China has about 110 home-grown investment banks that remain little known outside the country and were mostly on the verge of bankruptcy just two years ago .
中国目前有大约110家本土投资银行,海外对它们的了解仍然很少,其中多数机构在两年前还处于 破产 边缘。
I have a rude awakening when I find myself on the verge of bankruptcy
我发现自己已 到了 破产 边缘时才猛然意识到事情不妙
Some of the factories are on the verge of bankruptcy .
有些厂家 濒临 破产。
The case has high stakes for both Apple one of the world 's most profitable companies and Proview Electronics a once-strong computer display manufacturer that now is on the verge of bankruptcy .
此案对双方都事关重大,苹果是世界上最具效益的公司之一,而唯冠这家一度强盛的计算机显示器生产厂家现在 濒临 破产。
A : To tell you the truth our firm is on the verge of bankruptcy .
老实告诉你,我们公司 濒临 破产 边缘。
The country is on the verge of bankruptcy and even more important for those of Viking stock its international reputation is in tatters .
这个国家 濒临 破产,对维京种族更为重要的是,它的国际声誉被毁坏。
The federal government is not on the verge of bankruptcy .
联邦政府并未处于 破产 边缘。
In 1998 when the factory was in a hopeless situation on the verge of bankruptcy the enterprise carried out bold reforms and adopted personnel appointment system .
1998年在 濒临 破产的困境中,企业进行了大胆改革,实行全员聘用制。
Gianni died in 2003 having left Fiat on the verge of bankruptcy .
2003年,贾尼去世,留下 濒临 破产的菲亚特。
Sporting goods company Puma was on the verge of bankruptcy back in 1992 .
美洲豹体育用品公司(P)在92年 已 濒临 破产。
Our extensive advertising has saved many firms from the verge of bankruptcy .
我们做的广告很好,曾使好几家 濒临 破产的公司 得以复生。
The country was on the verge of bankruptcy ; the government was taking control of the banks and was going to assume far-reaching powers to secure the safety of the nation and its savers .
这个国家 到了 破产 的 边缘,政府接管了银行,并将全面掌权,以确保国家及其储户的安全。
He is on the verge of bankruptcy .
他已 近乎 破产。
Had it not been for your timely help our company would have been on the verge of bankruptcy .
若非你及时伸出支援之手,本公司将会濒临 破产 的 边缘。
Peter 's Houston based employer however is on the verge of bankruptcy and has cancelled the kidnapping insurance policy and they cannot provide the money for his ransom .
可是,预言祸事的人总是不甘心罢休的,所以 倒闭的日期又被定在了九月底。彼得所属在休斯敦的公司却 正 濒临 倒闭,已取消了绑架保险,故而不能为彼得提供赎金。
The company is on the verge of bankruptcy and hundreds of jobs are at stake .
这家公司正处于 破产 边缘,几百人 濒于失业的境地。
He told us point-blank that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy .
他直截了当地告诉我们,他的公司 快要 破产了。
Concerns are being raised regarding its clinical practice and teaching in Chinese Medicine that are vulnerably at the verge of bankruptcy .
另一个是传统医学中的佼佼者-中医学,在它的发源地中国,却被 边缘 化 和面对临床和教学的 崩溃。
Such a large decline in exports will probably mean more factories on the verge of bankruptcy and a further increase in unemployment on top of the 20m migrant workers who have already lost their jobs from the export sector .
出口如此大幅的下降,很可能意味着更多工厂处于 破产 边缘,失业率将进一步上升。中国出口行业已经有2000万农民工丢掉了工作。
A few more days and the company will Be on the verge of Bankruptcy .
再过几天,这家公司就将 濒临 破产 的 边缘。
But soon I found it on the verge of bankruptcy due to a weak management .
但没多久我就发现,由于管理不善, 工厂 已 处在 破产 的 边缘。
The hypothetical situation with which the lawyers must grapple is as follows . A company on the verge of bankruptcy tries to reach agreement with its bondholders to reduce its debt .
如下的假设情形是律师们必须着力解决的:一家 濒临 破产的公司试图与债券持有人达成协议,以减少债务。
Bankruptcy reorganization is a special law procedure the aim of which is to rescue those enterprises which are on the verge of bankruptcy but have a chance of revival .
破产重整是对 濒临 破产的企业实施拯救并促使其得以复兴的特殊法律制度。
Contract to run an enterprise on the verge of Bankruptcy
承包一家 濒临 倒闭的企业
He is on the verge of bankruptcy for the investment .
由于投资问题他 快要 破产了。
This long-drawn-out war brought their country 's finance to the verge of bankruptcy .
这场旷日持久的战争使他们国家财政 濒于 破产 的 边缘。
On the contrary a corporation with bad finance or even on the verge of bankruptcy will not only lack competition capability but also face crisis .
相反,而陷入财务困境或 濒临 破产的企业不但缺乏竞争力,也面临着企业危机的可能。
The Chronicle which is a very good paper is on the verge of bankruptcy .
《旧金山纪事报》是一个很不错的报纸,但是它也处于 破产 的 边缘。
In recent years diversification swept the world many enterprises in China selected the diversification strategy . When a number of companies enjoyed the fruit of pluralism many companies due to blindly diversifying confronted poor operating performance or even fell into the plight of the verge of bankruptcy .
近年来多元化浪潮席卷了全球,我国企业纷纷进行多元化经营,一些企业在享受着多元化带来的成果的同时,许多企业因盲目进行多元化造成企业业绩滑坡甚至陷入 濒临 破产的困境。
If you buy distressed leveraged out-of-favour companies on the verge of bankruptcy hoping for a turnround you are using leverage .
如果你购买那些身处困境、负债累累、不再受宠、 濒临 破产 边缘的公司股票,期待着它能翻身,你就是在使用杠杆。
[法] 破产边缘