virtual value

[ˈvɚtʃuəl ˈvælju][ˈvə:tjuəl ˈvælju]


  • The vibration is characterized by the virtual value of acceleration and the noise is indicated by the sound-pressure-level .

    振动用加速度 有效 描述,噪声以声压级表示。

  • The analog part adopts the control based on current virtual value and improves the response speed .

    模拟部分采用电压电流 瞬时 控制,提高响应速度。

  • Based on the conformity of the virtual value chain ( VC ) and the real value chain in the network economy the article discusses some problems on the accounting after the value chain 's conformity .

    本文以网络经济下的 虚拟 价值链和实体价值链的整合分析为基点,探讨了价值链整合后会计的一些相关问题。

  • In addition the significance and model of the application of virtual value chain are discussed .

    最后,分析了 虚拟 价值链理论对建筑业的意义以及现阶段的应用模式。

  • Both the advantage and the disadvantage of the common method of measuring the virtual value voltage of the filament of the colour television and the basis for accurate replacement of the filament winding are discussed in this article .

    论述了彩电灯丝电压 有效 一般测量方法的利弊和灯丝绕组准确置换的依据;

  • The error analyzing and actual test result show the error of this method is less than ± 0.9 % and measuring and calculating the current 's virtual value can be completed in half a cycle .

    理论分析和实际检测表明,该方法的检测误差小于±0.9%,并且能够在二分之一周期内完成电阻点焊电流 有效 的检测和计算。

  • The purpose of studying virtual value chain is to understand the value-added process of enterprise in the information age .

    虚拟 价值链探讨的是信息时代企业价值增值的过程。

  • Based on the traditional value chain and the virtual value chain this paper builds up a model of the value network 's structure .

    在传统价值链与 虚拟 价值链的基础上建立了一种价值网结构模型。

  • Study of Virtual Value Chain in B2B E-Commerce

    B2B电子商务中的 虚拟 价值链研究

  • In the paper one of methods measuring true virtual value is discussed .

    本文讨论了一种振动信号 有效 的测量方法。

  • Finally paper constructs and analyse virtual value chain of medical trade telecommunication trade andmanufacturing and provides the case analysis that Intel company utilizes the virtual value chain to make the transition .

    最后,论文对医药行业、电信行业及制造行业的 虚拟 价值链模型构建和应用进行了分析研究,并给出了英特尔公司利用虚拟价值链转型的个案分析。

  • Research on Virtual Value Chain Model Based on Information

    基于信息的 虚拟 价值链模型研究

  • Value chain theory includes traditional value chain theory virtual value chain theory value chain nets theory and etc. Cost control theory consists of traditional cost control theory modern cost control theory activity-based cost control theory and value chain cost control theory .

    价值链理论包括传统价值链理论、 虚拟 价值链理论、价值网络理论等,成本控制理论又包含传统成本控制理论、现代成本控制理论、作业成本控制理论以及价值链成本控制理论。

  • Therefore research on the transferring process from real value chain to virtual value chain in E-commerce is becoming more and more important .

    因此,研究电子商务中实体价值链向 虚拟 价值链的迁移过程变得尤为重要。

  • From the customer virtual value focused into the customer real value focused ones .

    从重视顾客的 虚拟 价值转变为重视顾客的现实与实际价值。

  • By discussing the relation of the virtual value chain viewed as information and the traditional value chain the article points our the applicable field of the virtual value chain model and put forward a series of fundamental principles and methods of applying the model in competition .

    通过论述 虚拟 价值链和传统价值链的关系,本文指出了虚拟价值链模型的适用范围,并提出了企业应用这一模型进行竞争的基本原则和方法。

  • A Novel Low Cost Method for Current Measurement and Waveform Virtual Value Transformation

    一种新的低成本电流检测和波形 有效 转换方法

  • The emergence of E-commerce changes the value-adding process of the traditional real value chain . With E-commerce enterprises can realize value recreation through its special virtual value chain .

    电子商务的出现,改变了企业传统的实体价值链的增值过程,企业可以通过电子商务特有的 虚拟 价值链来实现价值的再创造。

  • In addition through the analogue simulation of the transferring process from real value chain to virtual value chain using IPR-PN model the basis for the establishment of the enterprise value network model has been offered .

    并利用IPR-PN模型仿真模拟了企业实体价值链向 虚拟 价值链迁移路径,为企业构建自己的价值网络模型提供了依据。

  • The Theory and Application of the Virtual Value Chain Viewed as Information

    虚拟 价值链的理论与应用

  • Thirdly the steps to build virtual value chain have been established : informationization interiorly integration exteriorly integration building virtual market space .

    第三,分析了 虚拟 价值链对建筑业的重大意义以及建设 虚拟 价值链的步骤:信息化、内部集成、外部集成、虚拟市场空间。

  • Why Virtual Value of Sine Alternating Current Equating 1 / 2 ~ ( 1 / 2 ) Times of Its Maximum Value

    为什么正弦交流电的 有效 是最大值的1/2~(1/2)倍

  • Competitive Power of Enterprises under Virtual Value Chain : An Analysis based on the Angle of Customer

    虚拟 价值链下的企业竞争力:顾客视角的分析

  • The thesis hopes to gives enterprises which have lofty ideals for competition in market space theoretical and practice direction through theoretical research to the virtual value chain and the application case analysis to the virtual value chain .

    论文希望通过对虚拟价值链理论研究,及对 虚拟 价值链的应用案例分析,给有志于在市场空间中竞争的企业以一理论指导和实践借鉴。

  • The optimization of virtual value chain and harmony with physical value chain is the key problem for value chain optimization based on inter-organization .

    虚拟 价值链的优化问题以及实体价值链同虚拟价值链的契合问题是基于中间组织的价值链优化要解决的关键问题。

  • The paper puts emphasis on discussing the necessity feasibility and managing rule of virtual value chain jointly developed by press media and enterprises .

    本文着重探讨了新闻媒体和企业联合开发 虚拟 价值链的必要性、可行性及其管理原则。

  • Secondly realize the double closed loops control of the instantaneous value and the virtual value .

    然后实现了输出电压瞬时值和 有效 双闭环反馈控制;

  • The AC voltage meter and the AC current meter used in power system are usually rectifying instruments which adopt principle of responding to the average value of voltage and current and get the virtual value by using of the proportion between the average value and it .

    电力系统中使用的交流电压表和电流表通常采用整流式仪表,其工作原理是对电网电压和电流的平均值响应,利用平均值和有效 的比例关系从而得出信号的 有效

  • Sinomania Commercial Revolution Industrial Revolution virtual value .

    中国潮;商业革命;工业革命; 虚拟 价值

  • Virtual Value Chain : the New Development of the Research on Value Chain

    虚拟 价值链:价值链研究的新发展