


  • We didn 't have time to sync the voice-over out .

    我们没有时间同步 画外 了。

  • It had the graphics of a highly produced Hollywood-like video with the voice-over of the cheesiest television commercial presenter you could imagine .

    视频的图像制作水平之高,可比好莱坞电影,而 配音是你所能想象到的那种最低级的电视推销员的声音。

  • With a poetic voice-over and images collected in throughout years Journey Around My Room questions in a poetic way the difficulty of each one to find his own right place within the world .

    使用经年 累积的影像和充满诗意的 画外 ,《围绕我房间的旅行》以一种诗意的方式来 探询了每个人在这个世界上找到自己的正确位置的困难。

  • This may be one of the reasons why the voice-over in Desperate Housewives is so impressed .

    这也许是绝望主妇中的 旁白如此令观众印象深刻的原因之一。

  • She struggles to get up but the voice-over urges her to stay in bed and Take A Benylin Day .

    她挣扎着想要起床,但 画外 劝她不要起来,喝点Benylin,然后休息一天吧。

  • Morgan Freeman 's soothing voice-over encourages viewers to cheer for perfection .

    morganfreeman那给人以安慰的 画外 鼓励观众为这种完美欢呼。

  • James Earl does a lot of voice-over work .

    詹姆斯做过很多 讲评 配音

  • It 's missing the voice-over on the last piece .

    最后一段没有 画外

  • The Galaxy Tab S the voice-over claims displays the professional RGB standard and each pixel is a living pixel capable of producing a variety of color combinations .

    这时 旁白 说道三星GalaxyTabS 平板 电脑可以展示专业的RGB标准,每个像素都是一个活的像素,能够创造一系列色彩组合。

  • Linna through icy land her husband watched from the blinds she was looking after the film 's voice-over came .

    宝琳娜走过冰冷的大地,她的丈夫从窗帘被后看着她的背影,影片的 画外 传来。

  • GARY TUCHMAN CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT ( voice-over ): This man has just watched gunmen ambush his brother and murder him .


  • But I 've always been an on-camera actress so to suddenly be doing voice-over stuff is fabulous .

    但是我之前扮演的都是会出现在镜头中的角色,所以突然让我扮演这个 旁白 工作 我感觉很不错。

  • Tom Hanks Tim Allen Joan Cusack Don Rickles John Ratzenberger Wallace Shawn Jodi Benson John Morris and Laurie Metcalf reprised their voice-over roles from the previous films .

    汤姆·汉克斯,蒂姆·艾伦,琼·库萨克,唐·里克斯,约翰·拉岑贝格,华莱士·肖恩, 裘蒂·班森,约翰·莫里斯等从之前的电影开始就为该片担任 配音 工作

  • Forrest Gump : ( Voice-over ) She had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday . I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it .

    阿甘:( 画外 )她得了癌症,在星期二去世了。我给她买了顶缀满小花的新帽子。

  • Voice-over 's going to kill you .

    画外 会毁了你。

  • Additionally there are many websites that sell pre-done commercial spots that can easily be customized with the advertiser 's voice-over script logo address and phone number .

    此外,许多网站都在销售预先制做好的商业广告,其中可以很轻松的加入广告者的 旁白,商标,地址和电话号码。

  • Most corporations use Voice-Over Internet protocol meaning their phone lines go through the same pipe as their Internet connection .

    大多数公司都使用 VoIP网络电话,也就是说他们的电话线路和网络联接走的是一条线。

  • Native voice-over IP and integrated clan support .

    当地 语言 语音支援, 先进 管理 系统

  • A voice-over on the DVD describes the sex as'exciting ' .

    DVD上的 旁白描述性行为是一种“刺激”的行为。

  • 89 % of advertisements had a male voice-over .

    89%的广告 旁白都是男声。

  • He has been doing voice-over for years .

    他做了 几年的 电影 旁白 工作

  • The narrative the voice-over that accompanies much of the film is all in the third person .

    电影中常 有的叙述 部份,即 画外 ,全使用第三人称。

  • O'Neil makes an excellent case for creating an Oscar for Best Voice-over Performance in an Animated Film .

    Neil在这种极好的情况下为奥斯卡动画电影方面创建了一个最佳 配音奖。

  • BECK ( voice-over ): Growing deep within the roots of socialism is a brutal and dismissive view of human life .

    戈( 幕后音):在社会主义的理念根基深层是一个对人的生命的暴虐与漠视的心态。

  • I think it was actually my voice-over agents who tracked me down because they know I 'm really interested in doing cartoons and other voiceover work .

    我想这也许是我的 配音代理人帮我搞定的,因为他知道我真得很喜欢类似为卡通或者其他什么的配音。

  • Real estate agents could create a video of a virtual walk-through of available properties with features described by a recorded voice-over .

    房地产经纪人可以创建一段视频,将视频做成房产可用属性和用录制 配音说明的一些功能的虚拟漫步。