video detection

[ˈvɪdiˌo dɪˈtɛkʃən][ˈvidiəu diˈtekʃən]

[电] 视频检波

  • Traffic Information Collection System Based Video Detection

    基于 视频 检测的交通信息采集系统

  • The paper presents a set of boiler digital video detection system based on PC.

    本文设计了一套基于PC机的锅炉数字化 视频 监测系统。

  • According to the requirements of detecting and managing traffic violations this paper designs a video detection and management system of the traffic violations which is based on video detection technique .

    针对交通违章的检测和管理,设计了一种基于视频检测技术的 违章 检测管理系统。

  • Video Detection produces a new application area in rail transportation .

    视频 检测 技术用于轨道交通产生了一个新应用领域。

  • A video measuring method based on the video detection technology and computer image processing was introduced .

    介绍了一种基于 视频 检测技术和计算机图像处理技术的视频测量方法。

  • Collecting real-time traffic information by video detection method has many unique advantages such as convenient and effective .

    通过 视频 检测方法实时地收集交通信息,以其方便有效等独特的优势,逐渐成为交通信息采集领域的主流技术之一。

  • But for near-duplicate video detection these methods obtain a better overall performance .

    但将这些方法综合应用于近重复 视频 检测中,获得了更好的表现。

  • On the one hand the paper introduces the theory of video detection and the applications of combustion diagnosis based on flame image .

    本文介绍了 视频 监控 技术的原理和基于火焰图像燃烧诊断技术的应用。

  • A video detection algorithm based on the frame reconstructure is proposed to detect the spread spectrum video data hiding .

    针对扩频视频隐写检测,提出了基于帧重构的 视频隐写 检测算法。

  • Study on Background Estimation and Updating Used in Video Detection System

    视频 检测系统中的背景检测及更新算法研究

  • This paper detailedly introduced a solution of image pre-processing system in video detection system and implemented a FPGA subsystem which had the function of video capture and image pre-processing .

    本文详细介绍了一种 视频 检测中图像预处理系统的设计方案,实现了具有前端视频采集、图像预处理功能的FPGA子系统。

  • A Study on Image Processing in Video Detection System of Traffic Incident

    交通事件 视频 检测系统中图像处理算法的研究

  • As to the peccant overspeed behavior of vehicles in expressway this paper studies a detection and judgment arithmetic of peccant overspeed behavior based on virtual video detection lines .

    针对高速公路上车辆违章超速行为,给出了一种基于虚拟 视频 检测线的车辆速度检测与违章超速行为判定的实用算法。

  • Design on the System of FPGA Image Capture and Pre-processing in Video Detection

    视频 检测中FPGA图像采集预处理系统设计

  • Taking up the task of designing and realizing video detection of traffic flow and vehicle recognition system based on the technology of video and image processing this thesis researches into the technology of monitoring traffic flow and traffic condition by means of video detection and recognition .

    本文以视频和图象处理技术为依托,以 视频交通流 检测和车辆识别系统的设计与实现为课题,对视频交通流和交通状况监测技术中的图象处理与识别技术进行了研究。

  • Video detection has an important role in transmission and broadcast of CATV signal .

    有线电视 视频 监测系统对控制、提高有线电视系统的传播、播出质量,保证良好的收视效果有着重要的作用。

  • The overall program of video detection contains the selection of hardware and software design .

    视频 检测总体方案涉及硬件设备的选取和软件结构设计。

  • A new moving objects video detection method in complex scenes is presented .

    提出了一种适合于复杂条件下运动物体 视频 检测的新方法。

  • Study of the Vehicle Speed Detection Used in Video Detection System

    视频 检测系统中的车速检测技术研究

  • Video detection technology has a broad prospect in traffic monitoring system .

    视频 检测技术在交通检测系统中有着广阔的应用前景。

  • Traffic Incident Real-time Video Detection Based on Speed Classification Algorithm

    基于速度分类算法的交通事件实时 视频 检测

  • The Hardware Research and Realization of Traffic Video Detection Car Base on Network

    网络化交通 视频 检测器硬件系统研究与实现

  • This paper studies video detection and identification technique .

    本文主要研究 视频 检测识别技术。

  • Cell size of bicycle cellular automaton model is acquired from the microscopic characteristics . A method of calibrate bicycle cell size based on field video detection data is proposed .

    而自行车元胞自动机模型的基本单元尺寸来源于其微观特征,所以这里重点描述基于现场 视频 检测数据的自行车元胞单元尺寸标定方法。

  • Fuzzy Control of Isolated Intersection based on Video Detection

    基于 视频 检测的单交叉口模糊控制方法研究

  • The image processing and pattern recognition are the core of intelligent transportation system as to the intelligent transportation system based on the video detection .

    对于基于 视频 检测的智能交通系统而言,图像处理和模式识别技术是其核心,本文重点研究了基于交通 视频 序列的车辆 检测 跟踪 算法

  • After introducing the principle system structure function flow of detection information and key technique of video detection system reliability of system is also discussed in this paper .

    介绍了 视频 检测系统的原理、系统构成、功能、检测信息流程等关键技术,讨论了系统可靠性方面的问题。

  • Design and Realization of Video Detection System of Road Quality

    道路质量 视频 检测系统的设计与实现

  • The video detection is one of the new means for traffic data detection in tunnels .

    视频 检测 技术是目前城市隧道新的交通数据检测手段之一。

  • This paper first introduce the importance and significance of traffic flow detection in ITS then compare video detection technology with other detection technology and propose superiority of video detection technology .

    本文首先介绍了交通流量检测在智能交通系统(ITS)中的重要地位和研究意义,并将 视频 检测技术和其它检测技术相比较,提出了视频检测技术的优越性。