vertical alignment

[ˈvɚtɪkəl əˈlaɪnmənt][ˈvə:tikəl əˈlaɪnmənt]


  • Optimal vertical alignment analysis was made and some key problems during the GAs application were resolved primarily .

    针对 断面优化问题,本文对遗传算法做了进一步的改进,初步解决了遗传 算法在应用中的关键问题。

  • At the highway alignment design the designer with no rules can not control plane and Vertical Alignment combination of road horizontal and vertical alignment design .

    在山区高速公路线形设计中,设计人员无章可循,导致道路平 线形组合设计无法控制。

  • Vertical alignment is accomplished from the top with a threaded element .

    垂直 校准是从带螺纹元件顶部实现的。

  • This paper introduces a method of longitudinal slope design for vertical alignment smoothly transition .

    使 路线 交叉连接部处 线形平顺过渡,介绍了一种纵面坡度设计方法。

  • Relationships of LCD TV among response time operating voltage and liquid crystal materials ' parameters are introduced under three modes including vertical alignment ( VA ) mode in plane switching ( IPS ) mode and twisted nematic ( TN ) mode .

    介绍LCDTV在 垂直 阵列(VA)、共面开关(IPS)和扭曲向列相(TN)等三种模式下,其工作电压和响应时间与液晶材料介电各向异性等主要参数的关系。

  • A method for vertical alignment optimization of mountain highways

    一种山区公路 断面 线形优化方法

  • In this thesis ZnO nanorod arrays which are highly vertical alignment are prepared by a simple hydrothermal method .

    本文中,我们采用简单的水热法,制备出了 高度 取向的ZnO纳米棒阵列。

  • Multi-domain vertical alignment mode study of a large screen LCD-TV

    大屏幕液晶电视多畴 垂直 取向模式的分析

  • The Study on Optimal Design of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment of Railway

    铁路线路平 整体优化设计的研究

  • In the final implementation the icon will line up with the text in a cell and the icon will follow the cell 's vertical alignment .

    在最后的实施中,图标会和单元格中的文本整齐排列,图标会遵循单元格的 竖直 对齐

  • Research of Liquid Crystals Vertical Alignment Layer Film Materials

    液晶 垂直 取向膜材料的研究

  • The Optimal Design of Road 's Vertical Alignment

    道路 断面优化设计的研究

  • The emphasis of montane highway design is vertical alignment 's design there are usually two controls parameters : concessional maximal longitudinal and concessional maximal length of grade .

    而山区公路分离式断面路线设计的重点是 断面设计,在 断面 线形 设计中通常使用两项控制参数:容许最大纵坡和最大容许坡长。

  • The Study of Vertical Alignment Technique for Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Displays

    应用于胆甾型液晶显示 垂直 取向技术的研究

  • Based on B-spline and arc spline this paper presents a method for designing vertical alignment of highway almost fully by computer .

    本文把《计算几何》中的B样条函数和圆弧样条函数结合起来,给出了一种几乎完全利用计算机来设计公路 断面 线形的方法。

  • The first is a vertical alignment and it contains both a LinearLayout with a horizontal structure and a ScrollView .

    第一个是 垂直 对齐,其中既含有一个带有水平结构的LinearLayout和一个ScrollView。

  • If the alkyl group length was larger than 11C the self-assembled film would induce vertical alignment .

    实验发现,当自组装膜烷烃碳链长度大于11个C原子就可获得 垂直 取向

  • The Study on Low Subgrade and Vertical Alignment Design in Plain and Hilly Area Expressway

    平微区高速公路低路基 线型设计的商榷

  • It is expounded that important plane and vertical alignment design principles technical criterions and design methods of ramps .

    阐述了互通式立体交叉匝道的平面 线形 断面 线形的重点设计原则、技术标准以及设计方法;

  • In the paper some technical indexes that relate to the rural highway construction in Jiangsu Province are put forward such as horizontal alignment vertical alignment cross section height of subgrade which should be filled and composition of the pavement etc.

    提出了与江苏省农村公路建设密切相关的公路的平面、 断面、横断面、路基填筑高度、路面结构设计等方面的一些技术指标。

  • I could see the vertical alignment being adjusted throughout the movie .

    我可以看到 垂直 对齐调整整个电影。

  • Improve on Responding Time and Color Shift with Vertical Alignment LCD Mode

    改善响应速度及色差的 垂直 显示模式

  • The Evaluation Method of Highway Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Combination Optimized Design in Survey Design Stage

    勘测设计阶段公路平 线形组合的优化设计方法

  • Finally the designed results of wide viewing-angle films for vertical alignment LCD and horizontal alignment TN-LCD are offered .

    最后给出了 垂直 排列(VA)液晶盒和水平排列TN液晶盒用宽视角膜的优化设计结果以及补偿前后的性能比较。

  • Highway design in the new and old way of convergence as well as the used road reconstruction and extension need to understand the plane and vertical alignment of existing roads accurately .

    公路设计中的新、旧路的衔接以及旧路改扩建等工程设计,需要精确了解现有道路的平、 断面 线形

  • The vertical alignment of right or left margins .

    对左、右页边的 竖向 对齐

  • Research on geometrical definition system of highway 's horizontal alignment vertical alignment and cross section

    公路平、 、横几何描述体系研究

  • Experience Of Horizontal And Vertical Alignment Control In Grade Road

    对等级公路平 线形控制的几点体会

  • This article presents a method of providing a initial route of profile which make use of triangular high weighed method when designing vertical alignment of highway .

    介绍了一种利用计算机产生公路初始 断面 线程序的方法,该方法利用三角形高程加权来对原始纵断面线进行平顺,并通过改变平顺范围来产生不同的平顺曲线。

  • Controlling of the vertical alignment of tower and the level of tray

    塔体 直线 和塔盘水平度控制方法