video computer system

[ˈvɪdiˌo kəmˈpjutɚ ˈsɪstəm][ˈvidiəu kəmˈpju:tə ˈsistəm]


  • In recent years digital video technology has been made great advances in information science domain combined with TV technology computer technology and communication technology and widely used in the TV system computer application communication domain .

    数字 视频技术是信息技术领域中飞速发展的一个学科,它将电视技术、 计算机技术和通信技术结合在一起,在电视 系统,计算机,通信产业中得到了广泛的应用。

  • Application of Video Chips in Airborne Computer System

    几种 视频芯片在机载 计算机 系统中的应用

  • The new real-time measuring system based on video image utilizes photoelectric self-collimation parallel optic equipment replicate optic equipment and other equipment fixed on desk using computer video judge system to realize real - time measuring vessel distortion .

    研制一种新型的基于 视频图像的实时测量系统,其利用布设在甲板上的光电自准直平行光管和折转光管等相关设备,通过 计算机视频判读判读 系统实现实时测量艇体两维动态变形量。

  • Network Dome Camera is a highly integrated device which is combined with mechanical electronic video information and computer network technologies . It is one of the most important service of network video surveillance system .

    网络球形摄像机是集成了机械、电子、 视频信息以及 计算机网络技术于一体的高集成度的精密一体化装置,是目前网络视频监控 系统的重要设备之一。

  • Intelligent video surveillance system is one of the most important issues in the field of computer vision and motion object detection is the core technology of the intelligent monitoring system .

    智能 视频监控系统是 计算机视觉研究领域的一个重要课题,而运动对象检测则是智能监控 系统的核心技术。

  • Intelligent video surveillance technology is an emerging and hot field of computer vision . The system is significant in practice in military and civil .

    智能 视频监控技术是视觉 计算领域一个前沿和热点的研究课题,在军用和民用领域都具有重要的 应用价值。

  • A control system of gyrators and video cameras is introduced which is based on the 8031 single chip computer . This system can be controlled by a PC with GUI . Remote control more than 243 monitored points can be achieved by bus type technique .

    介绍了所研制的多点 摄像监控系统.该 系统以8031 单片机为核心,由微机的 图像界面控制可多达243个监视点,并运用总线型远距离遥控技术.在实用中运行良好。

  • Video vehicle detection system is a computer processing system which uses image processing technology to detect the traffic flow .

    视频车辆检测系统是一种利用图像处理和模式识别技术实现对交通目标检测和识别的 计算机处理 系统

  • Manage system of digital microscope video and image is such kind of system that taking digital computer capture technic into analog signal from camara and converting microscope video and image to digital data that computer system knows .

    数字手术图像管理系统是:手术显微镜中的图像,由 摄像机的模拟信号通过 视频压缩技术,硬件芯片直接压缩为文件,保存到 计算机中。

  • Its hardware includes CCD camera video collection card video server and remote computer . And its software is developed based on VC + + 6.0.This system is tested in the Laboratory .

    其硬件由CCD摄像机、图像采集卡、 视频服务器和客户端 计算机构成,软件基于VC++6.0开发。

  • According to modular design concept the system consists of three main function modular as below : site monitoring video terminal lower computer communication modular and monitoring center computer system .

    该系统依据模块化的设计理念,由三个主要的功能模块组成,即:现场监控 视频终端 下位 、通讯模块和监控中心计算机 系统

  • Object detection in video or images has been the focus of computer vision it is also the key technology of intelligent video surveillance system .

    图像以及 视频中的目标检测一直是 计算机视觉研究领域的重点,也是智能视频监控 系统中关键技术。

  • This thesis also calibrates the video cameras for computer image acquisition and processing system and obtains their internal and external parameters .

    本文还对 计算机图像采集与处理 系统 摄像机进行了标定,得到了摄像机的内外参数。

  • An analysis of the computer video channel is made in this paper and the main leakage source of computer system is studied .

    本文讨论了计算机 视频通路的结构,分析了 计算机 系统主要信息泄漏源。

  • A multimedia board is a computer extension card that can be used to process video computer graphic and audio signals . By using this board not only the design of the surveillance system can be simplified but also its functions can be enhanced .

    多媒体卡是一块能处理 视频 图象计算机图形和音频信号的计算机扩展电路板,将它应用到监视 系统中能起到简化设计、增强功能的作用。

  • It is a form of technology which enables you to shoot store and download still photos or full-motion video with audio into your computer system .

