


  • If the US economy proved unable to withstand even this featherweight touch market optimists would lose their verve .

    如果美国经济被证明连这种超轻量级的压力都无法承受,市场乐观者可能会方寸 大乱

  • Regardless of traditional process glass and new craft glass from color texture to verve every aspect has achieved the boundary of dream nature breath nature development nature .

    无论是传统工艺玻璃和新工艺玻璃, 富豪从色彩、质感、 神韵等方面都达到了“梦想自然,呼吸自然,展现自然”的境界。

  • No personal impulses can be felt in it ; not a stroke has any verve .

    见不到他个人的情感,也看不出有哪一笔下 生动 有力

  • He looked for the dramatic like the sunset in this painting and painted it with great verve

    他追求 画面的恢宏壮观——就像这幅画里的落日——而且创作时 充满 激情

  • Mr Conway whose previous book A Loyal Spy was set in Afghanistan writes with verve and an insider 's confidence .

    康威先生的上本书,《一个忠诚的间谍》,以阿富汗为背景,用 热情和知情人的秘密写就。

  • sheng ji two first tones is a Chinese word which means verve vitality .

    大牛:生机,读一声,指生命力和 活力

  • Do your best to leverage this verve as it comes rather than frittering it away on things like furniture shopping .

    当你精力充沛时,尽你最大努力来协调你的 活力,别浪费于在家具购物上。

  • She delivers the sparkling dialogue by screenwriter Kevin hood with just the right nuance and verve .

    她提供了绚丽的对话,由编剧凯文罩,也仅仅是细微的权利和 热情

  • Mr Paulson is an impressive man but has shown little verve for politics .

    保尔森是一位优秀的人士,但 没有展现出 应有的政治 智慧

  • In her novels Yan Geling has been seeking a language which is full of life and which is not to lose the verve of Chinese language in the process of translation .

    严歌苓的小说一直在寻找一种不会在翻译过程中流失中国文字的 神韵、生命的文字语言。

  • White paint doors reflect saintly and noble sublimity reveal mild calm and fancy verve .

    白色烤漆泛着圣洁而高贵的光芒,展现平和、恬静、奇幻的 神韵

  • It is touches like these allied to her temperament verve and strong personality that have earned her the admiration of the German supporters .

    她的脾气、 热情和强烈的个性都为她赢得了德国支持者的钦佩。

  • Based on cocktails'characteristics this paper expounds their mixing technology in terms of verve shape and form .

    文章结合鸡尾酒的特点,从其“ ”“体”“形”三方面阐析了鸡尾酒调制的“融和”技艺。

  • But for every piece that didn 't quite come off there was one with verve to spare .

    但对于每一件不太去掉,有一个与 神韵空闲。

  • Through locale review and introduction of the three Korea excellent construction examples of space group of Korea building kyongdong Presbyterian church Cheongju national museum it discusses the Oriental verve preserved in Korea modern construction gives a use for reference to the design of modern construction .

    通过对空间综合建筑事务所大楼、京东长老会教堂、清州国立博物馆三个韩国优秀建筑实例的现场考察和介绍,探讨了韩国现代建筑中保持的东方 神韵,对现代建筑的设计具有一定的借鉴意义。

  • Blue sky and white cloud mountain people have shown to create municipal health county verve .

    蓝天白云已经展现出 山人全力创建市级卫生县城的 气魄

  • Check-in is still hakka can get value enjoy enjoy Tarzan 's cultural verve .

    入住尚客家,可得到超值的享受,明白到泰山的文化的 神韵

  • More important is a verve have intention provide culture provide temperament be Chinese old culture is successive with continuance it is contemporary urbanite turns over uncut jade to put in true concept 's charge also be the pursuit of modern opposite vivid grade .

    更重要的是具 神韵内涵,具文化,具气质,是中国古老文化的继续与延续,是现代都市人反璞归真理念,也是现代人对生活品位的追求。

  • Of Course controlling the verve of the story is based on the director 's familiarity and understanding of the background .

    当然,要把握其中的 神韵,又基于创作者对这个背景的熟悉和了解。

  • The audience rose to his verve and wit .

    观众们对他 生气勃勃和富于机智的 表演 热烈 喝彩

  • A spirited quality in action or style ; verve .

    行为或形式上的刚猛的品质; 活力

  • What happened to personality verve and humor ?

    个性到哪里去了, 活力和幽默?

  • It has orient verve and combines ancient culture with modern design .

    设计的 构思 源自中国 汉代 书简 启发,具有东方 意象,融合古今。

  • And the great verve formed by the development of this sprouts became his major standard of measuring personality .

    扩充形成的“ 浩然之气”,则成为孟子衡量人格 的主要标准。

  • Write sing act etc with verve .

    积极地写作、 歌唱、表演等。

  • Your impudent look reflects my verve when I was young .

    你无耻的样子很有我 当年 神韵

  • It is moreover a Book of astonishing wit and verve .

    这还是一本充满惊人的机智和 活力 小说

  • To explore the life sense contained in the theory of verve the author approaches it from its ontological life and life spirit .

    为了深入挖掘 神韵 所蕴含的生命精神,笔者从神韵说的本体生命观和 艺术的生命精神两个方面对其生命意蕴进行了剖析。

  • The Verve operating system consists of a nucleus a kernel and one or more applications .
