Over the past 10 years the group has kept growth and profit margins up by expanding into new product segments and deepening the vertical integration of its manufacturing operations .
过去10年里,富士康通过扩张进入新的产品领域,深化其制造业务的 垂直 整合,保持了较高的增速和利润率。
Focusing on the horizontal merger and vertical integration this paper reviews the theoretic models of the motive and social welfare of enterprise mergers and presents some proposal about the future direction of the research .
摘要从水平兼并和 垂直 兼并两个方面详细论述了企业兼并的动机及其社会福利理论模型研究发展状况,并对未来的研究方向提出了若干建议。
That whether asset specificity is the main reason for vertical integration is an important academic issue which has been debated again and again up to now in modern contract and organization theory .
摘要资产专用性是不是 纵向 一体化的主要动因,一直是现代契约和组织理论中反复争论的重大理论问题。
Internalization theory also explains vertical integration as a replacement of inefficient external markets .
内部化理论也解释了为什么 纵向 整合可以取代低效的市场。
We used to have deep vertical integration in businesses and external knowledge wasn 't considered any good .
我们过去往往对业务进行深入的 纵向 整合,认为外部知识没什么用。
Vertical Integration Choice and its Influencing Factors & An Empirical Study Based on the Energy Industry
纵向 一体化的选择及其影响因素&基于能源行业的实证分析
But they want the control and vertical integration that Samsung enjoys .
但苹果想同三星一样,掌握控制权,并实现 纵向 一体化。
A model on vertical integration and its application based on scarce needs and surplus production capacity
基于需求不足和产能过剩的 纵向 一体化模型及其应用
At about the same time the company started making its own products in Hong Kong completing its vertical integration .
大约在同一时间,该公司开始在香港制造自己的产品,从而完成了 垂直 整合。
In addition appropriate MDD tool support could provide much better vertical integration and traceability between artifacts and model elements from different level models .
此外,适当的MDD工具支持提供了来自不同层次的模型的工件和模型元素之间的 纵向 集成和可溯性。
Identify Chinese investors who would be interested in vertical integration through investment in beef and pork production .
找出哪些中国投资者在对牛肉和猪肉产品的投资中,对 垂直 统一 管理有兴趣的。
VK will display its technological prowess based on successful vertical integration ranging from core chips and batteries through mobile computing technology .
唯将展示其技术实力的基础上成功的 垂直 整合,从核心芯片和电池等,通过移动计算技术。
Vertical Integration Exclusive Dealing and Asymmetric Equilibrium in Oligopoly Competition The group can be large small inclusive exclusive formal or informal .
纵向 一体化、排他性销售与寡头竞争中的非对称均衡这个参照体可大可小,可以是容他性的也可以是排他性的;可以是正式的、或非正式的。
Vertical integration of electronics hardware from chips to monitors was becoming a critical advantage .
从芯片到驱动器,电子硬件的 垂直 整合成为了一个关键的优势。
Aside from supplying electricity to investing countries projects can also offer a type of vertical integration to power funders ' industrial projects such as mining or smelting .
除了为投资国供电,大坝项目还会为投资者的工业项目,比如采矿或冶金项目,提供了一种 垂直 整合的模式。
Impacts of Vertical Integration on Market Power in Electricity Market Based on Equilibrium Analysis
电力市场中 纵向 一体化对市场力影响的均衡分析
Coal accounts for 60 per cent of the cost of cement production and most of the giants are aiming to take the advantage of vertical integration to create comprehensive utilization of coal electricity and cement he added .
他又补充道,煤炭在水泥生产成本中占到60%,多数大型水泥生产商都打算利用行业 垂直 整合的机会,实现煤炭、电力和水泥的综合利用。
In the perspective of the vertical integration of operational process in emergency management emergency materials can be classified into responsive materials and recovery materials .
从应急管理运作流程 纵向 集成的角度,应急物资被划分为响应期物资与恢复期物资两大类。
Study on the Vertical Integration of General Contractors That Only Have Designing Ability
只具有设计能力工程总承包商的 纵向 一体化研究
An Analysis of Enterprise Vertical Integration ; Discussing in Issue of Enterprises ' Overall Listing in China and Case Study
企业 纵向 一体化问题研究&以中国上市公司为例我国企业整体上市问题探讨与案例分析
It is common for multinational corporations to choose such strategies as exclusive dealing ( ED ) or vertical integration ( VI ) to compete in the host countries .
跨国公司往往通过使用排他性销售渠道(ED)、 纵向 一体化(VI)或者二者 相 结合 的 混合策略进入东道国并进行竞争。
Vertical integration can effectively resolve the problem of physical capital specificity but it is helpless to resolve the hold up problem of human capital specificity .
纵向 一体化可以很好地解决物质资本的专用性问题,然而对人力资本专用性造成的“套牢”无能为力。
An Empirical Study of Strategic Options Value Affecting Vertical Integration Performance
影响企业 纵向 一体化绩效的战略期权价值实证研究
By vertical integration most MNCs can ensure their supply of foreign raw materials and intermediate products and avoid the imperfections often found in foreign markets .
通过 垂直 的 整合,大部分跨国公司都能保证其国外原料和中间产品的供应,避免常常在国外市场上出现的不完整性。
Study on Division of Profit and Vertical Integration of General Contractor
工程总承包商的利益分配及 纵向 一体化研究
The study result manifests that strategy effect and transaction cost have more influence on adopting vertical integration of the energy firms while production cost and indetermination make less .
通过建立一个随机动态博弈模型, 考虑债务融资在 寡头价格竞争中的策略性效应,并分析市场进入中企业战略性债务融资策略与产品市场竞争策略的选择。
Interactive Mechanism between Vertical Integration and Horizontal Expansion
纵向 一体化与横向扩张的互动机制研究
So Intermediation gives a market solution to avoiding under invest not an organization solution by vertical integration .
因此,中间层提供了专用性投资不足问题的市场解,而不必采用 纵向 一体化的组织解。
The second purpose of vertical integration is to compensate for slowing growth in core markets by moving into new fields .
纵向 整合的第二重目的,是通过进入新领域,弥补核心市场增长的放缓。
There exist some different explanations on vertical integration between the theory of transaction cost and the theory of intermediaries .
中间层理论和交易成本理论对 垂直 一体化现象的解释存在差异。
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