From the ground up everything is based on the concepts of isolation and verifiability .
自底向上,一切事物都是基于隔离与 可 验证的概念。
The diagram notation of the UML enhances the understandability traceability verifiability and modifiability of the requirements model .
UML图表符号提高了需求模型的可理解性、可追踪性、 可 验证 性和可修改性。
By analyzing the ID-based signcryption scheme in the random oracle model it finds that it is not satisfied with unforgeability and public verifiability .
随机预言机模型下基于身份的签密方案不满足不可伪造性和可公开 验证 性。
In the next point in focusing on the strength of the verifiability principle of meaning that if a proposition was confirmed in the experiences then say that a proposition is demonstrable strong sense .
在接下来的观点中着重于对于 可 证实 性原则的强弱意义的研究,认为如果一个命题在经验之中得到证实,那么就说这个命题的强意义上是可证实的。
But signcryption schemes cannot provide forward secrecy and public verifiability as the traditional method does .
然而签密方案不能像传统方法那样同时提供前向安全性和 可 公开 验证 性。
Analysis result shows that improved scheme is satisfied with unforgeability verifiability robustness non-repudiation it is adaptable to the wireless network requiring lower bandwidth .
分析结果表明,改进方案满足不可伪造性、可 公开 验证 性、健壮性和不可否认性,适用于带宽要求较低的无线网络环境。
According to the safety certificateless signcryption model this paper presents an efficient certificateless signcryption scheme with public verifiability based on bilinear pairing .
根据安全无证书签密模型,提出一种基于双线性对的 可公开 验证的高效无证书签密方案。
As the analysis show that the scheme meet the security rationality anonymity and generalized verifiability receipt-free which else has the high performance computing .
经分析表明该方案不仅满足安全性、合理性、匿名性等基本要求,并且满足广义 可 验证 性和无收据性,具有较强的运算高效性。
A secure electronic voting scheme based on it is also proposed which has the following property : privacy fairness publicity public verifiability and voter 's anonymity simultaneously .
利用它给出了一个电子投票方案,具有选举的秘密性、 唯一 性、 完整 性、匿名性、 可公开性、 可 验证 性等优点, 适宜于大规模选举。
As a building block of the fair exchange protocol this approach does not use any zero-knowledge proofs to provide verifiability it avoids most of the costly computations .
作为设计公平交换协议的基本模块,该方案没有使用零知识证明系统提供 验证,有效地避免了大量运算。
A method of Confirmation degree on appraisal of verifiability is put forward in this paper as well .
并讨论了 证实性评价的确认度方法。
The latter are of : ideology system natural limitation and legislative limitation . However because of the natural limitation of Taoist 's theory basis and the verifiability of religious practice means the theory of wandering with celestial beings bankrupted at last .
由于道教理论基础的先天性不足和宗教实践方式的 可 验证 性,游仙思想最终走向了破产。
The IMF needs to change the SDR inclusion criteria and preserve verifiability of the currency selection .
IMF需要改变特别提款权的纳入标准,并维护货币甄选的 可 验证 性。
This paper analyses the communication mechanism between keyboard controller and keyboard in detail proposes a design structure for keyboard controller and improves the reusability and verifiability through optimizing part of the circuit .
本文详细分析了键盘系统的工作机制,给出了一种键盘控制器的设计结构和控制 时序,通过优化某些具体电路增加设计的可重用性和 可 验证 性。
The Discussion on Verifiability to Science Hypothesis
科学假说的 证实 性探讨
The digital signature technology can provide users with data integrity verifiability resistance to denial and anti-counterfeiting security protections .
数字签名技术可以为用户提供数据完整性、 可 验证 性以及抗抵赖和防伪造等安全性保护。
Its main function is to protect the integrity fairness verifiability non-repudiation of the e-commerce activities .
它的作用主要是保障电子商务活动的完整性、公平性、 可 验证 性、不可否认性等等。
Logical positivists stick to the principle that facts must be proved by experience and hold verifiability as their criterion for they think a proposition can be meaningful only after it is verified in experienced .
逻辑实证主义者坚持经验证实原则,把 可 证实 性作为分界标准,认为只有能被经验证实的命题才是有意义的命题。
They are given the same kind of credibility as real science but they are missing one key element : verifiability .
它们具有真正的科学一样的可信度,但缺乏一个非常关键的因素: 可 验证 性。
This scheme realizes the anonymity of identity of bidders unforgeability and public verifiability of successful bidders etc.
该方案实现了参与竞标公司身份的匿名性、中标者的不可否认性、可公开 验证性等安全性问题。
The secure audit of electric data based on digital signature in this paper records effective data element in order to guarantee the validity and verifiability of electric evidence .
本文中的电子数据的安全审计是以数字签名技术为基础,记录有效的数据元素,以保证这些电子证据的有效性和 可 验证 性。
Combined with financial ratio the RIV model is characterized by more conspicuous objectivity and verifiability .
与财务 比率的结合,是该模型的重要发展方向之一。
An Efficient Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Public Verifiability
一个有效的公开 可 验证的认证加密方案
Because of the verifiability accuracy and unambiguity formal methods can effectively verify the security properties of the authentication protocol .
形式化方法由于其 可 验证 性、准确性以及无二义性的特点,可以有效地对网络认证协议的安全性质进行分析检测。
The electronic seal should ensure the integrality of the electronic document and make the electronic document modified have verifiability .
电子印章应保证电子文档的完整性,对被修改的电子文档应具有 可 验证 性。
Verifiability : The voting result can be verified by anyone .
可 验证 性:投票的结果可被验证。
CMMI and ISO9000 give direction on what a good development process must have ( repeatability and verifiability of software integration and IT processes ) .
CMMI和ISO9000规定良好的开发过程必须具备的 性质(软件、集成和IT过程的 可重复性和 可 检验 性)。
The constructed registry code is with the properties of user uniqueness verifiability and security guarantee .
构建的注册码具有用户惟一性、 可 验证 性和安全 性保证。