vacuum cooler

[ˈvækjuəm ˈkulɚ][ˈvækjuəm ˈku:lə]


  • With the improvement of sulfuric acid feeding method multipoint spraying of sulfuric acid is used in the flow of slurry heat transfer by the coarse vacuum cooler at the phosphoric acid reactor so as to eliminate local supersaturation ;

    并辅以对硫酸加料方式的改进,在磷酸反应槽低位 真空 冷却移走料浆热量的流程中,硫酸加料采用多点雾化的方法,以消除局部过饱和;

  • The analysis of the corrosion leak causes of the two high-pressure air coolers in the vacuum residue hydrodesulfurization unit concluded that the variation of the process conditions was the major culprit of the cooler tube failure .

    通过对重油加氢装置 VRDS两台高压空冷器腐蚀泄漏原因进行分析,指出工艺条件的变化是造成 管束穿孔的主要原因。

  • Design the control system of a vacuum cooler based on S7-300 PLC

    基于S7-300PLC果蔬 真空 冷机控制系统的设计

  • Simulation test of vacuum environment for Stirling cooler

    斯特林 制冷 真空环境模拟试验

  • Research of Vacuum Brazing Technology for the Aluminum Cooler Used in the Advanced Car

    高级轿车铝制 冷却器 真空钎焊工艺研究

  • A new aluminum plate-wing style cooler is developed by using vacuum brazing technique . In this paper the shape design and the vacuum brazing technique of this kind of cooler are analyzed .

    对采用真空钎焊技术研制的铝制板翅式 冷却器的形状设计及其 真空钎焊工艺进行了分析。

  • To overcome high differential pressure without thermal overload gas circulation cooled roots vacuum pump should be fitted with an external cooler .

    气冷式罗茨 真空泵需要携带泵外 ,以保证泵在高压差下正常工作而不会产生 过热

  • Simulation test of vacuum environment for Stirling cooler has been conducted on the requirements of the space remote sensor .

    文章针对空间红外遥感器应用特点,进行了斯特林 制冷 的模拟 真空环境试验。

  • LT-3 aluminum alloy is a kind of three-layer cladding aluminum alloy . It is mainly used in the vacuum brazing of radiator and cooler .

    LT-3铝合金是一种三层包覆合金,主要用于铝制 冷却器、散热器的 真空钎焊。

  • In order to test the feasibility of which space stirling refrigeration and radiation refrigeration comprise hybrid refrigeration system and to determine the heat-transfer situation of stirling cooler in vacuum condition The simulation tests of vacuum environment for stirling cooler were carried .

    为了验证空间斯特林制冷与辐射制冷、实现复合制冷系统的可行性,获取斯特林制冷机在真空条件下的散热情况,进行了斯特林 制冷 空间 真空环境 模拟试验。