Most western astrologers set the beginning of their year at the Vernal Equinox which takes place the millisecond that the Sun hits tropical Aries .
大多数西方占星家,定为 春分,其中发生的毫秒,太阳命中热带白羊座他们年初。
The Teutonic deity Eostra was the goddess of spring and fertility and feasts were held in her honor on the Vernal Equinox .
日耳曼的Eostra之神是掌管春天繁殖的神,人们在 春分的时候为她举办盛宴祭拜她。
What do people often eat on Vernal Equinox day ?
人们在 春分这一天常常吃什么?
It issued the Easter Rule which states that Easter shall be celebrated on the first Sunday that occurs after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox .
这个理事会制定了复活节的标准:复活节应该在第一个满月后或是 春分后的第一个星期进行庆祝。
Most patients with allergic conjunctivitis in children are vernal keratoconjunctivitis .
儿童过敏性结膜炎以 春季角 结膜炎为主。
They are thought to have arisen with the celebrations of the vernal equinox .
人们认为他们是 出自于庆祝 春分的来临。
The paschal moon falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox ;
教会月亮指满月落下或 春分以后;
However in the period we are considering the sun at the Vernal Equinox had left Taurus two thousand years before and was in the process of moving from Aries to Pisces .
然而,在我们正在考虑的这个 密特拉时期,太阳在 春分点上已经抛离了金牛座两千年之久,正在从白羊座到双鱼座移动。
Full moon after the vernal equinox is the time the first Sunday .
时间是 春分月圆后的第一个星期日。
And on the morning of the vernal equinox before the rest of the forest had begun to wake that last seed ripened and burst in an instant .
在 春分的早晨,当其它种子还没有苏醒时,最后那颗种子在一瞬间成熟然后爆裂了。
During a tropical year the sun moves from Vernal Equinox to Vernal Equinox .
在一个回归年内,太阳从 春分点转回到春分点。
Immunologic mechanism of vernal keratoconjunctivitis
Friday March 20 will see an astronomical triple play when a rare total solar eclipse occurs on the same day as the vernal equinox and a supermoon makes an appearance .
本周五(3月20日)将上演天文现象三合一: 春分当天发生日全食,还能看到超级月亮。
Dead place with light and life and vernal air .
充满生命的 活力 和 炯炯光明。
As homage to the original vernal theme I flavored this one with a bit of ginger and garlic a splash of mirin and soy and a soup & # 231 ; on of white miso to finish .
为了向最初的 春天主题致意,我在鸡汤中加了点姜、蒜、米酒和酱油,最后用一点白味噌收尾。
The festival occurs two weeks after vernal equinox .
春分过后两周 即是清明节。
It was a bold antiphrasis that gave such a vernal title to this birthplace of icebergs .
给这座冰山发源地这样一个 温柔的称号真是大胆的反语法。
Sunshine spring and vernal wind not only bring a glittering color and smile but also a beautiful bride spreading the seed of love .
明媚的春光, 和煦的春风不仅带来绚丽的色彩,灿烂的笑容。同时也撒播爱的种子,带来美的新娘。
First love is singing about vernal blazing passion performing our young maturation .
初恋吟唱着 青春炽烈的激情,上演着我们青涩的成熟。
Lets build a hypothetical square running from Vernal Equinox to Vernal Equinox as our horizontal axis and we will use0 to100 as our vertical .
可以让一个假设的广场建设一条由 春分作为我们的横轴,以春分,我们将用我们的垂直0到100。
He described the vernal migration of birds in detail .
他详细地描述了鸟的 春季移居。
His home run gave Wang a lead and the Yankees liked their chances . The former occupied by the sun at the vernal equinox is known as the equinox .
他的 阳春 全垒打让小王有一分的领先,洋基很开心他们有这样的机会。前者是太阳在 春分时所在的 位置,通称为春分点。
The linnet chirps her vernal song .
红雀吱喳鸣叫着她 春天的歌。
The former occupied by the sun at the vernal equinox is known as the equinox .
前者是太阳在 春分时 所在 的 位置,通称为春分点。
Everyone admired the young girl 's vernal freshness .
大家都羡慕这女孩子的 青春朝气。
Gorgeous vernal scenery : describes the warm spring breeze sunshine .
“ 春和景明”:形容春风和煦,阳光明媚。
While hiking on a hot summer day in Yosemite the cooling mist of Vernal Fall was truly welcomed and appreciated .
一个炎炎夏日在 约塞美蒂进行徒步旅行时, 春天 瀑布的凉爽薄雾 带来了 欣喜和赞叹。
Untimely flora and fauna aren 't the only signs of vernal activity continuing into what should be winter months .
事实上, 这些 春天的迹象不仅仅 体现在动植物的这些异常 情况上。
First select Reports menu and then click Vernal Point Off so that it will say Vernal Point On the next time you open this menu .
先选择报告菜单,点击 春分点关闭,下次你打开表单的时候,即显示春分点开启。