
abbr.intransitive verb 不及物动词


  • Corporate image of our VI design graphic design brand design and packaging is also unique .

    我们对 VI企业形象设计、平面设计、品牌包装等设计亦是独树一帜。

  • VI Design Group has that expertise to guarantee worry free development and deployment .


  • I ( for important ) or VI ( for very important ) .

    代表重要的I或写上代表非常重要的“ VI”。

  • You can edit files in vi but who wants to ?

    您也可以在 vi中编辑文件,但谁想这样做呢?

  • This paper designs a gas leak testing system based on virtual instrument ( VI ) .

    以虚拟 仪器为基础设计了一种气体泄漏测试系统。

  • What documents will I get to prove my ownership of the offshore company ?

    我会得到什么文件证明我的 VI设计公司的所有权?

  • The paper mainly summarizes the electrochemical preparation of ferrate ( VI ) due to its simple process and non-pollution .

    本文主要综述了高 铁酸盐的电化学制备方法。

  • Maintain the VI project report application system and files .

    维护项目 工作中的报告系统和相关文件。

  • Vi uses two important replace commands .


  • The remedies and penalties are provided for in Part VI of the Act .

    贸易法 6部分规定了法律上的补救方法和惩罚措施。

  • When George VI died elizabeth II succeeded to the throne .

    乔治 六世死后,伊丽莎白二世继位。

  • The structure of an offshore company-what is it how it 's built and what makes it work ?

    该公司的 VI设计结构-它是什么,它如何建立和什么使它的工作?

  • Have you seen the Talk Show on Channel VI last night ?

    你看了昨天晚上 频道的脱口秀了吗?

  • This is a regular Linux terminal so commands like vi will work here for code development .

    这是一个常规的Linux终端,所以像 vi这样的命令可以用在这里以进行代码开发。

  • This paper looks back the developing process of VI technology and expounds the recent development of VI technology .

    本文回顾了 虚拟 仪器技术的发展过程,并阐述了当前虚拟仪器技术的最新发展。

  • Xuzhou hotel development and the relationship between Shenzhen and hotel VI development .

    徐州酒店的发展与深圳的关系和酒店 VI的发展。

  • Finally the future of VI is discussed .

    最后探讨了 应用前景。

  • This opens the vi editor unless you have specified another editor in the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable .

    这会打开 vi编辑器,除非在EDITOR或VISUAL环境变量中指定了另一种编辑器。

  • Uncomment the two lines ( bold in this example ) and exit vi.

    取消这两行的注释(在本例中的粗体部分)并退出 vi

  • In section VI the paper will make experimental analysis and verify the effectiveness of the algorithm .


  • Anti-dumping and countervailing duties under Article VI of GATT 1994 ;

    GATT1994第 6条下的反倾销税和反补贴税;

  • This is very important for the resolvent of tractility problem of VI design in China .

    这对于中国 VI设计延展性问题的解决和分析有着很重要的借鉴意义。

  • The vi text editor uses two main modes : command mode and insert mode .


  • However I focus on the vi inline editor .

    然而,我将重点介绍 vi行内编辑器。

  • The vi editor has a number of options that determine the look and feel of an editing session .


  • Do I have to visit the bank for opening the bank account for my new offshore company ?

    我一定要参观 VI设计公司为我的新的银行开立的银行账户?

  • Chapter VI maize prices and the cost of Empirical Analysis .


  • Virtual Instrument ( VI ) is the new phase of apparatus development .

    虚拟仪器是 仪器仪表发展的一个新阶段。

  • The successfully launching of Shenzhou VI improved our international status and national strength .

    神州 号的成功发射提高了我们的国际地位,加强了民族力量。

  • You can create and modify the Bash shell scripts using text editors already provided by Linux such as vi.

    可以使用由Linux提供的文本编辑器如 vi创建和修改Bashshell脚本。