
[医] 疣,瘊

  • In the treatment of warts calluses and verrucae the effect of salicylic acid is to remove the affected skin over a period of time .

    在对肉瘤,皮肤硬结组织及 赘肉治疗过程中,水杨酸可以在一段时间内逐渐去除上述皮肤问题。

  • Intralesional 5-fluorouracil lidocaine and epinephrine mixture for the treatment of verrucae : A prospective placebo-controlled single-blind randomized study

    5-氟尿嘧啶+利多卡因+肾上腺素混合皮损内注射治疗 :安慰剂对照、随机单盲、前瞻性研究

  • Such verrucae are too small to cause serious cardiac problems .

    这种 生物小不至于引起严重的心脏疾病。

  • For the removal of warts verrucae and corns mix two drops of lemon essential oil to ten drops of cider vinegar and apply a dab of the mixture onto the affected spot only .

    用于去除瘤, ,鸡眼时,将2滴柠檬精油加入10滴苹果醋中,只在受感染的点上擦药。

  • Objective To stimulate the body ′ s immunity function and eliminate the Verrucae focus organization .

    目的激发机体免疫机能,去除 局部 体组织。

  • The study of clinical for verrucae warts by carbon dioxide laser

    二氧化碳激光 治疗 的临床应用研究

  • Objective To observe the effectiveness and safety of selfwart embedded operation in the treatment of verrucae .

    目的观察自身疣体包埋术治疗 皮肤 的临床效果及安全性。

  • Immunorejection therapy of verrucae vulgaris with impaired CMI reactivity

    细胞免疫反应不良型寻常 的免疫排斥治疗

  • 411 Cases of Angioma Verrucae and Nevi Treated with Nd : YAG Laser

    Nd~(3+)∶YAG激光治疗血管瘤, 各种 生物 411例 疗效 观察

  • The electrophoretic analysis results of HPV indicate that there are different polypeptides patterns and molecular weights between verrucae vulgaris and plantaris .

    HPV的电泳分析结果表明 来自寻常 、跖疣的HPV具有不同的结构蛋白图型, 主要 次要 衣壳蛋白多肽的分子量 具有 明显的差异。

  • but differs by having leaves oblong or oblanceolate_oblong chartaceous acute or acuminate at apex hardly foveolate on both surfaces glabrous lateral veins 7-8 fruit stalks 5-7 mm long densely covered with greyish white linear verrucae .

    相似,但叶长圆形至倒披针状长圆形,坚纸质,先端锐尖或渐尖,两面几无蜂窝穴,侧脉每侧7-8条,果梗长5-7mm,密被灰白色条形的 小瘤而不同。

  • Analysis on 124 Clinical Cases of the Treatment for Verrucae by Local Injection of Pingyangmycin

    平阳霉素局部注射治疗 124例临床分析

  • Tea tree essential oil can also be used has a treatment for cold sores acne verrucae and warts .

    茶树精油也可有效治疗唇疱疹,痤疮, 肉赘 疣。

  • For verrucae and warts place a drop of neat Tea Tree Essential Oil in the centre and cover with a plaster once a day this procedure can take a couple of weeks before you will see the results .

    用于 消除 肉赘 ,每日一次在 患处中央滴一滴纯茶树精油,再用创可贴盖上即可,可能得花数周才能见到 明显效果。

  • 301 Cases of Pigmented Nevi Verrucae and Angioma Treated With CO_2 Laser

    CO2激光治疗各种痣 鸡眼、血管瘤 301例的 疗效 观察

  • The patients were given two courses of treatment . Results 40 cases of frequently-occurring Verrucae plantaris were treated . 31 cases were recovered ( 77 5 % ) and 7 cases demonstrated remarkable better results ( 17 5 % ) .

    结果40例多发性 跖疣,痊愈31例(775%)显效7例(175%),总有效率为 95%

  • The clinical effect on verruca plana was best among 4 types of verrucae .

    在4种类型 皮肤 中扁平疣的疗效最好。