


  • Instead researchers track it using numerical simulations which show that all CDM halos in virial equilibrium have similar density profiles .

    幸而研究人员依赖数值模拟,发现处于均 平衡的所有CDM晕都有类似的密度特性。

  • A modified form of the well-known Weber correlation for third virial coefficients was developed based on the corresponding-states principle .

    该文改进了Weber对比态 三维 系数经验预估式,使其与第 二维 系数相关联。

  • In this paper according to virial equation of state for real gas the high temperature psychrometric chart of humid air is analyzed .

    本文根据实际气体的压缩因子和 维利 状态方程,对湿空气的高温焓湿图进行了分析。

  • A method for generalizing virial theorem and Applications

    一个推广 Virial定理的 数学方法和应用

  • Virial Mass AND Kinematics OF THE Virgo Cluster

    Virgo星系团的 Virial质量和运动学分析

  • Under normal compression the osmotic pressure is examined in detail by decomposing it into various virial terms .

    在压缩条件下,分析了渗透压的各项 维利 贡献

  • We have investigated the methods of calculating the virial coefficients in the equation of state of gases and proposed four rules for determining the number of terms in the equation of state .

    我们对计算气体物态方程 中维 系数的方法作了全面的探讨,提出了如何判定物态方程中项数的四个原则。

  • A typical ultrarelativistic system ( the Lund model ) is solved exactly and a new virial theorem is proved these are to show the influence of the form of kinetic energy to the energy spectra .

    从给出一个典型的极端相对论系统(Lund模型)的精确解及证明一个新的 定理这两方面来演示了动能形式对能谱的影响。

  • Based on the Clausius-Clapeyron equation the Virial equation and the newest phase equilibrium equations of helium-3 two important properties on the phase equilibrium curves that is the vaporization heat and the melting heat have been calculated .

    基于Clausius-Clapeyron方程、 方程和最新开发的氦-3相平衡曲线方程计算了氦-3在平衡曲线上的两个重要性质:汽化热(0K~3.3157K)和熔解热(0.001K~35K)。

  • Discussion on one of the problem of the Virial theorem

    关于 定理中一个问题的讨论

  • We prove the relativistic virial theorem which gives simple criteria for the absence of embedded eigenvalues in certain regions of the continuous spectrum .

    我们证明相对论 定理,这定理对于连续谱空间里本征值的缺乏给出了简单的标准。

  • The method scan be applied to calculating repulsive potential function between other close shell atoms and Virial state equation under high temperature .

    本方法也可以用来计算高温下其他闭合壳层原子间的排斥势函数及高温下的 状态方程。

  • The results can offer a theoretical basis for the mutual transformation of the virial and cubic equations under some specific conditions .

    这些结果为 和立方型方程在特定条件下的相互转换提供了理论依据。

  • A new virial equation of state and its application in gun propellant gas calculations

    新的 状态方程及其在火药燃气中的应用

  • The PVT properties of moist air are calculated by chosen potential function model and modified virial pressure function results agree well with experiment data .

    采用选择的势函数模型以及矫正后的 压力公式,对湿空气的PVT参数进行了模拟计算,并与相关实验数据进行了比较。

  • Experimentally however it is found to be much greater : in particular stars far from the center of galaxies have much higher velocities than predicted by the virial theorem .

    然而用实验方法发现比这更大:尤其远离星系中心的恒星具有比通过 法则预计的速度要高得多。

  • The state equation has been established for the moist combustion gas as a two terms Virial equation .

    将湿燃气当做 实际气体考虑,用两项 维里方程的 对比态形式建立了湿燃气的 状态方程;

  • The third virial coefficients of humid air are estimated with the equation of corresponding state with four characteristic parameters .

    蒸汽和湿空气的 三维 系数也进行了预估计算。

  • A new method for determining second virial coefficients of ketone aldehyde aether and nitrogenous compounds was developed based on the corresponding-states principle .

    本文提出了一套新的用来确定酮、醛、醚和含氮化合物第 二维 系数的新方法。

  • The virial coefficient is a basic thermophysical property that represents the nonideal behavior of real gases .


  • Repulsive potential function between helium-argon atoms and virial state equation for helium-argon gases under high temperature

    高温下氦氩原子间的排斥势函数与氦氩气体的 状态方程

  • Many of these appear to be fairly uniform so by the virial theorem the total kinetic energy should be half the total gravitational binding energy of the galaxies .

    多数这些好象是很统一,因此靠 法则总动能应该是星系总引力聚合能的一半。

  • Virial stress and engineering stress are calculated by two nano-scale stress calculation methods .

    纳米尺度的应力计算方法包括 应力和工程应力的计算方法。

  • Determination of intermolecular potential parameters from the second acoustical virial coefficient

    用第二音速 系数确定分子间势能模型参数研究

  • By applying Feynman path integral method the second virial coefficient of an ideal and of an interaction anyon gas in a magnetic field are calculated directly in the paper .

    用费曼路径积分方法直接计算外磁场中理想任意子气体和相互作用任意子气体的第 二维 系数。

  • Static light scattering can measure the osmotic second virial coefficient of protein solution .

    利用静态光散射可以测定蛋白质溶液渗透的第 二维 系数;

  • The results of static light scattering have suggest the molecular weight of the protein / drug complexes z-average root-mean-square radius of gyration and the second virial coefficients . Dynamic light scattering provides information on diffusion coefficient and particle distributions of protein / drug complexes under different conditions .

    静态激光散射结果给出了蛋白质和药物分子所形成复合物的分子量、均方旋转半径和第 二维 系数;动态激光散射给出了不同pH条件下体系的扩散系数和粒径分布信息。

  • The compressibility factor of the vapor was calculated by the Virial equation and the second virial coefficient was determined by the Vetere model .

    通过 Virial方程和Vetere模型分别计算了气相的压缩因子和第二维里系数,从而估算了BC的蒸发焓。

  • Not enough is known about these forces to yield accurate theoretical expressions for the virial coefficients .

    要想得到 系数的准确理论表达式;我们还缺乏关于这些力的足够知识。