoconstriction Induced by the Injury of the Adventitia in the Rat Carotid and Effect of Drug Intervention

    血管外膜损伤对大鼠颈动脉 收缩 功能影响机制及药物干预研究

  • In normal rats pulmonary vasoconstriction to5-HT is mediated predominantly by the5-HT2A receptor .

    正常大鼠肺 血管对5-HT的 收缩 反应主要通过5-HT(2A)受体介导。

  • The influences of lactic / hydrochloric acidosis on pulmonary vasoconstriction and gas exchanges were investigated in 36 dogs .

    急性代谢性酸中毒对狗 血管 张力和气体交换功能的影响进行了研究。

  • Acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction ( HPV ) plays an important role in physiological regulation .

    急性缺氧性肺 血管 收缩 反应(HPV)具有重要的生理意义, 前列腺素PGs)和 白三烯(LTs)参与了 HPV的发生。

  • The addition of epinephrine to local anesthetic solutions produces vasoconstriction .

    局麻药溶液中加入肾上腺素,使 血管 收缩

  • Doctors believe ( 1 ) smoking nicotine caused vasoconstriction .

    西医认为()烟,烟碱引起 血管 收缩

  • Vasoconstriction and vasodilatation are separate mechanisms .

    血管 收缩和扩张分别具有不同的机理。

  • However in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension rats 5-HT-induced vasoconstriction is mediated by both the5-HT1Band5-HT2A receptor .

    但是,慢性低氧肺动脉高压大鼠5-HT诱导的 血管 收缩 反应是通过5-HT(2A)和5-HT(1B)受体介导的。

  • So someone needs to induce vasoconstriction .

    所以得有人 他的 血管 收缩

  • The Effect of Gap Junction in Prostaglandin F_ ( 2a ) - induced Cerebral Vasoconstriction in Vitro

    缝隙连接在前列腺素F(2a)诱导离体脑 血管 收缩中作用的研究

  • The results showed that during acute alveolar hypoxia of rabbits hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was inhibited significantly by bromocriptine .

    结果提示:溴隐亭可明显抑制兔急性缺氧性肺 血管 收缩 反应,对体循环的影响甚微。

  • The effects of this combined product on BP are the result of complementary mechanisms that regulate BP vasoconstriction and sodium excretion .

    基于BP结合本产品的影响是相辅相成的机制,规范的血压, 血管 收缩,钠排泄的结果。

  • Invigorate the coffee contains linoleic acid can prevent blood clots hemolytic and enhance vasoconstriction reduce stroke risk .

    活血化瘀咖啡所含的亚油酸,能溶血及阻止血栓形成,增强 血管 收缩,降低中风机率。

  • Role of the Rho / Rho-kinase pathway in the mechanism of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction

    Rho/Rho激酶信号通路在缺氧性肺 血管 收缩中的机制

  • Additionally low arterial pressure triggers an adrenergic response with sympathetic-mediated vasoconstriction and often increased heart rate .

    而且,低动脉压触发肾上腺素能反应,导致交感神经介导性 血管 收缩,常会使心率加快。

  • Studies on the Mechanisms of Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction and its Difference Between Two Strains in Isolated Perfused Lungs and Intact Model of Rats ; Preparing and Structure and Properties of Silk / Synthetic Fibre Heteromorphosis Fibre

    大鼠离体肺和整体缺氧性肺 血管 收缩及其种系差异的机制研究真丝/低旦合纤异收缩复合变形丝的研制及其结构与性能

  • You can tell when stress hormones are acting since one also develops cold hands and cold feet during the day from the vasoconstriction of the blood vessels to the hands and feet .

    当应激激素发挥作用时你是能够感觉到的,因为它还会 引发 血管 收缩 以至于白天会有手脚冰凉的现象。

  • In this study we investigated the possible role of leukotrienes in the mediation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction ( HPV ) in rats .

    本实验对白三烯在大白鼠缺氧性肺 血管 收缩 反应(HPV)中的作用进行了研究。

  • Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome : a Case Report

    可逆性脑 血管 收缩综合征:附1例报道

  • Abnormal vasoconstriction of digital arteries and cutaneous arterioles due to a local defect in normal vascular responses is thought to underlie the disorder .

    本病的基础是因正常血管反应的局部缺陷而导致的指(趾)动脉和皮肤小动脉的异常 血管 收缩

  • Both acute or chronic hypoxia can cause vasoconstriction and vasoconstriction increase .

    急性或慢性的低氧都能使 血管 收缩,血流阻力增大。

  • Secondly the norepinephrine ( NE ) induced vasoconstriction was antagonized by different concentration of active components of Achyranthes bidentata Blume and its diastolic level was observed .

    再用不同浓度的怀牛膝有效成分对抗去甲肾上腺素(NE)引起的 血管 收缩,观察其舒张程度。

  • Histamine causes vasoconstriction and increased permeability of small venules .

    组织胺能引起 血管 收缩,并增强小静脉的透性。