vertical diameter

[ˈvɚtɪkəl daɪˈæmɪtɚ][ˈvə:tikəl daiˈæmitə]


  • As a result of these three have similar routes of transmission including blood or blood products sexual contact and maternal and child pedestrians and the vertical diameter of the spread of infection so HIV co-infection with HCV 、 HBV is very common .

    由于这三者有相似的传播途径,均可 经血或血制品、性接触及母婴途径 垂直传播而感染,因此HIV感染人群中HCV、HBV的合并感染非常常见。

  • The results showed that the fruit vertical and transect diameter were continuously steadily increased during the whole growth and development ;

    结果表明:果实 、横 在整个生长发育过程中一直呈平稳增长;

  • About 3 to 4 weeks after flowering the fruit transverse diameter growth was always greater than the vertical diameter from enlargement stage to harvest the transverse diameter was significantly greater than the vertical diameter . 2 .

    花后3~4周开始,果实横径生长始终大于 生长,自7~8月果实膨大期至采收前,果实横径明显大于纵径。

  • The results of correlation analysis among characters showed that : the fruits ' horizontal diameter and its vertical diameter should be paid attention to when the high-yield variety of Siraitia grosvenorii was breeded .

    各性状之间的相关性分析表明:有籽及无籽罗汉果在选育高产品种时应高度关注果实 与横径。

  • Vertical diameter horizontal diameter side diameter fresh fruit weight and fruit volume are all increased sharply during the first fast growth period of fruit .

    在第一次快速生长期横径、 、侧径、果重、体积均增长幅度较大。

  • Among them the growth of Korean pine varies with the gap size on the number of side buds the vertical growth model of diameter and side branch and spatial distribution of foliage branch and stem .

    其中红松的生长随林隙空间大小在顶梢侧芽的数量,连年高、径的生长, 和侧枝的 垂直生长模式以及叶、枝、干的空间分配等方面对林隙透光的反应有所不同。

  • Analysis of High-strength Bolt Group Splicing with Vertical Flange in Big Diameter Tower-silo

    直径塔筒 纵向法兰连接中高强螺栓群受力情况研究

  • The coefficient of variations of vertical diameter horizonta size and vertical / horizonta size of fruit ( stone ) for these three species were all less than 20 % being a relatively steady botany character ; 3 .

    欧李、麦李、郁李3个种果实(果核) 和横径及果(核)形指数在种内的变异系数均小于15%,是相对稳定的植物学性状。

  • The formula by shadow 's length and shadow 's position of two vertical directions to calculate core diameter was found .

    本文又推导了利用无透镜测 系统 相互 垂直两方向的影长和影位置信息来计算线芯 直径的公式;

  • Treated by drip infusion of litchi fruit yield and quality have been improved . Drip infusion of fruit average weight yield per plant fruit vertical and horizontal diameter is the highest higher than the siphon drip irrigation conventional soil application and the control treatment .

    输液滴灌处理的果实平均单果重、单株产量、果实 纵横 最高,高于虹吸滴灌、常规土施和对照处理。

  • The number of fruits were positively correlated with the yield of each branch and the vertical diameter of a fruit but negatively correlated with the vertical diameter of fruit stone .

    果实个数与枝产量、果 呈正相关,与核纵径呈负相关;

  • The result indicates : 1 . During the development of the fruit the increase of transverse diameter is quicker than that of vertical diameter .

    粉红女士果实发育过程中,横径积累增长量较 增长量大。

  • Measure the vertical clavicle diameter anteroposterior diameter and width of muscle attachment at the midpoint of sternocleidomastoid attachment . 3 .

    术中锁骨瓣制备的同时,以胸锁乳突肌锁骨头附着处中点为测量点,测量锁骨的 垂直 、前后径及肌肉附着宽度(锁骨头及胸骨头)。

  • The cases that the vertical diameter and transverse diameter of carotid artery was larger than 10 mm were respectively 18 cases and 19 cases .

    管径大于 10mm分别有18例和19例。

  • Forecast of the maximum scour depth around vertical cylinders of large diameter combined wave and current action

    波流作用下大 直径 圆柱体基底周围最大冲刷深度预测

  • The vertical diameter of the fruits grew first the cross section increased with the growth of the vertical diameter .

    其果实的生长首先是 的增长,横径随纵径的增长而相应增加。

  • The long axis and middle point vertical diameter of the wheal and the inflammatory areola were measured 15 min after histamine prick and 1 hour 2 hours after having taken the medicine .

    测量组胺点刺试验后15min,服药后1h、2h风团和红晕最长径、中点 垂直 直径,并计算其面积。

  • When the level feed is constant the local head loss will increase with the increment of vertical pipe diameter .

    在水平进水管保持恒定的情况下,在一定的范围内,随着 竖直管径的增大,局部水头损失增大。

  • Vertical Patterns of Diameter and Volume of Moso Bamboo Stem

    毛竹竹秆 直径与材积的 垂直格局

  • M vertical lathe machine large diameter cycle ring & flange

    加工大 直径环体、法兰的4m 车改造

  • Methods The vertical diameter of optic disk of POAG patient was measured with + 60D lens under slit lamp microscope . DDLS was recorded according to the criteria formulated by the scale .

    方法POAG患者经静态视野检查,在裂隙灯显微镜下经+60D非球面凸透镜测量其视盘 垂直 ,按DDLS分期。

  • The horizontal diameter and vertical diameter of nest entrance diameter of tree at cavity height inner breadth of the cavity and the nest height above ground are important variables in nest-site selection and are predictive of species occupancy .

    洞口横径、洞口 、洞处树直径、洞内径、巢距地高是巢位选择重要变量,它们决定不同种类对树洞的利用。

  • According to the test results in situ analyze the law of press and deformation which changes with the development of vertical load of large diameter steel piles under water .

    根据现场试验结果,分析了 竖向荷载作用下水下大 直径钢管桩的受力、变形等随荷载发展变化的规律。

  • The yield and number of each branch the vertical diameter and the transverse diameter of fruit showed significant positive correlation with the size of the bearing shoots .

    枝产量、果实个数、果 、果横径均与结果母枝直径呈正相关;且以上相关均达极显著水平。

  • Vertical diameter measured by transabdominal ultrasound is less than transrectal ultrasound ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

    经腹超声测量 前列腺上下 小于经直肠前列腺超声测量(P0.05)。

  • This paper presents a new digital optical method for measuring oval vertical section diameter of horizontal tank ( including railway transport tank ) .

    本文提出一种用于卧式罐(含铁路罐车)椭圆 截面 直径的数显光学测量法。

  • Different types and concentrations of plant growth and adjust agent deal with the difference m jujube fruit weight fruit vertical and horizontal diameter effect .

    不同种类和浓度植物生长调剂剂处理对米枣单果重、果实 纵横 的效应有差异。

  • The vitamin C content showed a significant cubic polynomial correlation with growing period average fruit weight fruit vertical and across diameter during the fruit development ;

    每100g果实维生素C含量与生长期,平均单果重, 、横 均呈极显著的三次多项式相关性;

  • The result was : Cavity entrance vertical diameter Basic areas of 5-radius circle of tree species and slope of nests species was importanted nest-site selection .
