


  • Study on Visbreaking Technology of Nanyang Deoiled Asphalt

    南阳脱油沥青 裂化工艺研究

  • On the basis of cognition of the geology and exploitation characteristic crude oil characteristic as well as the exploitation point of TaHe Oil Field and experiment the different visbreaking method in wellbore have been analyzed in this paper .

    本文在对塔河油田地质及开发特征、原油特征和深层稠油开发特点认识以及实验的基础上,对各种不同的井筒 方法进行了分析。

  • A process for hydrogen visbreaking of Tahe residue oil in suspension bed was described .

    介绍采用悬浮床加氢工艺进行塔河渣油 的方法。

  • Research on Desulfuration Visbreaking Mechanism and Field Conduct Program of Extra-Heavy Oil from East Shan 6 Block in Shengli Oilfield

    胜利油田单6东超稠油脱硫 机理及现场实施方案研究

  • Effect of silicotungstic acid on catalytic visbreaking of extra heavy oil from Shengli oilfield

    硅钨酸对胜利油田超稠油的催化 作用

  • A super-strong acid catalyst to be used in catalytic visbreaking of heavy oil from Daqing Oilfield is prepared .

    针对大庆外围油田稠油的 问题,制备了一种超强酸催化剂磷钼酸( H3PMo12O40)。

  • Visbreaking technology is a mature thermal processing .


  • The development of kinds of commercial hydrogen donor promotes the development of visbreaking technics .

    各种不同种类的供氢 投入工业应用促进了 裂化工艺的发展。

  • Further more we also got very good effects in testing Neogene reservoirs in LD 27-2 and LD 32-2 fields where we applied a self-developed visbreaking technique of electric heating through screw pump and an introduced sand-control technique of composite metal cloth tube .

    应用自行开发的过螺杆泵电加热 技术和引进的可控式金属布防砂管TCP防砂技术,对旅大27-2和旅大32-2油田新近系稠油油藏进行了测试,取得了很好的效果。

  • Study on the technique for Tahe residue slurry visbreaking in the presence of hydrogen

    塔河渣油悬浮 裂化研究

  • Hydrogen donor diluent visbreaking process

    供氢体稀释 裂化过程

  • Study on Catalytic Visbreaking of Liaohe Vacuum Residue

    辽河减压渣油催化 裂化的研究

  • Equipment Corrosion in Crude Distillation and Visbreaking Complex Unit and Protection

    蒸馏与 联合装置的设备腐蚀及防护

  • Progress and application of visbreaking


  • The research including : the phase behavior study of the N_2 and crude oil i.e. the experimental research of the expansion and visbreaking N_2 exerting on crude oil the multiple-contact experimental research of N_2 and crude oil ;

    包括:N2与地层油的相特性研究,即N2对地层油的膨胀 试验研究和N2与地层油的多次接触试验研究;

  • Study on the technology of catalytic cracking and visbreaking in heavy crude gathering

    稠油集输中催化裂化降 技术的研究

  • On the foundation of beggs-brill method the Multiphase pipe flow calculation method of oil well have been set up on annular mix thin oil visbreaking mode ;

    在Beggs-Brill方法的基础上,建立了油井在环空掺稀降 方式下的多相管流计算方法。

  • He thoughts and principles of asphalt production visbreaking delayed coking ARDS VRDS solvent deasphalting asphalt gasification and selective hydrocracking are presented .

    作者结合国内实际情况,重点介绍及推荐了沥青生产、 、延迟焦化、渣油加氢脱硫、溶剂脱沥青、沥青造气等渣油加工工艺,以及选择加氢裂化工艺的思路和原则。

  • Since SF-1 preflush has the abilities of thinning visbreaking and reducing shear rate compatibility of drilling fluid with cement slurry can be improved .

    加有活性组分的 SF-1前置液具有较强的稀释钻井液、降低粘度和切力的作用,提高了钻井液和水泥浆的相容性。

  • Suitable commercial hydrogen donors and catalysts are the keys to apply hydrogen donor visbreaking and catalytic visbreaking technology .

    供氢 和催化减粘 裂化不用氢气, 因而 寻找供氢 效果好、 来源 广泛、适宜的工业供氢 和催化剂是 开发供氢剂和催化减粘裂化技术的关键。

  • Production of bunker fuel oil by deep visbreaking of Tahe residue oil

    塔河渣油深度 生产船用燃料油的研究

  • Visbreaking of catalytic cracking oil slurry

    催化裂化油浆的 裂化

  • Technical development and commercial application of de-oiled asphalt visbreaking

    脱油沥青 裂化的技术开发及工业应用

  • The new visbreaking process with de-oiled asphalt feedstock is discussed .

    论述了以脱油沥青为原料的 裂化新工艺。

  • The mathematical model of wellbore thermal field distribution in oil well have established on routine mix thin oil visbreaking and chemistry visbreaking productionmode ;

    建立了油井在常规生产、掺稀 、电加热降粘条件下的井筒温度场分布数学模型。

  • Study on coking in visbreaking of Daqing residue ⅰ . batch reactor method

    大庆减压渣油 裂化中结焦 规律的研究(上)&静态法试验