Meanwhile a system of viruliferous aphids raising and management was also established .
同时也建立了一套 适用 于 大麦 BYDV 抗性 检测的较为有效的 带 毒蚜虫饲养和管理方法。
Virus isolation and determination of viruliferous percent of hyacinth samples were conducted by using indicator plant method and with 42 infected hyacinth samples .
用指示植物对42份 风信子病样进行病毒分离和 带 毒 率测定。
Three of the 12 samples of group 1 were positive which showed that 25 % of planthoppers were viruliferous .
对第一组12个样本检测,有3个样本为阳性,得出灰 飞虱 带 毒率为25%。
The transmission time threshold for the aphid was 0.25h and the transmission rate increased with the time over the time threshold as the feeding time on Cucurbita pepo of viruliferous aphid was over 2h the transmission rate was up to 100 % .
带 毒蚜虫传毒的最短取食时间为 0.25h,当取食时间超过最短传毒时间时,传 毒率随取食时间的增加而升高,取食时间达2h以上时,传 毒率达100%;
In 1994 5 . 5 % mysis and 5.1 % postlarvae were infected by HPV . During mysis and postlarval stage the viruliferous rate of HPV in larvae from wild spawners was 4.0 % while that from overwintering spawners was 6.2 % .
1994年,5.5%的糠虾幼体和5.1%的仔虾检出有HPV的感染。在糠虾和仔虾阶段,海捕亲虾苗种的HPV 带 毒率为4.0%,越冬亲虾苗种的 带 毒 率为6.2%。
The transovarial virus in 1st and 4th generations of congenital viruliferous insects can cause the second infection on early and late rice respectively .
第1、4代经 卵带毒虫,还能分别引起早、晚稻再次侵染。以早栽双季晚稻和杂交晚稻 发病最重,其主要感染期是在本田初期。
So a maize seedling should be inoculated with 10 planthoppers in which there must be at least one viruliferous planthopper .
因此,人工接种时 每 株小苗应接种10头灰飞虱,确保在接种的灰飞虱中至少有一 头 携带有 RBSDV。
The results from the samples consisting of five planthoppers indicated that viruliferous rate was 13.3 % . All three samples with 10 planthoppers were positive .
检测 每样本含有5头灰飞虱的第二组样本,得出灰 飞虱 带 毒率为13.3%。由10头灰飞虱组成的样本均表现出阳性结果。
Study on relationship between viruliferous leafhopper and disease occurrence of rice gall dwarf virus
稻瘤矮病 介 体叶蝉 带 毒 率 与 田间 发病关系研究
The average viruliferous percent of infected hyacinth samples was 47 . 6 % .
病样平均 带 毒 率为47.6%。