    它是一种形式的技术,使得你射击,商店,并下载仍图象或全运动 视频与音频到你的 计算机 系统

  • A measurement and correction system of color uniformity of LCD projection system consisting of video test signal generator screen CCD and computer is proposed . The system makes use of 2-D CCD because of its characteristic of rapid collection of two-dimensional image .

    根据二维面阵CCD能够快速采集二维图像的特点,提出了一套由 视频测试信号发生器、投影屏幕、CCD摄像机和 计算机组成的液晶投影显示颜色均匀性测量及校正 系统

  • Agricultural information systems contains digital photographs animation video multimedia display specimens form . A kind of computer system in multi-user operating system is very important for guaranteeing the stability of visitation .

    农业信息系统是用图片、动画、 视频的多媒体形式展示标本、实物的一种 计算机 系统,在多用户访问时保证系统运行的稳定性是非常重要的。

  • Results Forming voice frequency video frequency interactive analysis integrative computer aided instruction system .

    结果形成以声频、 频、交互分析为一体的 计算机辅助教学 系统

  • Proposes by using the combination of cable TV system and PSTN system to implement CATV network reachable video on demand . Meanwhile points out that the combination of CATV network system short message system and computer network system will bring benefit of video on demand for operators .

    使用现成的有线电视系统和电话系统,可实现有线电视网络所覆盖范围内的 视频点播,同时有线电视网络系统、短消息系统、 计算机网络 系统相结合,将扩大视频点播系统的盈利点。

  • Video processing computer and xPC target computer is of the two main part of the control system .

    图像处理 计算机以及xPC目标机是该控制 系统的主要组成部分。

  • Intelligent video surveillance uses computer vision technology to analyze and understand the camera video data collected and use it as the basis of video surveillance system .

    智能 视频监控是利用 计算机视觉技术对摄像机采集的视频数据进行分析、理解,并以此为基础对视频监控 系统进行控制。

  • Moving object detection and tracking based on video is an emerging area of research focus in computer vision and pattern recognition . It can be used in intelligent video surveillance and driver assistance system .

    视觉运动目标检测与跟踪算法的研究是 计算机视觉和模式识别领域的一个新兴的热点,应用于智能视频监控系统和辅助驾驶 系统等。

  • Along with the high speed of video technology and flat-out times increases of the computer 's speed the realization of traffic monitoring system based on computer video detect technology becomes the possible .

    随着 视频技术的飞速发展和 计算机运算速度的成倍提高,基于计算机视频检测技术的交通监控 系统的实现已成为可能。

  • This article represents how to construct a intelligent visible distributed security monitor system of remote static scene by using video camera computer low-band network PSTN ( Public System of Telephone Network ) and Internet .

    该文讲述了如何利用 摄像机计算机、极低速传输线路PSTN(公用电话交换网)及互联网络构建一种智能型的、远程分布式的、实时可视化基于静态现场的监控 系统

  • Design and Implemention of Video Computer Forensics System

    视频计算机取证 系统的设计与实现

  • This paper discusses the working principle of crucial components of computer video system . The sources of electromagnetic information leak from a computer video system were divided in areas and the scheme of combination of shielding partly and restraining leak sources was brought forward .

    本文分析了计算机 视频系统各组成部件的工作原理,对其电磁信息泄漏源 进行了区域划分,并提出了局部加固和抑源法相结合的处理方案。

  • The thesis discusses on how to research and then design the LED video panel system which is a typical product of computer digital video system by using the PLD chip as the main control logic .

    本论文讨论用PLD芯片作为主要控制逻辑来设计 计算机数字视频 系统的一个典型应用型产品&LED 视频 电子显示屏系统的研制方法。

  • With the development of microelectronic technology and video image processing technology large scale integrated circuit chips or customized chips is replacing computer based off-line image processing system .

    随着微电子技术和 视频图像处理技术的发展,出现了采用大规模集成电路或专用芯片取代 计算机的脱机图像处理 系统

  • We have also put forward a novel Video signal identification method . Thirdly virtual instrument based computer video information interception system was designed and realized . And we proposed an optimum reception algorithm which achieved optimum reception by controlling the angles of the antenna .

    设计并实现了基于虚拟仪器的 计算机 视频信息截获 系统,提出了通过控制天线实现最佳接收的算法。