


  • Trying to Inquire into the Relationship between Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and Vizier

    试探讨古代埃及法老与 维西 的关系

  • And now O excellent Vizier the excess of my paternal anxiety inclines me to sleep .

    啊,杰出的 首相,作为父亲,过分的焦虑使我 想睡觉了。

  • She went into a long room but when she saw the Sultan his Vizier and all his slaves she was very afraid .

    她走进一间长长的屋子,可当她看到苏丹、他的 大臣和众多的仆从时,害怕极了。

  • Shirkuh was appointed the new vizier and gave Saladin a high administrative position .

    谢尔库赫被任命为新的 维齐尔 给予萨拉丁一个高级行政职务。

  • What are Yanina and its Vizier to you edmond ?

    亚尼纳和它的 总督与你有什么关系呢,爱德蒙?

  • Imad ad-Din wrote that after the brief mourning period of Shirkuh during which opinions differed the Zengid emirs decided upon Saladin and forced the caliph to invest him as vizier .

    伊玛丁记载说,在谢尔库赫的短暂哀悼期内,埃及宫廷经历了“意见不一”,赞吉埃米尔们此后选择了萨拉丁并迫使哈里发“任命他为 维齐尔”。

  • wrote Cuneyt Arcayurek in Cumhuriyet calling Erdogan the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Republic .

    阿卡育雷克在《共和国报》上写道, 称艾尔段为「鄂图曼共和国的宰相」。

  • The next summer Murad III rewarded Osman by making him grand vizier .

    在明年夏天穆拉德三奖励奥斯曼厄尔使他大 总督

  • Do not err he said to the Grand Vizier . Though she is your daughter her head must be cut off in the morning .

    “不要搞错啊,”他对 宰相说道,“虽然她是你的女儿,到早晨时,她的脑袋也必须砍掉。”

  • The Vizier took Aladdin 's mother to the Sultan and she put her head on the ground at his feet .


  • And do you also O prudent Vizier forget it .

    谨慎的 大臣 ,你也得把它忘掉。

  • It belongs to the tomb of Queen Hatshepsut 's vizier ( chief minister ) User and his wife .

    这扇石门是 哈赛普舒特女王的首席大臣 乌瑟尔及其妻子的坟墓

  • We now realise that it was1 years older-and very high status perhaps made for a vizier or even for royalty .

    我们现在意识到它已经有1000岁了,并且有很高的地位。它很可能是为 大臣建造的,甚至是为皇室建造的。

  • He produced documents proving that the Vizier of Yanina had up to the last moment honored him with his entire confidence since he had interested him with a negotiation of life and death with the emperor .

    拿出文件证明 亚尼纳总督到最后一刻是对他全部信任的,因为他曾要派他去和土耳其皇帝作一次生死攸关的谈判。

  • So the Grand Vizier went to the Sultan and told him that his own daughter begged for the honor of being the Sultan 's wife for one night .

    于是, 宰相去见苏丹,告诉他说:自己的女儿请求得到做苏丹的一夜妻子的荣耀。

  • Do you know my daughter what that means ? he asked Though you are the daughter of the Grand Vizier that will not save your life .

    “我的女儿,你知道这意味着什么吗?”他问道,“虽然你是 宰相之女,这也救不了你的命 。”

  • By nowadays a large number of ancient Egyptian books and articles always mention the title of the Vizier the second highest executive and administrative position in the ancient Egypt central government .

    目前许多古代埃及书籍和专题研究中都经常提及 维西 这个封号, 在古代埃及中央负责行政的 职能,其地位仅次于法老。

  • Thus I draw the conclusion : The lofty position and power of the vizier have not been lost in the New Kingdom period .

    从而得出这样的结论: 维西 的崇高地位和权力在新王国时期并没有丧失。

  • A vizier heard the story and he went straight into the bazaar and bought the diamond immediately .

    一个 大臣听到这件事后马上到市集买了这颗钻石。

  • She was now one of a group of Oriental beauties who in the second act of the comic opera were paraded by the Vizier before the new potentate as the treasures of his harem .

    她这时在扮演一群东方美女中的一个。在这出喜歌剧的第二幕中, 宫廷 大臣 这群美女列队从新登基的国王面前走过,炫耀他的这群后宫宝贝。

  • The Vizier of the New Kingdom in Ancient Egypt

    古代埃及新王国时期的 维西