


  • If the circumstances are serious the violator may be imposed upon a fine of not more than 200 yuan .

    情节严重的,可以处二百元以下 罚款

  • They may also give the violator a warning or impose a fine .

    并可以给予警告或者 罚款

  • Not only that but also other people who do not now have a relationship with the obligation violator will refrain from having any relationships with him will not have any dealing or contact with him .

    而且, 你现在没有关系的人们,也会不肯跟 将来产生任何关系,不肯跟你有任何 来往或交易。

  • Whereas no correction is made within the time limit a payment of land reclamation fees specially used for land reclamation by the violator shall be ordered and a fine may be imposed concurrently .

    逾期不改正的, 责令缴纳复垦费,专项用于土地复垦,可以处以罚款。

  • In case where violation of requirements in the consent document for planning affects flood control but remedies can be taken the violator shall be ordered to take remedies within a time limit and may be concurrently fined not less than RMB10000 yuan and not more than RMB100000 yuan .

    违反规划同意书的要求,影响防洪但尚可采取补救措施的, 责令 限期采取补救措施,可以处一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。

  • Furthermore other people who are in a relationship with the obligation violator seeing that he does not carry out his Cardinal Obligations may also cease carrying out their obligations to him .

    另外,其他跟你有关系的人,看到你不履行自己的义务和 责任,可能也对你停止履行他们的义务和责任。

  • In the investigations of narcotics traffickers the investigator and the judge assume that the violator is aware of the illegality of narcotics trafficking .

    在对非法贩卖毒品犯罪 嫌疑人进行控诉时,调查官员和法官都 推定 违法 知道 行为的违法性。

  • There was recently a case involving an FCPA violation in Kazakhstan which resulted in the violator receiving a US $ 44 million fine she said .

    最近在哈萨克斯坦有一起违反FCPA的案子,违反 被罚款 四千四百万美元,她说。

  • The administrative punishment shall be imposed on the violator pursuant to the provisions of the Securities Law and relevant laws if the violation does not constitute a crime .

    未构成犯罪的,依照《证券法》和有关法律的规定给予行政 处罚

  • The counterpart of the punished in peace order case includes both the violated and the violator .

    治安案件中被处罚相对人既包括被侵害 ,也包括另一 违法

  • And the competent authorities shall impose disciplinary sanction on the violator and also on the person who is in charge of the business operating unit .

    主管部门应当对 直接 责任人和经营单位负责人给予行政 处分

  • The amount of compensation can also be calculated based on how much the copyright violator profited from the infringement .

    也可以按照 侵权 侵权行为所得利益计算赔偿数额。

  • The greatest ruffian the most hardened violator of the laws of society is not altogether without it .

    最大的恶棍,极其严重地 违犯社会法律的 ,也不会全然丧失同情心。

  • If the violation causes any loss to the benefits of the listed company or other shareholders the violator shall bear corresponding liability for compensation .

    给上市公司或其他股东利益造成损失的, 应当承担相应的赔偿责任。

  • Thus adjudication and incarceration of the violator may occur many years after the commission of the crime .

    因此对 违法 的审判和监禁可能发生在实施犯罪很多年以后。

  • To remedy this situation prosecutors normally set minimum limits below which a violator will not be prosecuted .

    为了改善这一状况,公诉人往往确定一个下限,不对低于这一 数额 违法 起诉。

  • Losses caused as a result thereof shall be borne by the violator .

    由此而造成的损失,由 违反 承担。

  • The competent authority may terminate promptly the improvement deadline of those that are verified through checking to have failed to strictly carry out implementation in accordance with the improvement plan and may punish the violator severely .

    未切实依改善计划执行,经查属实者,主管机关得立即终止其改善期限,并 从重处罚。

  • For example a false start of a running event might have been followed by a whipping of the violator .

    例如,赛跑比赛的 偷跑 可能会受到鞭笞的惩罚。

  • Article91a violator of this Law who fails to follow the relevant requirements in the transport of food shall be ordered to make a correction and be given a warning by the relevant competent departments under their respective functions .

    第九十一条 违反本法规定,未按照要求进行食品运输的,由有关主管部门按照各自职责分工,责令改正,给予警告;

  • If the circumstances are serious the violator 's qualifications to undertake annual test of motor-driven vehicles and vessels may be revoked by the authorities defining such qualifications .

    情节严重的,由负责资质认定的部门取消承担机动车船 年检的资格。

  • Mr Kotz said information that led to a civil penalty from Any violator of federal securities laws should trigger a bounty and that would help regulators to uncover future frauds .

    考茨表示,致使联邦证券法的“任何 违反 ”得到民事处罚的信息,都应该获得赏金,这将有助于监管机构揭露以后的欺诈案件。

  • This dissertation analyzes the judicial functions of the derivative lawsuits the consequences of retroactive approval or denial by the shareholders ' meeting and the judicial review standard for controlling the violator .

    本文研究了派生诉讼中的司法功能,分析了股东会追认的后果以及不可追认的 行为,对 违法 控制的司法审查标准进行了 探讨

  • In case where violation of requirements in the consent document for planning seriously affects flood control the violator shall be ordered to dismantle his works within a time limit .

    违反规划同意书的要求,严重影响防洪的, 责令 限期拆除;

  • In the case where violation occurs the violator shall be duely executed according to related rules .

    如有 违反将按有关规定给予处理。

  • If there is any serious violation the violator will be reported to the university and all the legal consequences and liabilities will be taken by the violator himself .

    情节严重 ,将 报请学校予以纪律处分。由此而引起的法律上的一切后果由违规者自负。

  • Order the violator to remedy the pollution damage within a definite time pay a pollutant discharge fee pay the cost for eliminating the pollution and compensate for the losses sustained by the state

    责令 其治理,缴纳排污费,支付消除污染费用,赔偿国家损失

  • If such violation causes any property losses or any other damages the violator shall bear civil liabilities .

    造成财产损失或者其他损害的, 依法承担民事责任;

  • And the Ministry of Commerce may prohibit the violator from undertaking the relevant business activities of import of goods within the time limit of one year up to three years .

    商务部可以禁止 违法 行为 在一年以上三年以下的期限内从事有关货物进口经营活动。