


  • Green fluorescence was observed in the vacuolar membrane .


  • Under electron microscopy microfilament bodies microrhoptryand vacuolar parasitic organisms at developmental stage were observed in monocytes .

    电镜观察到单核细胞内有微丝体、微棒状小体和 空泡状发育期寄生物;

  • Vacuolar degeneration was checked in brain heart kidney spleen and ballocks or ovaries .

    病理组织学观察可见脑、心脏、肾、脾、睾丸和卵巢等组织发生明显 空泡变性。

  • Histopathology transformations : Liver vacuolar degeneration and swollen in hepatocytes small bile ducts proliferated .

    组织病理学变化:肝脏,肝细胞 空泡变性,胆管增生。肝小叶内和 管区小灶性的 细胞浸润和 酸性 细胞浸润,及后期肝细胞 极度肿胀;

  • Vacuolar degeneration in the renal tubular epithelium and the liver cells ;

    肾小管上皮细胞 空泡变性, 肾小球萎缩;

  • Effect of Fluid Shear Stress on Morphology and Vacuolar Proton Pump mRNA in Rat Osteoclasts

    流体剪切力对体外培养的鼠破骨细胞形态和 空泡质子泵mRNA的影响

  • Vacuoles in animal cells carry out phagocytosis ( the intake of particulate matter ) and pinocytosis ( vacuolar drinking ) .

    动物中的 液泡起吞噬和胞饮作用。

  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Vacuolar ATPase Subunit F Gene from Hevea brasiliensis

    巴西橡胶树 液泡ATP酶F亚基基因克隆及表达

  • But calcium was only observed on the vacuolar membrane in the extremely degenerated nucellar cells .

    在衰退中期的珠心细胞中,Ca2+主要分布在 核膜 液泡质膜上;

  • After 24 hours hepatic cells swelled and occurred vacuolar degeneration and punctiform necrosis .

    保存24h后,肝细胞出现肿胀、 空泡变性及点状坏死,肝窦内皮细胞肿胀、变性,并开始向窦腔内脱落。

  • Epidermal changes consist of acanthosis vacuolar degeneration parakeratosis hyperkeratosis and necrosis .

    上皮的变化包括棘细胞增生, 空泡变性,不全角化,过度角化和坏死等。

  • The vacuolar amino acid pool is utilized during initiation of budding . We can 't use these potatoes ; they 've all sprouted .

    当出芽开始时, 液泡的氨基酸库被利用。这些土豆儿不能吃了,都出芽了。

  • The macro and micro characteristics of vacuolar corrosion were studied ; a failure case of vacuolar corrosion of petroleum pipe of seashore well-drilling rig was discussed .

    通过讨论海上石油钻井平台用管材空泡腐蚀失效的案例,研究管材 空泡腐蚀的宏观特征和微观特征。

  • The renal tubules show varying degrees of vacuolar degeneration necrosis and cast formation .

    肾小管呈现 空泡变、坏死及管型形成。

  • Autophagy appears to involve an active participation of the vacuolar membranes .

    自体吞噬似乎与 液泡膜的积极参加有关。

  • Vacuolar acidification under high hydrostatic pressure in saccharomyces cerevisiae .

    高静水压下酿酒酵母的 空泡酸化。

  • Vacuolar Dynamics of Guard Cells and the Dynamics Relationship between Vacuoles and Actin Cytoskeleton during Stomatal Movement

    气孔运动过程中保卫细胞 液泡的动态及其与微丝骨架的关系

  • Results The vacuolar granular amoeboid and cyst forms of B.h and transformation among the forms were observed microscopically .

    结果通过形态学研究观察到 空泡 、颗粒型、阿米巴型及包囊型以及各型之间的相互转化。

  • These changes mainly affected the plastids the vacuolar compartment the cell wall and the nucleus .

    这些变化主要影响质体、 液泡室、细胞壁和细胞核。

  • Of the six ADC patients there were two accompanied with vacuolar myelopathy .

    6例ADC患者中2例伴有 空泡 脊髓病。

  • The liver showed edema vacuolar degeneration and foci necrosis .

    肝水肿, 间隙 ,肝细胞 空泡变性及坏死;

  • Arabidopsis Thaliana Vacuolar H ~ + - ATPase c Subunit Gene in Response to Exogenous Hormone

    拟南芥 液泡H~+-ATPasec亚基基因对外源激素的响应

  • Results : Morphological changes of matrine on CNE2 cells : cell shrinkage cell size reduction and turn round cytoplasmic vacuolar changes .

    结果:苦参碱处理后CNE2细胞形态发生改变,细胞皱缩,变小变圆, 空泡明显。

  • In mesophyllous cell vacuolar membrane was the most susceptible one to high temperature and mitochondrion was more susceptible than chloroplast .

    叶肉细胞中 液泡膜对高温最敏感,其次为线粒体和叶绿体。

  • Cloning Expression and Genetic Transformation of a Vacuolar Na ~ + / H ~ + Antiporter Gene in Galega Orientalis

    东方山羊豆 液泡 Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白基因的克隆、表达分析和遗传转化

  • Pathologically hepatocytes in high Mo groups showed granular degeneration and vacuolar degeneration .

    病理形态学 观察,高钼组 雏鸡肝细胞呈现不同程度的颗粒变性和 空泡 变性

  • Results The adhesion disturbance lodge and squamous metaplasia of cilia in tracheal epithelium ; and vacuolar degeneration in epithelium cells were observed .

    结果气管上皮纤毛粘连、乱、伏及鳞状化生,上皮细胞 空泡变性,并 可见 新生的纤毛上皮细胞。

  • Coloning and analysis of the vacuolar acid invertase gene fragment from Malus pumila

    苹果 液泡酸性转化酶基因片段的克隆及序列分析

  • Primary Study on the Function of Subunit c Genes of Vacuolar H ~ + - ATPase in Arabidopsis Thaliana by Overexpression

    利用过表达对拟南芥 液泡H~+-ATPasec亚基功能的初步研究