


  • At the 10th day of incubation the presumptive utricle projected to produce presumptive saccule and primordia of anterior posterior and lateral ampulla .

    第10天出现球囊与 椭圆 的分化, 椭圆 部出现前、后、侧 壶腹原基;

  • Finite element analysis for utricle ′ s cord force of diaphragm air spring on vehicles

    车用膜式空气弹簧 帘线受力有限元分析

  • X-ray Diagnosis of Prostatic Utricle ( A Report of 6 cases )


  • Conclusions ( 1 ) In common cavity malformation in addition to the abnormal bony labyrinth such as the cochlea vestibule and lateral semicircular canal the inner ear perceptive organ such as the saccule utricle and scala media were also abnormal .

    结论(1)共同腔畸形极重度聋患者不仅前庭、外半规管和耳蜗的骨性结构形态发生了变化,而且腔内耳蜗中阶与前庭的球囊、 椭圆 迷路结构形态也发生了变化;

  • The semicircular canals utricle and saccule were developed trom the dorsal part of the otocyst .

    内耳原基的上部发育成3个半规管、 椭圆 和球囊。

  • Results Prostatic utricle were demonstrated in 16 patients ( 31 % ) .

    结果 52例中合并 扩大的前列腺 16例,占31%。

  • The occurrence of post operative fistula in simple hypospadias was 18.2 % and in the hypospadias complicated with enlarged prostatic utricle 46.7 % .

    术后尿瘘发生率单纯尿道下裂为18.2%,合并扩大的前列腺 者为46.7%。

  • In addition the morphological damage occurred earlier and was more severe in the crista than in the maculae of the saccule and utricle .

    另外,壶腹嵴的形态学损害比球囊斑和椭园 斑发生早而且更为严重。

  • Clinical analysis of prostatic utricle cyst

    前列腺 囊肿 5例临床分析

  • Utricle egg circle the seed is black Brown .


  • The two types of fruit differ in color size and quality but the two types of fruit are vertical utricle to the branch .

    褐色果实和 黑色果实在颜色、大小、质量上均有差异,着 方式均为 直立

  • To clarify this issue we carried out a study to determine whether or not otoliths in the lagena of homing pigeons are richer in magnetic elements than those in the saccule and the utricle .

    为澄清这个争议,本研究分析成年信鸽瓶状囊耳石磁性元素的含量是否比内耳球囊和 椭圆 耳石更丰富。

  • Vestibule hair cells were normal at macula of saccule macula of utricle and ampullary crest vestibule among C57BL / 10J mice of varied age .

    前庭选取球囊斑, 椭圆 和壶腹嵴三个部位进行观察,不同月龄的C57BL/10J鼠前庭毛细胞均正常。

  • The microgravity might affect the volume development of supporting cell nucleus in saccule but could not affect the morphological development of supporting cell nucleus in utricle and of hair cell in utricle and saccule .

    微重力可能对球囊支持细胞核的体积发育有影响,对椭圆囊和球囊的毛细胞以及 椭圆 支持细胞核的形态发育无影响。

  • Conclusion w_482 B sonography and MRI are excellent imaging modalities for accurately depicting prostatic utricle cyst .

    结论B超和MRI是诊断前列腺 囊肿的重要方法。

  • Materials and Methods 16 cases with Prostatic utricle which had been confirmed by operation cystoscope or urethroscope were analysed respectively .

    资料与方法对16例经手术证实或经膀胱镜、尿道镜等检查证实的前列腺 患儿资料进行回顾性分析。

  • Conclusions The incidence and degree of enlarged prostatic utricle was increased according to the severity of hypospadias and the occurrence of postoperative fistula was also increased as well .

    结论随尿道下裂程度增加,扩大的前列腺 发生率及程度增加,术后尿瘘发生率亦逐渐增加。

  • Clinical Features and Minimally Invasive Treatment of Prostatic Utricle Cyst

    前列腺 囊肿的临床特征及微创治疗 选择

  • Morphological basis for transduction coding and synaptic transmission of hair cell in the newt utricle

    蝾螈 椭圆 毛细胞换能、编码和突触传递的形态学基础

  • Objective : To observe the cross links between stereocilia on guinea pig utricle hair cells .

    目的:探讨豚鼠 椭圆 毛细胞静纤毛束间的相互连接形式及其生理意义。

  • Methods w_1782 5 cases of prostatic utricle cyst were diagnosed by sonography or MRI . Transurethral cyst deroofing was applied in 3 cases and laparoscopic excision of a prostatic utricle for 2 case .

    方法对5例B超、MRI诊断为前列腺 囊肿的患者行经尿道囊肿去顶术或腹腔镜下囊肿切除术。

  • Comparative morphology of the two type 's hair cells from saccule and utricle under inverted phase contrast microscope

    光学相差显微镜下 前庭 两型毛细胞的形态学鉴别

  • The utricle was composed of pericarp and a seed .

    由果皮和一 种子组成,其种子 类型双子 胚乳种子。

  • Results Anatomic structures of membranous labyrinth and internal auditory meatus were well demonstrated in three-dimensional reconstructed images of MIP in all volunteers . All three semicircular ducts utricle saccule cochlear duct and internal auditory meatus produced high intensity signal .

    结果MIP三维重建能满意显示两侧内耳膜迷路及内耳道的解剖结构,其中3个膜半规管、 椭圆 、球囊、蜗管及内耳道呈高信号。

  • Analysis of Saccule and Utricle Function in Sudden Deafness with Vertigo

    伴眩晕的突发性聋患者 椭圆 -球囊功能分析

  • Objective : To probe the diagnosis with ureteroscopy for patients suffered with pudental hypospadias combining prostatic utricle .

    目的:探讨输尿管镜在诊断会阴型尿道下裂并发前列腺 的应用价值。