variable coupling

[ˈvɛriəbəl ˈkʌplɪŋ][ˈvɛəriəbl ˈkʌpliŋ]


  • Study and Practice of Characteristics of Working Oil Temperature in Variable Speed Turbo Coupling

    调速型液力 耦合器工作油温特性分析与应用

  • Also the synchronizing circuits of the non-autonomous hyper-chaotic system are designed via the synchronization control method of single variable coupling feedback . The electronic circuits are implemented and the experimental results observed by the oscillograph well agreed with the simulation results .

    最后利用单 变量 耦合反馈控制方法,通过电路实验实现了非自治超混沌系统的同步。

  • On this basis Lyapunov function is constructed by backstepping design for single variable coupling connections and the spatiotemporal chaos synchronization in chain network with topology equipollence is investigated .

    在此基础上,采用单 变量 耦合连接方式,通过backstepping方法构造Lyapunov函数,研究了同结构链式网络的时空混沌同步问题。

  • Speed variable hydraulic coupling device could be used in every kind of motors but is less safety than the former .

    调速 液力 耦合器,适用于各类电动机,但可靠性不如前者;

  • Synchronization of two hyper-chaotic systems can be achieved by single variable unilateral coupling at discrete time steps .

    只用单 变量单向离散 耦合就可实现两个超混沌系统的同步。

  • For the two variable coupling control system the feed-forward compensator is designed to decouple the coupling relation between the input and output . Then the two variable coupling system is decomposed to two single variable system .

    对建立的双 变量 耦合控制系统,通过前馈补偿解耦器消除输入与输出之间的耦合关系,将多变量系统拆解成两个单变量系统。

  • The paper mainly introduces the structure work principle performance the factors which influence the performance and the matching principle under different load of the variable speed fluid coupling .

    本文主要介绍 调速 液力 偶合器的结构及工作原理、性能和影响性能的诸多因素,以及不同负载的匹配原则。

  • Modeling and Analysis of Vehicle ABS Hydraulic Modulator Oil Pump Flow Rate Selection of Variable Speed Fluid Coupling

    汽车ABS液压调节器建模与仿真分析 调速 液力 偶合器液压泵排量的选取

  • These methods mostly adopt variable coupling way which often brings some problems into the chaos model designing actually and secret communication with chaos synchronization is under-secret for the appearance of corresponding attack technology .

    这些方法大都采用 变量 耦合的方式,但是这种 耦合往往给实际设计混沌模型带来了麻烦,而且此后相应攻击方法的出现,也使得混沌同步保密通信的安全性受到威胁。

  • Design of time grating sensor based on variable coupling coefficient transformer

    基于 耦合系数变压器原理的时栅位移传感器设计

  • Study on Impeller Strength and Vibration Feature of Variable Speed Hydrodynamic Coupling

    调速型液力 偶合器叶轮强度与振动特性研究

  • Study of Variable Speed Fluid Coupling Using for Belt Conveyor

    调速 液力 耦合器在带式输送机上的应用研究

  • From a procedural structure process variable coupling appear in the assignment statement .

    从程序结构来看程序中 变量 耦合都出现在赋值语句上,一个 变量的赋值是依据其它 变量 以及所使用 变量作用的算子。

  • Since the math model of alternative head box is very complicated and the variable coupling is existed a fuzzy control system for a steady efflux ratio is proposed in this paper .

    本文针对流浆箱数学模型较为复杂且 变量之间存在 耦合的特点,提出了流浆箱模糊控制方案。

  • Aiming at the strong nonlinear multiple variable coupling system a new multivariable internal model control based on T-S fuzzy model was proposed .

    针对强非线性、多 变量 耦合系统,提出了一种基于动态T-S模糊模型的约束内模控制策略。

  • Pump and motor fluid ports Oil Pump Flow Rate Selection of Variable Speed Fluid Coupling

    泵和液压马达间的液流阀 调速 液力 偶合器液压泵排量的选取

  • The numeric results indicate that the standard collaborative optimization can be successfully applied to the multidisciplinary design optimization of earth observation satellites each coincidence error of coupling design variable and coupling state variable is close to 0.01 % .

    研究结果表明,融合了遗传算法的协同优化方法能够有效地解决对地观测卫星总体优化设计,学科间耦合设计 变量以及 耦合状态变量的一致性误差均接近0.01%。

  • Activating this variable enforces tight coupling of XA transactions within the same global transaction ID and enables the transactions to share lock space .

    激活此 变量,增强同一个全局事务ID中的XA事务的紧密 耦合,并允许这些事务共享锁定空间。

  • For variable coupling in trajectory optimization model of formation configuration stage and index coupling in trajectory optimization model of formation maintaining stage the primal decomposition method and indirect decomposition method is used to decouple the models respectively .

    针对编队构成轨迹优化模型 变量 耦合,以及编队保持轨迹优化模型指标耦合的特点,分别采用原始分解法与间接分解法实现问题解耦。

  • Switching Characteristics of Three-Core Nonlinear Directional Couplers with Variable Coupling Coefficient


  • 3-Phase AC arc furnace electrode up-down control system is a complex multiple variable coupling control system .

    三相交流电弧炉电极升降控制系统是一个复杂的非线性多 变量 耦合控制系统。

  • Theall-optical switching characteristics of three-core nonlinear directional waveguide couplers ( NLDCs ) with Gaussian type and exponential type variable coupling coefficient ( VCC ) are presented .

    报道了对高斯型及指数型 耦合系数三波导耦合器的一些重要的全光开关特性进行的研究。

  • Research on Sensorless Speed Detection in Electrical Submersible Pump ; Oil Pump Flow Rate Selection of Variable Speed Fluid Coupling

    潜油电泵电机无速度传感器速度检测的研究 调速 液力 偶合器液压泵排量的选取

  • By studying multi variable strong coupling nonlinear and time varying parameter system of induction motor and based on the transformation of coordinate and flux orientation the mathematic model of induction motor is derived .

    对异步电动机的多 变量、强 耦合、非线性的时变参数系统进行分析研究,利用坐标变换和磁场定向原理,建立按定子磁场定向的异步电动机数学模型。

  • The citric acid double-effect evaporation process has the characteristic of strong variable coupling non-linearity strong interference and noise .

    柠檬酸双效蒸发过程具有 关联 耦合严重、非线性、环境噪声大的特征。

  • Establishment of torque mathematic model for a variable speed turbo coupling is the key for analysis and calculation of system dynamic response .

    建立 调速型液力 偶合器力矩特性数学模型是分析和计算机械系统动态响应的关键。

  • A Way of Variable Coupling Parameters in the Green Light Problem

    绿光问题中的 耦合参数法

  • Working oil system is the key part in variable speed turbo coupling while the problem of working oil temperature does harm to running of variable speed turbo coupling sometimes .

    工作油系统是 液力 耦合器的关键环节,而工作油温问题时常影响液力耦合器的正常使用。