A vertiginous height speed w_1173
令人 眩晕的高度速度w_1180
It was a long way for us to catch up but in the past years demand for Spanish has experienced vertiginous growth .
对我们来说,要迎头赶上 任重而道远,不过在过去的岁月里,对西班牙语的需求经历了 令人 眩晕的增长。
Using the value of elliptical long axis and short axis determined by minimum enclosing rectangle based on cocoon edge image the cocoon superficial area at discretional vertiginous angle can be measured .
根据蚕茧的边缘图像,利用最小矩形法确定椭圆长轴和短轴的值,可以测量任意 旋转角度的蚕茧表面积。
Helping the new generation of Chinese architects climb a vertiginous learning curve has been satisfying .
帮助新一代中国 建筑师学会在过失中 成长令人 很有满足感。
Chan a 34-year-old high-school dropout has one of Hong Kong 's most vertiginous and challenging blue-collar jobs .
陈,34岁,高中辍学生,是香港最 令人 眩晕,最具挑战性的蓝领工人之一。
In fact the Supreme Court was putting its seal on what has been a vertiginous shift in US society .
事实上,最高法院是在对美国社会的一个 令人 目眩的转变 盖棺定论。
There was no cliff-edge vertiginous quality no claustrophobia no killing acoustic no confusing of atmosphere with noise .
这里没有悬崖峭壁般 头晕目眩,没有幽闭,没有使人疲惫的声响,没有噪音的混乱。
In order to find out the vertiginous character of indoor formaldehyde concentration in a chilly area a long investigation of indoor formaldehyde concentration variation was made in a fixed room .
为确定寒冷地区室内空气甲醛浓度的不 稳定性特征,在某一固定房间长期跟踪检测室内空气中甲醛浓度变化。
Just looking down from the top of a bus makes me feel vertiginous .
光是从公共汽车顶上往下看,我都感到 头晕。
Both involve hazardous terrain to negotiate above vertiginous falls to waves pounding on the rocks below .
两 处都是危险地带,需要历险,( 尤指因在高 或 陡 处而) 令人 眩晕的峭壁下,海浪拍打着下面的岩石。
Called Sirena it made use of the kitchen of a defunct canteen-adding a dining room in the style of a wooden galleon plus a vertiginous glass floor with an aquarium below .
这个餐厅原是个废弃不用的食堂,诺维科夫在此基础上将其改装成了一个外观酷似木制大帆船的餐厅,还在 令人 晕眩的玻璃地板下面加了一个小小的“水族馆”。
Third you 'll have the vertiginous sensation of your mind boggling .
第三,你将有一种感到无法想象而造成的 眩晕感。
The two skyscrapers were connected by a vertiginous walkway .
那两座摩天大楼用一条 令人 发晕 的 空中走道连接。
Thousands of refugees are walking over the vertiginous mountains in search of food .
数千名难民走在 如 悬 云端 的 山巅寻找食物。
The introduction of the philosophy methodology and technology of CIMS will guarantee the power plants to adapt to the vertiginous power market .
将CIMS的理念、方法、技术与 体制改革 之后的发电企业相 结合, 无疑会为发电企业 迅速适应市场的 变化 提供 强有力的保证。
From its vertiginous viewing galleries visitors look down on the great commercial city spread below them and across to the seemingly boundless dunes of the Empty Quarter .
从 令人 眩晕的观景台上,游客可以看到这个商业城市的 全貌,甚至可以看到鲁卜哈利 沙漠无边无际的沙丘。
Research on Vertiginous Rate and Stagnant Rate of Turbine 's Variable System
汽轮机调速系统速度 变动率和迟缓率的探讨
On the demand side China 's ravenous appetite for steel iron ore coal petroleum grains oilseeds and so on pushed prices to vertiginous heights until its abrupt economic slowdown this year helped bring them crashing down again .
在需求方面,中国对钢铁、铁矿石、煤、石油、谷类、油籽等商品庞大的渴求,将 大宗商品价格推 升至 令人 眩晕的高度,直到今年其经济突然放缓,才使这些价格再次急速回落。
My small mind contained in earthly human limits not lost in vertiginous space and elements unknown ( Diana Cooper )
我的狭隘思想局限在人类世俗之中,不会在 令人 眩晕的空间和未知成份中迷失方向(戴安娜·库珀)
The forces of a rocket can divided into static forces and dynamic forces . The former are caused by constant external loads while the latter result from the vibration of the rocket 's body induced by vertiginous loads .
火箭的载荷可分为静载荷和动载荷,静载荷是由定常外力引起的箭体内力,动载荷是由 随机 或 剧烈 变化 的 外力 激起的箭体振动 响应载荷。
Observation about vertiginous patients ' nail fold and conjunctival microcirculation
The bedroom windows are floor to ceiling and Manhattan looms below like a vertiginous black-and-white movie .
卧室的窗户是落地窗,曼哈顿隐约浮现在脚下,就像是一部 变幻莫测的黑白电影。
Among those vertiginous research efforts was Project Excelsior which sought to answer questions such as : Could someone escape from a high-flying aircraft or space capsule using a parachute ?
在这些 令人 眼花缭乱的研究工作,为项目怡东,试图回答这样的问题:请问有人从飞机在高空飞行或太空舱使用的降落伞逃生?
In high season there are 420 highly professional people on the payroll which accounts for the vertiginous rates but also for the fact that you will probably want for nothing .
在旺季,酒店内共有420名高度专业的员工,这 就是 客房价格高 得 令人 眩晕的原因,但同时可能也是使你别无他求的原因。
Korea 's industrial master planners failed to spot the risks of an over-valued currency a weak financial system and vertiginous corporate debt that brought its economy crashing down .
韩国的工业发展 规划者未能发现被高估的货币、虚弱的金融系统和不 稳定的企业债所面临的风险,而正是这些因素将其经济带入了低迷。