


  • These are Street Park Vert Trails and Flatland .

    这些都是街,公园, 垂直,滑道及平地。

  • My inspiration comes from poets like Baudelaire and Jacques Pr é vert

    我的灵感源于像波德莱尔和 雅克·普雷韦这样的诗人

  • The2nd time driving in my life is a vert bold move : 4 hours drive from San Francisco Airport all the way to Black Mountain Reserve towards the north .

    生平第二次开车,就 了四个小时,从旧金山机场,一路开到北边山上的 闭关 中心

  • But I was interested in the preservation of the venison and the vert more than the hunters or woodchoppers and as much as though I had been the Lord Warden himself ;

    可是我比猎者或伐木者更关心 野味和森林保护,仿佛我自己便是护林官一样;

  • The Analysis of Vert . out of OTL Pump Circuit in TV

    电视机泵电源 OTL场输出电路解析

  • First they started with half-pipe and vert ramp skateboarding .

    首先,他们开始使用半管和 垂直坡道滑板。

  • Our next event will be the vert ramp .

    下一项是 垂直跳板。

  • Mom and Aunt Rachel said that dad and I were vert much alike that way .

    妈与 瑞秋阿姨说这方面我跟我父亲很像。

  • Edison was a vert quick reader and he remembered everything in it .

    爱迪生是一个 非常 的阅读者,他 总能记得他 阅读 的内容。

  • Physiological curvature change of cervical vert ebrae : 78 cases ( 53.7 % ) .

    颈椎生理曲度的改变78例,占 53.7%

  • The Venture Evaluation and Review Technique ( VERT ) is a computerized mathematical simulation technique based on stochastic network analysis .

    风险评审技术( VERT-3)是以随机型网络为基础的计算机化仿真技术。

  • You actually really creating every vert and every face exactly where you want it on the screen .

    实际上 通过 这个 工具你可以在屏幕上任何你想要的地方精确创造每个 和每个面。

  • I 'll be vert happy if you take me .

    你若是带我去,我会很 高兴

  • Application of VERT in power engineering project


  • But a lot of times its just easer to start from a plane or a polygon or even just creating a vert .

    但是很多时候从平面或者多边形甚至只是一个 做起使工作容易很多。

  • This SUPER STOL dynamics performance characteristic will allow for special VEER-LEV aircrafts to be built on top of existing buildings as totally new VERT LEV airports .

    这种超短距起落动力学性能特点将允许特殊转向低尾气排放的飞机将于现有建筑物之上的全新的 垂直 轻型 电动车机场。

  • Vert or green - Hope joy and sometimes loyalty in love .

    绿色-希望、欢乐,有时也 忠贞的爱情

  • The municipal life waste is inevitable castoff in human daily life and basis of life waste have refuse in kitchen waste paper waste plastic waste fabric waste glass vert ash and dust tile metal and so on .

    城市生活垃圾是人类在日常生产生活中不可避免地产生的废弃物,其主要成分有厨余物、废纸、废塑料、废织物、废玻璃、 草木、灰土、砖瓦、金属等。

  • So next time you click on a vert or a face or an edge the screen mode instead of saying thinking you may only want to move X or only want to move Y.

    下次你点击一个 、一个面或者 对象的边缘的时候,屏幕模式会辨认 你不是只想移动X或者只想移动Y。

  • Comparatively intact forest layer the clear layer of the arbores thicket and vert . ( 5 ) Obvious continuity of vegetation community 's distribution and poor productivity of community .

    森林层次结构较为完整,乔、灌、 各层次间分化清晰:(5)植物群落分布的连续性明显及群落生产力水平低等群落特征。

  • By using the Doppler radar echo about Base Reflectivity ( R ) Storm Relative Vel Map ( SRM ) Vert Integrated Liquid ( VIL ) etc a severe hail and wind weather process which occured in the south of North China on June 20 is analyzed .

    运用多普勒雷达的基本反射率(R)、风暴相对径向速度(SRM)、 垂直积分液态含水量(VIL)等产品,分析了2004年6月20日华北南部罕见的冰雹大风天气过程。