violent conduct

[ˈvaɪələnt kənˈdʌkt][ˈvaiələnt kənˈdʌkt]

[法] 暴行

  • With Leeds needing a win to secure promotion the player was sent off early for violent conduct and refused to leave the pitch .

    那时侯利兹需要一场胜利来确保升级,但是马克思却早早地因为 暴力 事件而被罚出场,但他甚至还拒绝离开球场。

  • Two players were sent off for violent conduct .

    两名球员因为 暴力 行为被罚出场。

  • The Football Association has charged Rio Ferdinand with violent conduct following an off-the-ball incident in United's4-0 win over Hull City on Saturday .

    足总指控费迪南德在曼联4-0战胜赫尔城的比赛中有无球 暴力 行为

  • Two red cards for violent or abusive conduct will automatically eliminate a player from remainder of tournament .

    若因 暴力和谩骂 行为招致两张红牌,球员就会自动被罚下赛场。

  • The results show that Bayesian hill-climbing attack is superior to brute force attack mainly because violent attacks require a lot of real face images to conduct but Bayesian hill-climbing attack can reach high attack performance without using any real face samples .

    结果表明,贝叶斯爬山攻击要优于暴力攻击,这主要是因为 暴力攻击需要大量的真实人脸图像才能 进行,而贝叶斯爬山攻击在不使用任何真实人脸样本的情况下依然可以达到很高的攻击性能。

  • And then there are the tackles from behind I 've seen go unpunished and the violent conduct that has escaped sanction not to mention the serious errors made in applying the rules .

    我也看到有背后压人未被判罚,以及 暴力 侵犯逃过红牌的,更别提应用规则方面的错误了。