Setting very low speeds in a wind tunnel is always a vexatious problem .
在风洞中调出低风速来始终是一个 麻烦问题。
It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope 's sermon was ill-timed impertinent and vexatious .
他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和 惹 人 气恼的。
Out of consideration on punishment to frivolous and vexatious actions thers are sanctions on the representatives and class lawers in every country and South Korea has criminal sanctions . However these sanctions have been little applied .
基于对 滥诉的惩罚,各国均有对代表人或集团律师的制裁,韩国还有刑事制裁,但均极少适用。
I now have to record a small but at the time vexatious military episode .
现在我不得不记述一段军事上的插曲,事情虽小,但在当时 却 令人 恼恨。
Vexatious this is I make your privilege .
Studies on the University Vexatious Suits and System Perfect under the Market Economic Condition
论市场经济条件下高校 缠讼和制度完善
This settlement will resolve one of the most vexatious problems in the field of industrial relations .
这一处理将解决产业关系领域最为 伤 脑筋 的 一些问题。
The company 's vexatious refusal to pay an apparently valid claim
公司 蛮横无理 地拒绝了明显正当的要求
If you love me to please not know me before do not get angry at me vexatious because my heart is very fragile ;
如果你爱我就请在没有了解我之前,不要 无理取闹的冲我发脾气,因为我的内心就很脆弱;
Were the same fair prospect to arise at present as had flattered them a year ago every thing she was persuaded would be hastening to the same vexatious conclusion .
不过这番话 倒是比什么都有效用,使她能够勉为其难地 跟 客人 攀谈 起来。
In such a mechanical repetitive closed and rigid educational system there is no speaking of individual differences . Different ideas and innovated opinions of students are considered wrong or vexatious and are even ignored denied and reprimanded .
在这样一种机械、重复、封闭、僵化的教育系统内,没有个体的差异性可言,学生的不同见解和奇思妙想被认为是错误或 无理取闹,甚至遭到漠视、否定、斥责。
How vexatious to miss one 's train !
没 赶上火车 真气 人!
He chewed over a vexatious problem of personnel .
他思考着 伤 脑筋的人事问题。
Mr Heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm : I don 't think they moved one second faster than usual though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping .
希刺克厉夫和他的仆人迈着烦躁的懒洋洋的脚步,爬上了地窖的梯阶:我认为他们走得并不比平常快一秒钟,虽然炉边已经给撕咬和狂吠闹得 大乱。
Moving house is a vexatious business .
搬家是件 麻烦的事情。
In fact you are aware that this is your somewhat vexatious .
事实上你也清楚,这次是你有点 无理取闹。