


  • Twelve patients of complex vesicovaginal fistulas were treated in our hospital from Jan.

    复杂性 膀胱 阴道瘘治疗 困难,患者 心理负担 ,护理难度大。

  • The main type of fistula was vesicovaginal fistula ( 87.5 % ) .

    尿瘘类型 阴道最多,占87.5%。

  • Methods This series included 67 cases of complex vesicovaginal fistulas . Their mean age was 24 years ( range 19-38 years ) . The disease course ranged from 6 months to 11 years ( mean 3.5 years ) .

    方法复杂性 膀胱 阴道瘘67例,年龄19~38岁,平均24岁,病程6个月~11年,平均3.5年。

  • Repair complicated vesicovaginal fistulas with bulbocavernosus muscle flap grafts ( with 6 cases of reports )

    带蒂球海绵体肌脂肪瓣填补移植术修补复杂 膀胱 阴道瘘(附6例报告)

  • Objective To discuss the feasibility and indications of cystoscopic injection of anhydrous alcohol in the management of vesicovaginal fistula .

    目的探讨膀胱镜下无水酒精注射法治疗 膀胱 阴道瘘的可行性及适应证。

  • Effect of laparoscopic repair of vesicovaginal fistula

    腹腔镜下 膀胱 阴道瘘修补术 临床初探

  • The follow-up was 3 months in the 63 cases with successful results . No vesicovaginal fistula occurred . However 8 cases had mild incontinence and B-ultrasound and IVU showed mild hydronephrosis in 3 cases .

    63例随访3个月, 尿瘘复发,轻度尿失禁8例,B超及IVU复查肾盂轻度积水3例。

  • Treatment of vesicovaginal fistula : a report of 18 cases

    18例 女性 膀胱 尿道 阴道瘘报告

  • Among 50 cases of group A there were 13 . 2 % with radiation rectitis 5 . 3 % radiation cystitis and no case rectovaginal and vesicovaginal fistulae .

    A组13.2%有放射性直肠炎,5.3%有放射性膀胱炎,无直肠及 膀胱 阴道瘘;

  • Perioperative Nursing of Patients with Complex Vesicovaginal Fistulas

    复杂性 膀胱 阴道瘘患者围术期的护理

  • Purpose : To evaluate the present opinion on the diagnosis timing of repair and surgical approach of vesicovaginal fistula resulting from gynecologic and obstetric surgery .

    目的:探讨妇产科手术后 并发 膀胱 阴道瘘的诊断、手术时机及手术途径。