



  • Grapes grow on a vine .


  • Annual vine with decompound leaves and racemes of yellow and pink flowers .

    开黄和粉红色花的一年生 藤蔓 植物,开裂的叶片和总状花序。

  • The tomatoes ripened on the vine .

    蕃茄在 成熟了。

  • Mediterranean vine having oblong fruit that when ripe expels its seeds and juice violently when touched .

    有长方形果实的地中海 藤蔓 植物,当触及其成熟的果实时,它会喷出种子和汁液。

  • All leaves vine shoots and any unripe or diseased grapes are also eliminated at this stage .

    葡萄叶片, 葡萄茎,和所有未成熟或害病的葡萄在这个阶段已完全去处。

  • Woody vine having bright green leaves and racemes of rose-tinted white flowers ; the swollen roots contain rotenone .

    木本 藤蔓 植物,有亮绿色叶子和带玫瑰色的白花组成的总状花序;膨大的根中包含鱼藤酮。

  • He chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the vine .

    他选了一个最大的西瓜拣那从 葡萄

  • A muskmelon vine with fruit that has a thin reticulated rind and sweet green flesh .

    甜瓜 藤蔓 植物,果实有薄的网状的皮和甜美的绿色果肉。

  • The fruit of a muskmelon vine ; any of several sweet melons related to cucumbers .

    甜瓜 蔓生 植物的果实;与黄瓜相关的几种甜瓜。

  • Large-flowered wild twining vine of southeastern and central United States having pale blue flowers .

    美国东南部和中部开浅蓝色大花的缠绕 藤蔓 植物

  • Common European twining vine with tuberous roots and cordate leaves and red berries .

    欧洲常见缠绕 藤蔓 植物,有块根心形叶子和红色果实。

  • Prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers ; Australia and Tasmania .

    匍匐或缠绕木质 藤蔓 植物,有似皮革的小叶子和红色伞状花序;澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚岛。

  • Poisonous woody evergreen vine of southeastern United States having fragrant yellow funnel-shaped flowers .

    美国东南部有毒的木质常青藤 植物,开芳香的黄色漏斗状花。

  • Every square metre of soil was used mainly for olives vines and almonds .

    每一寸土地都利用上了,主要用来种植橄榄树、 葡萄 和杏树。

  • The grapes withered on the vine .

    葡萄 上的葡萄都干瘪了。

  • I saw a vine with three branches .

    我看见一 有三条枝的 葡萄

  • In gaming design and creativity often wither on the vine because of the industry 's technology fetishism .

    在游戏,因为工业的技术物恋,设计和创造性经常在 凋谢。

  • The fish are fed on the silkworm droppings and cane leaves The vine twines around the tree .

    鱼以蚕沙和藤叶喂养。这 根藤盘绕在那棵树上。

  • The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings

    栽培 葡萄最简便的方法就是硬条扦插。

  • A hungry fox saw some ripe black grapes hanging from a vine on a very tall tree .

    一只很饿的狐狸看到一些熟透了的黑葡萄挂在一颗很高的树的 葡萄

  • Hops are a climbing vine that when brewed produce tannins that help clarify and preserve beer .

    这是一种攀岩 ,在啤酒的酿造过程中可以产生丹宁并澄清和保存啤酒。

  • Small Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit .

    亚洲的一个木质 藤本小属,果实多籽。

  • The bitter melons that she planted a few steps from her house have withered on the vine .

    她种的苦瓜就在距离自家房子几步之遥的地方,已经在 藤蔓 枯萎。

  • The grape vine climbed up along the wall .

    葡萄 沿墙攀缘而上。

  • Vine and olive growers were protected by tariffs against cheap imports of wine and olive oil .

    希腊以提高关税来抑制廉价进口葡萄酒和橄榄油,从而保护 葡萄和橄榄种植者的利益。

  • The vine can grow on any tree .


  • The grapes are growing well on the vine .

    葡萄在 长得十分好。

  • Evergreen North American honeysuckle vine having coral-red or orange flowers .

    北美一种常绿的忍冬属 藤本 植物,开珊瑚红色或桔色的花。

  • The vine twines around the tree .

    根藤盘绕在那棵树上。这 盘绕在树干

  • It 's a tree not a vine and its canopy crowns our deck with fuchsia-colored flowers .

    这是一个树,而不是 ,其甲板我们与紫红色,树冠冠色彩的花朵。