varying stress


  • The regularity of the varying strength of concrete under different stress conditions are analyzed Five kinds of typical failure patterns are concluded with their stress-ratio ranges presented .

    分析了不同 状态下混凝土强度的 变化规律;归纳了五种典型破坏形态及其划分条件。

  • Seasonal patterns of stomatal resistance were similar for both species under varying degrees of drought stress .

    两种植物气孔阻力的季节变化格局在 不同 水分处理间大体相似。

  • The main cause of asphalt concrete pavement structure fatigue cracking destroy is the double action by periodic varying of temperature stress and wheel load . The destroy mechanism is the fatigue damage by both repeated actions .

    引起沥青混凝土路面结构疲劳开裂破坏的主要原因是周期性 变化的路面结构温度 和行车荷载的双重作用,破坏的机理是由于二者反复作用引起的疲劳损伤。

  • The main cause for such failure was the high varying stress from the blade flutter because of its relatively small flutter margins .

    叶片颤振裕度不大,在工作转速 范围内产生颤振导致叶片承受较大的动 是其疲劳断裂的主要原因。

  • By using this method the 1-D nonlinear consolidation behavior of double-layer foundation with varying initial effective stress along the depth under the action of rectangular wave cyclic load is also investigated .

    最后在算例分析中,对考虑初始有效 沿深度 变化、矩形波循环荷载下双层地基一维非线性固结进行了探讨。

  • Equi Strength Design of Nonhomogeneous Variable Thickness High Speed Rotating Disk under Steady Temperature Field ON THE FATIGUE LIFE WITH VARYING STRESS AMPLITUDES

    在定常温度场中非均匀变厚度高速旋转圆盘的等强度设计 变应 幅值下的疲劳寿命问题

  • Then through in-situ experiment the varying characters of pile-soil stress ratio and pile-soil load share ratio are analyzed .

    然后通过现场试验,研究桩土 比、桩土荷载分担比 荷载 变化的规律。

  • Experimental Research on Infrared Information Varying with Stress

    的红外信息 变化的实验研究

  • Study on varying rules of casing stress in directional hole with in-situ stress conditions

    定向井套管 随地应力条件的 变化规律研究

  • This paper presents a four points loaded beam specimen with uniform depth and varying width by which the stress state in the centre span section will approach pure shear stress and the shear strength of concrete thus obtained will be comparatively accurate .

    作者设计了四点受力等高 变宽梁的抗剪试验方法,试件跨中 剪切面接近纯剪状态,故给出的抗剪强度较为可靠。

  • CIMMYT is testing yields of genetically engineered plants with the DREB gene under varying water stress .

    CIMMYT正在测试 不同水分 胁迫情况下含有DREB基因的转基因植物的产量。

  • One method solving parameter estimation of varying stress accelerated life test

    一类解决 变应 加速寿命试验参数估计的方法

  • Analysis of the statistical characteristics of the randomly varying stress in structure

    结构的 随机 统计特性分析

  • Nutrition physiological and molecular response of rice seedling to varying inorganic arsenic stress

    不同价态无机砷 胁迫 水稻秧苗的营养生理与分子响应

  • The 3D-finite element numerical simulation was adopted and bearing mechanism loading transfer behavior and varying law of stress and displacement field of squeezed branch pile are reproduced successfully based on results of static loading test .

    在试验资料的基础上采用了三维有限元数值仿真技术,再现了新型支盘桩的受力机理、荷载传递性状和荷载作用下 场及位移场的 变化规律。

  • And set up calculating formulae on the fatigue life reliability under un varying stress amplitude and varying stress amplitude .

    建立了恒幅常应力和恒幅 变应 情况下疲劳寿命可靠度的计算公式。

  • Applied with incremental theory this paper has described a new approach for modulus of deformation varying with ratio of stress increment form the K 0 status . On the basis of basis of which the new ground settlement calculating approach relating to stress path is obtained .

    本文以K0状态为计算起点,运用增量理论给出了变形模量随 增量比 变化的计算方法,在此基础上得到了新的考虑应力路径的沉降计算法。

  • The electrical conductivity and its specific resistance varying with compressive stress of cement based composite materials ( CBCM ) reinforced by carbon fiber black lead and steel fiber were studied .

    研究了含有碳纤维、石墨、钢纤维的水泥基材料的导电性及其在压 作用下电阻率的 变化规律;

  • She also made clear the Fed could act against financial excesses by varying the requirements of its stress tests which demand that banks show they have enough capital to deal with a range of possible shocks .

    她还阐明,美联储可以 改变 压力测试的要求,以遏制金融业的过分行为。 压力测试要求银行证明自己拥有足够资本,有能力应对一系列的可能冲击。

  • Through the monitoring of temperature and stress in shaft lining and frozen wall it is obtained that the varying of temperature field stress field and frost heaving pressure variation and sidewall reinforced concrete force law by freezing construction method sinking construction process . 4 .

    结合冻结法施工凿井施工过程,对井壁混凝土施工过程中温度、应力 变化进行监测与分析,得到了井壁和冻结壁温度 分布 变化规律,冻胀压力变化规律和井壁钢筋混凝土的受力规律。

  • Based on the test results the ultimate compressive and splitting tensile strengths varying with freeze-thaw cycles and stress ratio are analyzed .

    根据试验结果分析双轴拉压状态下的极限抗压、劈拉强度 冻融循环次数和 比的变化规律。

  • In order to pre-estimate the residual fatigue strength and fatigue lifespan of metal structures or elements better the finite element analysis model of fatigue damage must be established to describe the whole varying process of stress field strain field and damage field .

    为了较好地预测金属结构和构件的剩余疲劳强度与疲劳寿命,必须建立疲劳损伤有限元分析模型,来完整描绘其 场、应变场以及损伤场的 变化全过程。

  • Distribution and varying regulation of local stress adjacent to point A was summarized by local stress analysis on the lowest connecting point A of shell where is connected with the support of spherical tank .

    通过对球罐支柱与球壳连接最低点a的局部应力分析、讨论,总结出了a点附近局部 的分布和 变化规律。

  • The results showed that the growth of rape seedling was restrained in varying degrees under alone stress and combined stress .

    实验表明,单一 胁迫与复合胁迫对油菜幼苗生长有 不同程度的抑制作用。