vertical investment

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ɪnˈvɛstmənt][ˈvə:tikəl inˈvestmənt]

[医] 垂直围模法

  • In recent years our government is aware of the vertical fiscal imbalance of compulsory education increase financial investment in compulsory education by general or special transfer payments and try to find the fundamental solution to the grass-roots problem of inadequate government funds for compulsory education .

    近年来,我国政府也意识到义务教育 纵向财政失衡问题,通过一般性转移支付或专项转移支付加大对基层政府义务教育的财政 投入,并试图找到根本解决基层政府义务教育经费不足的问题。

  • The theory and design method of integrated vertical flow constructed wetland ( IVCW ) are explained ; the investment and operation cost are analyzed and the purification efficiency of the system treating contaminated surface water is also demonstrated .

    阐述了复合 垂直流构建湿地的设计理论基础及方法,分析其 投资与运行管理费用,测试该系统对受污染水体的净化效果。

  • Identify Chinese investors who would be interested in vertical integration through investment in beef and pork production .

    找出哪些中国投资者在对牛肉和猪肉产品的 投资中,对 垂直统一管理有兴趣的。

  • Large vertical cylindrical unanchored tanks are widely used in oil reserve bases for the advantages of less investment smaller footprint smaller respiratory loss lower energy consumption and easer operation and management .

    大型 立式非锚固圆柱形储液罐凭借其 投资少、占地面积小、呼吸损耗小、能耗低和便于操作管理等优点,在石油储备基地中被各国广泛采用。

  • The traditional ground heat exchanger takes the form of vertical U-tube in bore holes . However the high cost of drilling bore holes which accounts for a large percentage of the initial investment leads to a vast initial investment .

    传统的地热换热器采用钻孔 竖直埋管的形式,但对于工程问题来说,钻孔的费用相当昂贵,占初 投资的比例较大,致使初投资过高。

  • From a vertical point of view from 2001 to 2005 the economic effect of investment of Jilin Province is increasing year by year while the social effect is decreasing .

    纵向上看,2001-2005年,吉林省 投资的经济效应逐年上升,越来越好,而社会效应却逐年降低,2002年以后 投资的环境效应持续下降。

  • In the procedure of railway design horizontal and vertical alignments are of vital importance as it will directly affect the investment of construction and operation of a line . Therefore study of profile optimization can bring practical social and economic benefits .

    铁路设计过程中,线路平面和 断面线形的优劣直接影响着线路的工程及运营 投资大小;因此,进行线路优化研究具有实际的社会经济效益。

  • In Section 1 I use horizontal product innovation model and vertical product innovation model to analyze foundation researches and application researches . The conclusion is that resource allocated fully by markets may cause insufficient investment in foundation researches and insufficient or excess investment in application researches .

    第一节用产品水平创新模型与产品 垂直创新模型分析基础研究与应用研究,结论是,完全由市场配置资源,会造成基础研究 投入不足,而应用研究的投入既可能不足也可能过度。

  • Due to the number of stories increases in high-rise residential buildings the horizontal load gradually replace the vertical loads and become dominant role and with the number of stories increases the structural design is more complex and investment .

    高层住宅建筑由于层数、高度增多,水平荷载逐渐取代 竖向荷载占据主导作用,并且随着层数增多,结构设计更为复杂, 投入更大。

  • The purpose of this study lies in integrated marketing resources and increase the overall strength of innovative management ideas and expand marketing capabilities ; optimization marketing capability vertical complementary ; solidarity with the forces expand its brand-building investment in a professional advantages improve export pathway .

    本文研究的目的就在于整合营销资源,强化整体实力;创新管理理念,扩大营销能力;优化销售能力,实现 纵向互补;团结各方力量,扩大品牌建设 投入;发挥专业优势改善出口通路。

  • City gas supply by coke ovens vertical retorts water-gas generators and two stage water-gas generators are presented . Investment comparison of coke ovens and water-gas generators shows that water-gas should be favored in small and medium cities .

    城市煤气气源有焦炉、 直立炉、水煤气炉、两段水煤气炉等,文中列出了焦炉与水煤气炉的 投资比较,说明水煤气是中小城市的主要气源。

  • Vertical centrifugal casting of TiAl alloy blade casting in an investment shell was investigated . The Ti Al alloy melt was produced by induction skull melting .

    对TiAl合金涡轮的 立式离心 模陶瓷型壳精密铸造进行了研究,合金熔配设备为水冷铜坩埚真空感应熔化炉。

  • The main factors that influence vertical intra-industry trade are scale of economy gap between scales of economies and foreign direct investment .

    中国&新西兰 垂直型产业内贸易的主要影响因素是经济规模、经济规模差异和外国直接 投资

  • Through comparison consider the scheme which has both vertical and horizontal inclination angle is better . The scheme can use old equipment require less investment . The increased inclination angle is less than 0.1 and has a small effect to transmission system .

    比较认为以接轴存在 垂直和水平方向两个倾角的方案为优,该方案可利用原有设备, 投资少,增加的倾角不到0.1o,对主传动系统影响小。

  • The result indicates that foreign direct investment improves the level of China 's intra-industry trade and vertical intra-industry trade but the influence of inward foreign direct investment on horizontal intra-industry trade is not notable .

    结果表明,外商直接 投资对我国 垂直型产业内贸易有积极的促进作用,而对我国水平型产业内贸易的影响不显著。

  • In the design of route parameters of the high-speed rail space setting the overlapped setting of the plane curves and the vertical curves has important implications for the project investment and the technology security .

    高速铁路空间线形参数设计中平面曲线和 曲线重叠设置对工程 投资和技术安全方面具有重要的影响。

  • The South North intra industry trade can be influenced by vertical product differences the overlapping of demand biases trade distortion foreign direct investment dual economic structure scale economy and the integration of regional economy etc.

    垂直产品差异、需求偏好重叠、贸易扭曲、外国直接 投资、二元经济结构、规模经济及区域经济一体化等均可影响南北之间的产业内贸易。

  • The horizontal and vertical design parameters have important influence on line-location construction project investment operation expenses comfortableness and traffic safety etc.

    线路平 面设计参数对选线难度、施工技术、工程 投资、运营费用、乘坐舒适性和行车安全等都具有重要的影响。

  • Vertical Integration with Research and Development ( R & D ) Investment

    纵向一体化与R&D 投资