In this article specifically refers to the number of implants or download text images audio video and other content which set of storage media and display terminal in one of the handheld reader .
特地说明,本文中具体所指的是植入或下载数字化文字、图片、声音、 影像等信息内容的集存储介质和 显示 终端于一体的手持阅读器。
The Occupational hazards of video display terminal ( VDT ) in 102 female operators were investigated using epidemiological mathed case control study .
采用配对病例对照流行病学研究方法对102例从事 视屏 显示 终端(VDT)作业的女职工进行了职业影响的研究。
The effects of protective filters on visual function of video display terminal operators
VDT 视保护 屏对操作者视功能影响的研究
Objective To investigate the manifestation and the prevention means of video display terminal ( VDT ) visual fatigue in old people .
目的探讨老年人较长时间操作 电脑 终端( VDT)视疲劳的临床表现及防治方法。
The rapid development of Mobile Internet makes increasingly popular smart mobile terminals and traffic video display on the mobile terminal becomes part of video intelligent transportation systems .
移动互联网的高速发展使得智能移动终端日益流行,移动 终端上交通 视频 的 显示成为视频智能交通系统的一部分。
Since wireless network bandwidth is limited and differences of phone equipments are large such as supporting different video format video resources need appropriate adaption in order to transfer and display on a mobile terminal successfully .
由于无线网络带宽有限,各手机设备之间的差异性较大,如支持不同的视频格式等,所以, 视频资源要想顺利传输并 显示在手机 终端上,必须进行相应的适配。
Optic neuritis in cat scratch disease ( Fren ) Video display terminal symptom and visual problem
猫抓病的视 神经炎 表现
Neurobehavioral test of individuals exposed to video display terminal task
视 屏 显示 终端作业者神经行为功能测试
DNA Damage Induced by Radiation from Video Display Terminal in Computer Operators
视 屏辐射致电脑操作人员DNA损伤
Study of changes in amplitude of accommodation in long stage after LASIK for myopia Effects of Short-term Video Display Terminal Operation on Ocular Accommodation Parameters
近视眼LASIK术后远期单眼调节幅度变化的研究短时期 VDT作业对眼调节参数的影响
Editing system for video display terminal
视频 显示 终端的编辑系统
Objective To study the effect of video display terminal ( VDT ) on reproductive function of female operators .
目的了解 视屏 显示 终端(VDT)作业对女职工生殖功能的影响。
Leading format is one of the most useful methods of presenting text on the Video Display Terminal ( VDT ) .
引导式 显示是在 视觉 显示 终端(VDT)上呈现动态文本的主要方式之一。
Results The occupational stress factors of the persons working at video display terminal involve many respects of which work load work duty balance of family and work et al .
结果 视 屏作业人员的职业紧张因素的强预测因素有工作负荷、工作责任、家庭和(或)工作平衡等;
And the major factors influencing the intensity of the stress of those working at video display terminal are patience task strategies control origin and the index of smoking .
视 屏 作业人员紧张水平的主要影响因素有忍耐性、应付策略、控制源、吸烟指数。
· AIM : To investigate the manifestation of visual fatigue in video display terminal ( VDT ) operators and to study the effect between the operation time and visual fatigue .
目的:观察视屏 显示 终端( VDT)操作者视疲劳的临床特点,并分析操作时间对它的影响。
These may be implemented on various types of hardware and usually include a video display terminal .
实现这些功能要依靠各种类型的硬件,通常包括 视频 显示 终端。
Study on Relation Between Watching Visual or Video Display Terminal and Adolescent Myopia & 598 Cases Control Study
观看视 屏 终端与青少年近视的关系 &598例病例对照研究
Objective To investigate whether the video display terminal ( VDT ) equipped filters reduce the asthenopia of users .
目的了解 电脑 显示 终端(VDT)视保护屏是否能保护操作者的 视功能。
Effects of video display terminal operation on the health
视 屏 显示 终端作业与健康的关系
美[ˈvɪdiˌo dɪˈsple ˈtɚmənəl]英[ˈvidiəu disˈplei ˈtə:minəl]