

  • Studies on Determination of vincamine in Vinca minor

    小蔓长春花中 长春胺含量测定方法的研究

  • Currently VINCA has not provided effective support on process management and reuse .

    当前的 VINCA 语言对于流程的管理和复用并没有提供很好的支持, 业务 用户 不得不 从无到有 构建 自己的流程应用,而无法复用已有流程所 蕴涵的知识。

  • Progress in research of Vinca alkaloids and its targeting prodrugs

    长春 生物碱类衍生物及靶向前药研究进展

  • Study Overview on the Distribution of Vinca Alkaloids Components and Its Analyzing Method

    长春 生物碱类成分的分布及分析方法研究概况

  • Nursing Care of Vinca Alkaloid-induced Paralytic Ileus The operative procedure of inferior oblique muscle recession was considered useful and safe on managing superior oblique palsy .

    长春 致麻痹性肠梗阻患者的护理可见下斜肌徙后术于治疗上斜肌麻痹为一良好之方法。

  • Root-knot nematode on Vinca minor

    长春 根结线虫

  • Small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar ; widely naturalized in the tropics ; formerly included in genus Vinca .

    土产于马达加斯加岛的直的一年或多年生的小的属;广泛地移植在热带地区;以前分在 长春

  • Vinca dry grass and fresh grass as raw material by a series of methods : acid dissolving alkali precipitation and extraction using organic solvent we gathered and purified vinca alkaloids in our experiments .

    本文分别以 长春 鲜草、干草为实验材料,采取酸提取、碱沉淀、有机溶剂萃取相结合的方法提取长春花总生物碱。

  • Enhancement of cytotoxicity of vinca alkaloids in vitro and in vivo by calcium channel blockers

    钙通道阻滞剂对 长春碱类 抗癌 药物的体内体外增效作用

  • Comparative Study of Two Different Drags of Vinca for Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer

    两种不同 长春 药物 治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的 近期疗效比较

  • Comparison of Different Extraction Methods for Alkaloid in Vinca Minor by Using Semi-Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography

    用半制备高效液相色谱分离比较不同萃取法 取得 长春

  • To date various anticancer drugs which are most frequently associated with MDR including taxanes vinca alkaloids anthracyclines and so on .

    迄今,许多抗肿瘤药物如紫杉烷类、 长春碱类和蒽醌类等,在临床上都出现了多药耐药性。

  • If pharmacological method had not been introduced to the study of vinca rosea the discovery of vincaleukoblastine would have been postponed by many years .

    如果对 长春 的研究不是应用药理学方法的话,长春新碱的发现恐怕还要推迟好多年。

  • Analysis by synthesis many different anticancer agents may cause chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy such as platinum salts taxanes vinca alkaloids bortezomib thalidomide and analogs .

    综合分析,多种化疗药物均可引起周围神经病变,包括铂类、紫杉类、 长春碱类、蛋白酶抑制剂、沙利度胺及类似物。

  • A Study of a Method of Rapid-Propagation of Vinca m nor

    长春 快速繁殖技术的初步研究

  • Studies on Anthracnose of Vinca minor

    长春 炭疽病的 初步研究

  • The content of vincamine was determined directly from the ethanol extract of the plant Vinca minor .

    小蔓 长春花中的长春胺含量可直接从乙醇萃取液中测定,含量超过千分之五。

  • In vitro chemosensitivity test revealed that the ratio of resistance to vinca alkaloids and anthracyclines were increased after chemotherapy ( P < 0.05 ) .

    体外药敏试验显示化疗后肿瘤细胞对 长春碱类及蒽环类的耐药比率明显增加(P<0.05)。

  • Groundcover such as ivy vinca pachysandra gazania etc.

    地被植物,如常青藤、 长春 、富贵草、杂色菊等。

  • As a kind of antimitotic drugs Vinca alkaloids can inhibit microtubule assembly and induce tubulin self-association into coiled spiral aggregates .

    长春 生物碱作为一类抗有丝分裂药物,能够抑制微管聚合并诱导聚合的微管蛋白解聚。

  • Changes in Physiological Parameters in Vinca Rosea Infected with Witches ′ Broom Pathogens of Hevea Brasiliensis

    长春 感染橡胶丛枝病原后 项生理参数的变化

  • Isoelectric Patterns of Peroxidase Isozymes from Vinca rosea Tissue Cultures

    长春 愈伤组织培养过氧化物酶同工酶等电点聚焦研究

  • These agents can be divided into two major classes based on their effect on microtubule polymerization and the mass of microtubule polymers : those that inhibit polymerization such as the vinca alkaloids and those that stabilize microtubules such as the taxanes and epothilones .

    根据对微管作用的不同将药物分为两类:抑制微管蛋白聚合的药物,如 长春碱类;稳定微管的药物,如紫杉烷类和埃坡霉素类。