Veterans Day

[ˈvɛtərənz, ˈvɛtrənz][ˈvetərənz, ˈvetrənz]


  • At Veterans Day events across the country people in the United States gathered today to honor the millions of men and women who have served or are serving in the nation 's armed forces .

    美国人退伍 甲士 聚在一路纪念那些成千上万的曾经或者正服役于美国武装力量的汉子们和女人们。

  • November 11th is Veterans Day when Americans honor those who served in the military .

    11月11日是美国 老兵 纪年 ,是美国人表达其对军人尊敬的日子。

  • Families of military veterans celebrated Father 's Day in Washington the special tribute at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial . 1 red yellow and white roses were placed along the wall .

    父亲 老兵家属 聚集在华盛顿越战阵亡将士纪念碑前。1500朵红色、黄色和白色的玫瑰花依墙而放。

  • A few years later an organization of Civil War veterans established what became Memorial Day selecting a date that coincided with the time when flowers were in bloom .

    几年之后,一个南北战争的 老兵组织成立,并促成了阵亡 将士纪念 的成立, 他们选择了一个鲜花盛开的时节。

  • Here 's a bit of trivia for you : What was Veterans Day originally called ?

    有个小问题要考考你: 老兵 纪念 最初叫什么?