vertical definition

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˌdɛfəˈnɪʃən][ˈvə:tikəl ˌdefiˈniʃən]


  • While some turn to the relative determinacy with the help of geometry and focus on the planes ignoring the key vertical elements that play definite role of space definition and enclosure .

    或者是转而求助于几何学的相对确定性,专注于平面的图案形式,忽视了在空间中真正起到明确的围合与 限定作用的 垂直要素。

  • A new concept of spatially connected region of vertical motions is presented for a better definition of bubble-like convective motions through the convective boundary layer ( CBL ) .

    本文提出连续 垂直运动区的概念,对边界层中的对流泡状运动进行了重新 定义

  • Time series of vertical displacements obtained from continuous GPS observation at fiducial stations in Crustal Movement Observation Network of China from September 1999 to March 2004 are introduced with discussions on the selection of datum definition and analysis of the general characteristics of vertical displacements at fiducial stations .

    利用1998年9月至2004年3月上旬中国地壳运动观测网络基准站GPS连续观测结果所获得的 垂直位移时间序列,讨论了 基准的选择,分析了基准站垂直位移的特点。

  • By comparing and distinguishing the related conceptions the paper considers that the term vertical specialized trade is defined consistently with the definition of processing trade in China so we can utilize the theory related to vertical specialization to analyze issues of processing trade in China .

    通过对相关概念的比较界定,论文认为,国外对 垂直专业化贸易的定义与我国加工贸易的 内涵 基本一致,可以借鉴有关理论来分析我国加工贸易的相关问题。

  • RESEARCH ON EFFECTIVE RESISTIVITY DEFINED BY THE FIELDS INDUCED BY VERTICAL MAGNETIC DIPOLE The definition of effective resistivity used in electromagnetic sounding induced by hori-zontal electric dipole on layered earth and its algorithms was discussed .

    垂直磁偶源频率测深中场分量等效电阻率的研究讨论了水平电偶极子源的各场分量等效电阻率的 定义及其迭代算法。

  • A group of 6 stable stations in the east part of China with the same variation pattern and small annual vertical displacement velocities are used in datum definition for vertical displacement time series .

    取中国东部一组 垂直位移变化形态基本一致、年速率较小的6个基准站作为垂直位移时间序列的 基准

  • At first based on analyzing anti-monopoly law and scholars ' definition of the vertical monopoly agreements I give a definition to it .

    本章首先在分析我国反垄断法和学者对 纵向垄断协议界定的基础上得出了 纵向垄断协议的 定义

  • The main content of the thesis is as follows : 1 、 Summarize essence rules of piston pin boss configuration and pin bore surface design including horizontal and vertical profile rules of pin bore analyze and specify the definition method of pin bore fitting clearance .

    总结了活塞销孔结构以及销孔表面设计的基本规律,包括销孔的横向形线规律和 纵向形线规律两个方面,并分析说明了销孔配合间隙的 确定方法。

  • Machining of free form surfaces with CAD / CAM systems on three axis vertical NC mill requires the definition of CAM parameters . In this paper a method will be proposed for choosing the CAM parameters by the links between CAM parameters and geometrical specifications .

    用CAD/CAM系统在3轴 立式数控铣床上加工自由曲面,需要 确定CAM参数-本文根据CAM参数与零件几何要求之间的联系,确定了一种选则CAM参数的方法-

  • According to the vestigial side band ( VSB ) modulating principle 8-level VSB modulating principle hardware 's realization data vertical structure and transfer feature are emphatically introduced in the high definition television ( HDTV ) .

    以VSB调制为线索,着重介绍了数字电视(HDTV)系统中 8-VSB的调制原理、频谱特性和硬件实现方法,并说明了其数据 结构及传输特点。