


  • Lettuce goose liver truffle pieces French beans carrot grinded hazel and boiled egg with chef vinaigrette seasoning .

    什锦生菜、上等鹅肝、松露丝、四季豆、红萝卜、碎榛果、蛋。佐 主厨 特制 酱。

  • Savory dressings for salads ; basically of two kinds : either the thin French or vinaigrette type or the creamy mayonnaise type .

    风味极佳的色拉辅料;基本上有两种;一种是稀的法国或 调味 类型,一种是乳脂蛋黄酱类型。

  • We don 't want a baby field green salad with poached pear vinaigrette okay ?

    我们不想要蔬菜沙拉淋上洋梨 ,好吗?

  • If you 've got a fresh bunch mince some into your vinaigrette .

    如果你有一束新鲜百里香,切碎一些到你的 调味

  • In my family a good quality American meal starts with a fresh'green salad with homemade vinaigrette sauce followed by lobster bisque .

    在我的家,一套好质量的美国饭从自制的 油色拉汁浇在新鲜蔬菜沙拉上开始,接着是一个龙虾浓卷饼。

  • To make the red-wine vinaigrette whisktogether the oil vinegar and mustard in a medium bowl until well combined .

    制作红酒 沙司,将油、醋和芥末放在一个中等大小的碗里一起搅拌,直到混合均匀。

  • Vinaigrette with chili sauce and chopped watercress .

    用红辣椒沙司和剁碎的豆瓣菜做成的 调味汁。

  • Lettuce tuna black olive potato French beans anchovy and boiled egg with chef vinaigrette seasoning .

    什锦生菜、鲔鱼、黑橄榄、 珍珠洋芋、四季豆、鯷鱼、蛋。 主厨 特制 酱。

  • Nothing too outrageous about this but things got complicated in the sauce department : there was a Parmesan cream a jelly of bone marrow a miso gel a garlicky aioli a drizzle of browned butter and a rustic vinaigrette with capers and anchovies .

    这些都还不太令人吃惊,但到了调味汁部分,就变得复杂起来:有帕尔马乳酪、骨髓冻、胶状 味增、蒜泥蛋黄酱、些许焦化黄油,以及带有刺山柑和凤尾鱼的

  • X spinach salad with mustard vinaigrette

    1份菠菜沙拉,加芥末 调料

  • Slow-roasted salmon came next soft and pink on a bed of potato pure and accented with a sharp basil vinaigrette .

    接下来一道是文火烤鲑鱼,软软的,粉红色,下面是一层土豆泥,撒了一层浓浓的罗勒 酱汁

  • A heavily spiced stew of meat vegetables and chickpeas . Lettuce tuna black olive potato French beans anchovy and boiled egg with chef vinaigrette seasoning .

    荤素什锦一种 了大量调料的炖煮肉、蔬菜和鸡豆什锦生菜、鲔鱼、黑橄榄、 珍珠洋芋、四季豆、鯷鱼、蛋。 主厨 特制 酱。

  • Several of the designs were inspired by salad spritzer vinaigrette dressings with ingredients ranging from onions to apples and pineapples .

    照片上的裙子是由洋葱、苹果以及菠萝等水果、蔬菜 拼凑成的。

  • Orzo Salad with Tomatoes Feta and Basil Vinaigrette

    用小西红柿,乳酪,和含有罗勒的 调味料调制而成的米粒沙拉

  • Our main courses arrive : for Goleman a deep-fried fish sandwich ; and for me a spinach salad tossed with a mustard vinaigrette dressing .

    我们的主菜送到了:戈尔曼点的是油炸鱼三明治;我的是菠菜沙拉,加 芥末 调料

  • To stop your mixing bowl sliding around the bench when you whisk together the red-wine vinaigrette ingredients place it on a tea towel or damp cloth .

    当你在搅拌红酒 沙司的时分,避免让你的碗在工作台上滑动,不才面放一个 茶巾或者湿毛巾。

  • Vinaigrette and mashed anchovies .

    调味 和捣碎的凤尾鱼。

  • Vinaigrette containing crumbled Roquefort or blue cheese .

    含有洛克福羊乳干酪屑或蓝色干酪的 调味

  • Mix all the vinaigrette ingredients thoroughly .
