



  • Vernacular Chinese is the written language commonly used by modern Han people .

    指现代 民族共同 的书面语言。

  • This paper raises knotty problems concerning the translation of the History of Ming Into the vernacular Chinese .

    本文就个人翻译《 明史 时遇到的一些较为棘手的问题提出来进行讨论。

  • Effects of Research in Regional History and Culture on Conservation of Vernacular Architecture

    地区历史文化研究在保护 乡土建筑中的作用

  • Aim To research the unique development method of vernacular dwelling of Guanzhong region for the modern society .

    目的探求关中 民居从历史 传统 走出 富有特色的发展道路。

  • The traditional Chinese vernacular architecture is an epitome of Chinese traditional culture .

    中国传统 民居建筑可谓中国传统文化的缩影。

  • Feng Menglong was the first editor researcher and theorist of vernacular literature in China .

    冯梦龙是中国第一位 通俗文学的编辑家、研究家与理论家。

  • The styles of modern verse rely heavily on the auditory and visual impacts and shocks of vernacular language .

    新诗的体式很大程度上依赖于 白话语言的听觉与视觉的冲击和震撼。

  • This does not imply copying vernacular architecture but rather that new buildings should be in keeping with it .

    这并不意味着要 抄袭 传统建筑,而是使新建筑与之和谐。

  • The flourishing of vernacular novels increased the proportion of the vernacular in the written language and furthered the development of the modern Chinese language .


  • The Study of Language and Political Elements in African American Vernacular English

    美国 黑人英语研究中的语言和政治因素

  • Tradition identifies materials by vernacular names and descriptions .

    传统方法以 方言名称和描述的方式来辨认原材料。

  • Unfortunately the don ' t-mode-me-in principle has become an unquestioned part of our design vernacular .

    不幸的是,不要让我陷入模态的原则已成为我们设计 术语中无可争议的一部分。

  • Trying to build interlocutory relations between traditions and realism so as to advance modern updating in vernacular architecture .

    试图通过图集探索在传统与现实之间建立起一种对话关系,推进 乡土建筑的现代更新。

  • First of all this thesis determines the concept of the vernacular landscape and the urban landscape .

    本文首先明确 乡土景观与城市园林的概念。

  • Most of these new sermons were recorded in literary Sanskrit rather than in vernacular language .

    这些新的布道稿本大部分是用书面梵语而不是 方言记载的。

  • Some technical language eventually becomes vernacular .

    一些技术语言最终成了 日常 口语

  • A dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words ; spoken as a vernacular by European jews .

    德语的一种方言包括一些希伯来语和其它单词;被欧洲犹太人用做一种 方言

  • Fictions criticism in Ming Dynasty mainly includes classical fiction criticism and popular fiction criticism relating mostly with vernacular ones .

    明代小说《列国志传》的创作与批评研究明代的小说批评,主要包括文言小说批评和通俗小说( 白话小说为主体)评。

  • JAX-RS establishes a vernacular to describe resources as represented by its programming model .

    JAX-RS建立了一种 特殊 语言来描述资源,正如由其编程模型所表示的。

  • The major cultural achievements were the development of drama and the novel and the increased use of the written vernacular .

    另外,主要的文化成就是发展的戏剧和小说,并增加使用书面 白话

  • In some churches they speak latin but in others they use the vernacular .

    在一些教堂中,人们讲拉丁语,但在其他一些教堂中,人们使用 本地

  • The attitude of this project is consistent with green building and new vernacular architecture .

    这和绿色建筑以及 新乡 建筑的思路也是吻合的。

  • There 's a kind of colloquial clarity and confidence quite different from the vernacular language in the Hardy poems I was just reading which are also poems of the countryside .

    有一种口语式的清晰和自信,与哈迪诗中的 地方语言十分不同,我也在阅读关于乡村的诗歌。

  • Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in vernacular language .

    把这篇古文译成 白话文。

  • Laude are the most important form of vernacular sacred song in Italy in the late medieval era and Renaissance .

    意大利中世纪晚期和文艺复兴时期以 本国 语言唱诵的圣歌。

  • More and more computer terms are now entering the vernacular .

    越来越多的计算机术语进入了 日常 用语中。

  • This new vernacular provides a framework for understanding the intentions of both companies with respect to Web service technologies .

    就Web服务技术而言,这个新的 术语 为理解这两家公司的意图提供了一个框架。

  • It helped the development of vernacular languages and helped the spread and accumulation of knowledge .

    它不仅促进了 本国语言的发展,也帮助了知识的传播和积累。

  • On the Business and Merchants of the Vernacular Short Stories in the Middle and Late Ming Dynasty

    明代中后期 白话短篇小说中的商业和商人研究

  • Yes till modern history modern vernacular Chinese is popular .

    是啊,到了近现代就是 白话 了。