Effect of clpE gene deletion on virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae
clpE基因缺失对肺炎链球菌 毒力的影响
Study on Pathogenicity of Putative Virulence Gene of Enterococcus Faecium
屎肠球菌类 毒力基因hyl的致病性研究
Detection of two virulence determinants and Phenotypes of Swine-derived Enterococci
猪源肠球菌两种 致病 基因和表型的检测
This review focuses on recent developments implicated in virulence factors detection methods and disease control of Streptococcus suis .
本文对猪链球菌的 毒力因子、检测方法和疾病防治等方面的研究进展进行了综述。
This study provides two genetic markers for studies of functions of genes regulating development morphology and virulence of A.tenuissima .
这一研究为进一步探讨细极链格孢菌中与形态,发育和 毒力相关基因的功能提供了两个重要的遗传标记。
Conjugation allows bacteria to acquire genes for antibiotic resistance novel virulence attributes and alternative metabolic pathways .
细菌可以通过结合作用获得抗性, 致病性和改变代谢途径。
In addition the putative virulence genes could be detected by PCR .
PCR扩增常见的五类 致病 性大肠 杆菌 的 特征基因应用于排除诊断。
Analysis of Major Virulence Genes in Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Isolates from Coastal Areas in Zhejiang Province
浙江沿海地区海产品及环境中副溶血弧菌的分离与主要 毒力基因分析
Pathogen effectors are virulence factors causing plant diseases .
病原菌的效应分子是导致植物发病的 毒性因子。
Study on serotype and virulence genes of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Shenzhen
深圳市副溶血性弧菌血清型及 毒力基因特征研究
The virulence of the caf é owner 's anger had appalled her .
咖啡店老板 怒气冲天,充满 敌意,把她吓坏了。
Analysis on Virulence Gene and Genotyping of Vibrio cholera in some areas of Hubei Province
湖北省部分霍乱弧菌 毒力基因和基因分型结果分析
The above results suggest that the inheritance of virulence of the brown planthopper may be sex-linked .
以上的结果可推测稻褐飞虱 致 害性可能属于伴性遗传。
Medical authorities were baffled both as to its causes and its virulence .
医疗当局对其病因及有 多致命都还不 甚 了解。
Effect of ambroxol on virulence factors and expression of relative genes of Quorum-sensing system in pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm
氨溴索对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜密度感应系统 毒力因子及相关基因的影响
The researchers also found that high-salt conditions increased transcription of two genes responsible for the virulence of H. pylori .
研究人员还发现,高盐环境使得与幽门螺旋杆菌 危害 性 相关的两个基因转录增加。
The results showed that the JDS-CPV has higher virulence to pine caterpillar .
证实JDS-CPV对我国马尾松毛虫有较好的 毒力。
Detection of partial virulence determinants and phenotypes in Enterococci
肠球菌部分 致病 基因和表型的检测
Objective To study the distribution characteristics of virulence genes in Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from seafood in China .
目的了解中国部分水产品中副溶血性弧菌 毒力基因的分布情况。
For humans we also know that this virus has lost none of its virulence .
不过我们也知道,对于人类,该病毒没有损失其任何 致命 性。
This may be potentially due to the difference in biological characteristics of these isolates including their virulence .
这可能同弓形虫不同分离株 毒力等生物特性的差异有关。
Do nutrients influence disease resistance by affecting the virulence of the pathogen ?
可以通过营养方式改变病原体 毒性从而影响机体对疾病的抵抗力吗?
The signal transduction existed between the bacterium has an important effect on the formation and virulence of bacterial biofilm .
生物膜内细菌之间存在的信号传导对生物膜的形成及其 毒力具有影响。
Rapid fluorescent PCR detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and ways of its virulence genes setting up and evaluation of application effect
快速荧光定量PCR检测副溶血性弧菌及其 毒力基因方法建立与应用效果评价的研究
The involvement of XA13 in copper redistribution has led us to propose a mechanism of bacterial virulence .
XA13参与铜元素的重新分配帮助我们提出了细菌 毒性的机理。
The other mutation with a significant effect on virulence has been seen in the NA gene of two influenza virus strains that infect mice .
另一种对 病毒 毒性具有重要影响的突变,存在两种感染小鼠的流感病毒株的NA基因上。
The compilation of information concerning pathogens virulence factors and antigenic epitopes has resulted in many useful databases .
有关病原体、 毒力因子和抗原表位的信息的编纂产生了很多有用的数据库。
The toxic effects of mycolactone explain most of the virulence of this organism .
细菌内酯的毒性作用说明了这种微生物大多数 毒性的原因。
Conclusion The rate of carrying virulence gene in Vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood isolates was very low in China .
结论中国副溶血性弧菌水产品分离株 毒力基因携带率非常低。