vermis cerebelli


  • From 32 rhesus monkeys the vermis cerebelli and the portion containing the dentate nucleus were fixed in 10 % formalin . The animals of both sexes were divided into 4 age groups according to their dental status .

    猴32只,分雌雄两批,按齿 情况分为4个年龄组。取 小脑 体及含齿状核的部分,用10%福尔马林固定,作 石蜡切片及 少量 冰冻 切片

  • Results : Hemangioblastomas were often located in hemispherium cerebelli and vermis cerebelli other parts of brain were rare .

    结果:血管母细胞瘤常位于小脑半球及 ,其它部位少见。