


  • The market appeals a veriest software of logistics which with advanced management idea mature information technology and optimal delivery strategy .

    市场 呼唤 真正结合了先进的管理思想、成熟的信息技术和优化的配送策略的物流管理软件。

  • He had spoken the very truth and transformed it into the veriest falsehood .

    他说的本来 真情实话,结果 变成了 弥天大谎

  • The veriest baby could do it .

    最小 小孩也能做 得到

  • At present the acting arts in China are much more prosperous than ever before but we still do not have a veriest history of acting arts .

    目前,我国表演艺术呈现 前所未有的繁荣发展的 局面,遗憾的是我国还没有一 真正的中国表演艺术史。

  • The veriest coward would accept the challenge .

    就是 懦弱的胆小鬼也会接受这种挑战。

  • In Nature it is only the veriest abstract relations of matter in its inert masses which obey the law of mechanism .

    在自然界,只有那 完全抽象的 惰性的物质才受机械定律的支配。